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A risk based approach to regulation and enforcement Liesbeth Oosterom Dutch Inspection Council June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "A risk based approach to regulation and enforcement Liesbeth Oosterom Dutch Inspection Council June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 A risk based approach to regulation and enforcement Liesbeth Oosterom Dutch Inspection Council June 2011

2 The Netherlands Constitutional Monarchy Since 1848 System of parliamentary democracy 16.5 million inhabitants Governmental structure 11 ministries + many agencies 12 provinces 26 regional water authorities around 420 municipalities House of Thorbecke


4 Political debate 2006 Too many inspections visits, no co- ordination between inspectorates Parliamentary motion to merge the national inspectorates into 1 Government proposed Inspection Simplification Programme instead Inspection Council Goal: 25% reduction in inspection burden (2010)

5 Aimed at inspectorates / ministery of the interior Transparent Independent Professional (behaviour) Selective (compliant, non-compliant) Adequate In cooperation with other inspectorates “The public needs to be protected against hazards” Dutch Conclusion: inspections are necessary and must cause less burden 2001 2005 Guiding principles “good supervision”

6 12 national inspectorates (12 – 2500 fte’s) 10 meetings a year, heads of agencies a supporting office or cabinet (apr. 12 people) main task: “to get the engines going” working groups consisting of people (senior inspectors, strategic officers ) of the inspectorates no equivalent in Europe ….. yet Inspection Council and its organisation

7 Main motives of the programme Reversal of perspective Risk-based inspections Professionalism Single point of contact and Coordinated visits Data requested once only Participation of local and regional authorities Interaction with policy makers

8 Domains and sectors Food & consumer products and leisure hotel and catering agriculture meat chain leisure food trade Industry chemicals waste construction, metal nuclear pipelines Transport Schiphol airport road transport inland water transport sea ports Public domains joint child services organisation health care prison service child care

9 Professionalism expertise attitude effect measuring Professionalism expertise attitude effect measuring Co-operation betw. national inspectorates local and regional authorities ICT policy facility management Co-operation betw. national inspectorates local and regional authorities ICT policy facility management Selectiveness risk analysis on field of interest system based inspection Selectiveness risk analysis on field of interest system based inspection Common themes

10 An inspector-general is ultimately responsible, senior policy officer as manager of the project Survey’s in all domains –administrative burdens –the way businesses perceive inspections Situation sketch for each domain for 2010

11 Dash board hotel/catering

12 Professionalism Several inter-organisational training and awareness programmes (education) –Inspectors (different levels) –Policy-officers –Officers participating in reformprogrammes ‘Experience Days’ for thousands of inspectors

13 Communication newsletter (monthly) website; awards (best inspector, best project) other events; f.e. procedures on handling complaints

14 ICT-tools joined services sharing inspection results exchanging inspection results between boundaries important, but very time-consuming

15 Work in progress (some solutions or findings) number of visits by national inspectorates - combined visits - better planning - overdracht van taken way of acting of inspectors In half of the domains, 70% of inspections are carried out by local and regional authorities Licencing procedures cause considerable burdens Front-offices; not the holy grail

16 Ready ! Ready ? some sectors: mission accomplished some sectors: way to go, go on some sectors: some additional work to do provinces preparing to become coordinating bodies for inspections in chemical sector municipal tier/layer not a natural partner for national inspectorates and the other way round

17 Which level ?

18 The years to come Political urge to continue with reform inspection at first focus on sectors domains, now also on new toolkits & new partners Service sector (restaurants & bars) Chemical industry Veterinary chain (slaughter houses) Transportation sector Symbolic for other sectors Quality management systems, horizontal approach

19 How to proceed…… ICT-tool; 1. Inspectionview; exchanging of inspection data between inspectorates 2. Ondernemersdossier (Entrepreneur-file) Riskbased inspections (Inspection Council) Risk-based with other regional inspectorates Levels of risk-analyses Professionalism (attitude) i n s p e c t i o n v a c a t i o n

20 How to proceed…… Spice up the new programme 2011-2014 Governance: supporting office or officers of inspectorates: mix-model Relation towards departments; government as a single entity Provinces and municipalities

21 Level of compliance of the company Risks associated with companies i.r.t. their processess Focal areas of departments (“Brussels”) Perspective of the (compliant) entrepreneur Cooperation between inspectorates Factors influencing supervision/inspections

22 level of compliance risk-level An individual company

23 Dutch sketch of the situation on inspections and enforcement. Interpretation towards Israelian context ? Thank you !

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