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DVIP Working with Children’s Services to protect women and children.

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Presentation on theme: "DVIP Working with Children’s Services to protect women and children."— Presentation transcript:

1 DVIP Working with Children’s Services to protect women and children

2 DVIP Services  Violence prevention programme  Women’s Support Service  Risk assessment services  Children’s Work- Contact related/ Therapeutic  Al Aman

3 Response of Children’s services to DV- Issues  45-70% of children in need of CP Plan  Need a coordinated multi agency approach  Specialist support services for mother and children  Intervention with the perpetrator  Risk assessment, monitoring and management

4 Risk assessment for Children’s Services Risk assessment for Children’s Services Review of Risk and Safety Planning Referral from Children’s Services Risk assessment and Suitability Assessment Perpetrator services Children’s services Victim support services

5 How process increases safety  Changing perpetrators behaviour – violence reduction  Risk management – identify, assess and monitor risk and feedback into CP planning  Support to partner – enabling safe choices.

6 Risk Management- Child protection  In 89% of cases Social Workers found assessment ‘very useful’  In 89% of cases Social Workers found assessment ‘very useful in assisting care planning process’  In 94% of cases Social Workers found reports ‘very useful in terms of understanding use / severity / frequency of domestic violence’  In 94% of cases Social Workers found that the existence of DVIP has helped the agency in responding to domestic violence  In 72% of cases Social Workers recorded that the existence of DVIP has positively influenced the agencies perception of domestic violence  In 88% of cases Social Workers assessed her level of safety as much safer or safer following engaging with DVIP  In 78% of cases Social Workers assessed the children’s level of safety as much safer or safer following engaging with DVIP

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