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Health Service Delivery Cluster Response to Typhoon Yolanda Center for Health Development- Western Visayas.

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1 Health Service Delivery Cluster Response to Typhoon Yolanda Center for Health Development- Western Visayas

2 Highlights: GuimarasAntiqueCapizAklanIloiloNegrosTotal Deaths 75913 122- (identified) 1203 16 (unidentified) Injuries 101432,18434614362,733 Missing 15111 17

3 Health Services Routine health facility operations- Trauma management/Prophylaxis-leptospirosis/tetanus Medical Missions Common morbidities 1. trauma/injuries 2. respiratory infection/illness 3. gastroenteritis No reported outbreaks (post typhoon) Surveillance system



6 STRENGTHENING IMMUNIZATION IN AREAS OF WESTERN VISAYAS AFFECTED BY SUPER TYPHON YOLANDA I.IMMUNIZATION RESPONSE ACTIVITIES 1.Strengthening the implementation routine Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) a.Conduct of routine immunization as fixed sites in all rural health units (RHUs)/ main health centers at least once weekly offering all vaccines under EPI b.Outreach immunization shall be continuously conducted especially in geographically difficult areas

7 STRENGTHENING IMMUNIZATION IN AREAS OF WESTERN VISAYAS AFFECTED BY SUPER TYPHON YOLANDA 1.Supplemental Immunization Activities a.Immunization with monovalent measles vaccine among 6-8 months old infants in all areas affected by the typhoon -This is extra dose of measles vaccination and may be called as AMV0(Anti- Measles Vaccine 0); this will be recorded in the Target Client List (TCL) at the remarks column -A repeat dose of monovalent measles vaccine will be given at 9 months of age and may be called as AMV1 a. Catch up immunization for all under 5 year old children through selective vaccination -House to house masterlisting of all under 5 year old children and identification of unimmunized children -Vaccinate identified unimmunized children during masterlisting with appropriate vaccine according to EPI schedule (Selective vaccination) -BCG shall not be given to above 1 year old children; Doses of OPV/PentaHib shall be given at least 1 month apart ; Pentahib may be given to children below 5 years old to complete the 3 primary series for Hep B and/or DPT

8 STRENGTHENING IMMUNIZATION IN AREAS OF WESTERN VISAYAS AFFECTED BY SUPER TYPHON YOLANDA Immunization in the Evacuation Centers -Non selective vaccination of Measles Containing Vaccine (MCV) and oral polio vaccine (OPV) shall be conducted in evacuation centers.  Immediate conduct of vaccination for areas with on going measles virus transmission/clustering/outbreak  In areas with no active measles virus transmission, non selective vaccination shall be conducted if the children stayed for 5 days or more in the evacuation center. -Target for vaccination : MCV – 6 months to 5 years old OPV – 0 months to 5 years old -Vitamin A supplementation shall be given to 6 months to 5 years old children

9 STRENGTHENING IMMUNIZATION IN AREAS OF WESTERN VISAYAS AFFECTED BY SUPER TYPHON YOLANDA Community immunization in areas with measles case/s a.Non selective vaccination to all close contacts with measles containing vaccine within the household/purok/sitio b. Maximum age group will depend on the surveillance report and logistics availability.

10 STRENGTHENING IMMUNIZATION IN AREAS OF WESTERN VISAYAS AFFECTED BY SUPER TYPHON YOLANDA II.Ensuring Potency and viability of vaccines through proper cold chain management 1.Proper cold chain management shall be observed at all times despite power interruption 2.Vaccines shall be stored in the nearest facility (e.g. hospital) with generator set or alternative power supply 3.Safety injection practices shall be observed at all times

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