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Global Fight to Eradicate Polio Views from the ground INSEAD Alumni lunch October 2012.

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1 Global Fight to Eradicate Polio Views from the ground INSEAD Alumni lunch October 2012



4 4 Dr Albert Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) Developed 1961-1962


6 Polio cases, U.S.A., 1950-2010

7 25 years after polio vaccine invented >350,000 children still paralyzed by polio every year.

8 PolioPlus is born! Philadelphia, 1988 200 countries & areas 1.3 million volunteers

9 9 Unlike malaria, HIV/AIDs, tuberculousis & most other diseases, it is biologically possible to eradicate polio.

10 10 Smallpox (variola major): Global certification of eradication, 1980 20% - 40% case fatality 100% permanent facial scarring 2.7 million deaths, 1967

11 11 A Brief History of Eradication Polio Eradication

12 Eradication is a high-risk venture

13 World Health Assembly Polio Resolution: 1988 Humanitarian benefits. US$1.5 billion annual savings. Strengthen health systems. Access all children & build peace.





18 Kosi River Sub Region, Bihar

19 What happens during a mass vaccination campaign? Example India… In 6 days: –640,000 vaccination posts –2.3 million volunteers –200 million doses of OPV –6.3 million icepacks in 2 million vaccine carrier bags –191 million homes visited –172 million children vaccinated


21 21 India >21 months without a case of polio! Rukhsar Khatoon The last case of polio in India Jan 2011

22 Pakistan & Afghanistan Nigeria Global polio cases October 2011

23 Recent Polio Outbreaks Lethal adult polio outbreaks 2010-11

24 Emergency Plans surge of >6500 technical / social mobilization staff to district levels multiple strategies to reach missed children real-time oversight of OPV campaign preps/performance new national/local accountability structures Nigeria Pakistan Afghanistan

25 Polio cases Pakistan last 6 months




29 Financial Requirements, Contributions & Gap


31 Global polio cases October 2011

32 154 cases 4 countries Global polio cases October 2012


34 Insert title using Master34

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