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How To Edit Copy A Top 10 List. If time, read everything once for familiarization, a second time for editing.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Edit Copy A Top 10 List. If time, read everything once for familiarization, a second time for editing."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Edit Copy A Top 10 List

2 If time, read everything once for familiarization, a second time for editing

3 1.Doublecheck names and numbers: First the proper names. Verify spelling from several sources. Then check ALL instances to make sure spelling is consistent.

4 Next, Add it up. Call the phone number. Check the URL Phone number incorrect: A story in some Sunday editions about the Lyon Elementary School HOSTS program gave the wrong phone number for the Covington school. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer for the mentoring program, which helps children with their reading skills, can call Cindy Lester at 892-0869.

5 2. Mumble: Reading so you can hear yourself in your mind’s ear. Good way to catch names wrong on second reference.

6 3. Read slowly. Look at every letter in every word, every word in every sentence. Decide if there are unnecessary words and if word is best choice.

7 4. Verify or duck: Check all facts. Duck if you feel the need: change to “one of the largest”

8 5. Compress: no words used unless contribute to story

9 6. Cultivate a dirty mind and watch for double meanings: “Disney keeps touching kids”

10 7. Be alert for repetition but don’t get carried away. There is a need to reinforce main points with statistics, anecdotes, etc.

11 8. Avoid procrastination: Check questionable item right then – you might forget.

12 9. Edit, don’t rewrite. Preserve the writer’s style if possible. You can clean up grammar, polish transitions, make sentences smoother. If need a rewrite, send back if possible.

13 10. Always think about readers

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