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Pre-DMAIC Tools SWOT PDCA 5 S Model
Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities and Threats
SWOT Analysis Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities and Threats
Time Management Urgent Important Important Not Urgent
Urgent Not Important Not Important – Not Urgent
Plan Do Check Act Reminder DMAIC is the flagship
When Would it Make Sense to Use PDCA?
Plan Do Check Act - PLAN Plan to improve your operations first by finding out what things are going wrong Identify the problems faced Come up with ideas for solving these problems
Plan Do Check Act – DO Do changes designed to solve the problems on a small or experimental scale first. This minimizes disruption to routine activity while testing whether the changes will work or not.
Plan Do Check Act - CHECK
Check whether the small scale or experimental changes are achieving the desired result or not.
Plan Do Check Act - ACT Act to implement changes on a larger scale if the experiment is successful. Abandon if not.
5s Model 5S Mini-Presentation
Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
5s Prevents This! Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
5s Wheel Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc. Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
5s Model Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain
Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc. Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
Japanese Words 1.) Sort (Seiri) 2.) Straighten (Seiton)
3.) Shine (Seiso) 4.) Standardize (Seiketsu) 5.) Sustain (Shitsuke) Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc. Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
5Cs Clear Out: Separate the essential from the non essential
Configure: A place for everything and everything in its place. Clean and Check: Manually clean to spot abnormal conditions. Conformity: Ensures that the standard is maintained and improved. Custom and Practice: Everyone follows the rules, understands the benefits and contributes to the improvement. Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc. Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
Student Exercise Workbook Page 12 – In Your Own Words
Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc. Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
Control Plan vs. Transition Plan
Control Phase Control Plan vs. Transition Plan
Design a Transition Plan - Control
What Components Should Be in a Good Transition Plan? Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
Transition Plan Template
Where information can be found How to use the tools Historical Account Resources Best practices Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
FMEA Forms Control Phase
FMEA Thinking FMEA Forms Control Phase
FMEA Form Can Be Used in Define Can Be Used in Measure
As part of the historical data Can Be Used in Measure To determine what areas should be measured Can Be Used in Analyze To study variation Can Be Built in Control To sustain the process Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
FMEA Example Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc. Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
Additional FMEA Information
Severity Occurrence Detection Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc. Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
Severity Effect Criteria: Severity of Effect Defined Ranking Hazardous: Without Warning May endanger operator. Failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and / or involves noncompliance with government regulation. Failure will occur WITHOUT warning. 10 Hazardous: With Warning May endanger operator. Failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and / or involves noncompliance with government regulation. Failure will occur WITH warning. 9 Very High Major disruption to production line. 100% of product may have to be scrapped. Vehicle / item inoperable, loss of primary function. Customer very dissatisfied. 8 High Minor disruption to production line. Product may have to be sorted and a portion (less than 100%) scrapped. Vehicle operable, but at a reduced level of performance. Customer dissatisfied. 7 Moderate Minor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) may have to be scrapped (no sorting). Vehicle / item operable, but some comfort / convenience item(s) inoperable. Customers experience discomfort. 6 Low Minor disruption to production line. 100% of product may have to be reworked. Vehicle / item operable, but some comfort / convenience item(s) operable at reduced level of performance. Customer experiences some dissatisfaction. 5 Very Low Minor disruption to production line. The product may have to be sorted and a portion (less than 100%) reworked. Fit / finish / squeak / rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by most customers. 4 Minor Minor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) of the product may have to be reworked on-line but out-of-station. Fit / finish / squeak / rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by average customers. 3 Very Minor Minor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) of the product may have to be reworked on-line but in-station. Fit / finish / squeak / rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by discriminating customers. 2 None No effect. 1 Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
Possible Failure Rates
Occurrence Probability of Failure Possible Failure Rates Cpk Ranking Very High: ³ 1 in 2 < 0.33 10 Failure is almost inevitable 1 in 3 ³ 0.33 9 High: Generally associated with processes similar to previous 1 in 8 ³ 0.51 8 processes that have often failed 1 in 20 ³ 0.67 7 Moderate: Generally associated with processes similar to 1 in 80 ³ 0.83 6 previous processes which have 1 in 400 ³ 1.00 5 experienced occasional failures, but not in major proportions 1 in 2,000 ³ 1.17 4 Low: Isolated failures associated with similar processes 1 in 15,000 ³ 1.33 3 Very Low: Only isolated failures associated with almost identical processes 1 in 150,000 ³ 1.5 2 Remote: Failure is unlikely. No failures ever associated with almost identical processes £ 1 in 1,500,000 ³ 1.67 1 Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
Detection Detection Criteria: Likelihood the existence of a defect will be detected by test content before product advances to next or subsequent process Ranking Almost Impossible No known control(s) available to detect failure mode 10 Very Remote Test content must detect 60 % of failures 9 Remote Test content must detect 65 % of failures 8 Very Low Test content must detect 70 % of failures 7 Low Test content must detect 75 % of failures 6 Moderate Test content must detect 80 % of failures 5 Moderately High Test content must detect 85 % of failures 4 High Test content must detect 90 % of failures 3 Very High Test content must detect 95 % of failures 2 Almost Certain Test content must detect 99.5 % of failures 1 Not to be reprinted without the expressed written permission by SSD Global, Inc.
Popular in Lean Six Sigma
Additional Charts Popular in Lean Six Sigma
Reminder Seven PI Tools
Cause and Effect Diagrams Flow Charts Check Sheets Histograms Pareto Charts Scatter Diagrams Control Charts
Popular Charts/Maps Spaghetti Diagram Gantt Chart Pert Charts
Swim Lane Chart Spaghetti Diagram Gantt Chart Pert Charts Value Stream Map (VSM)
Popular Charts/Maps Swim &Spaghetti
Swim Lane
Spaghetti Diagram Flow of Metals (Traditional)
Spaghetti Diagram Forest Products (More Modern)
Gantt Chart and Pert Charts
Popular Charts Gantt Chart and Pert Charts
Jan 2010 Feb 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010
Gantt Chart Jan Feb March April 2010 May 2010 June July 2010
PERT (Australian Jobbing Process) Critical Path – What Has To Happen First? What Can Happen in Tandam
Student Exercise – Choose a Topic
Show a Brief WBS with Bars Representing Timeline (Gantt) Show the Same Example as a PERT
Value Stream Mapping and Analysis
Takes the Components of Swim Lane, PERT, and a Process Map
VSM Symbols Used to Map Only the Value-Added Processes
Remember Only the Processes that Directly Contribute to the Improvement Are Considered Value Add
Waste/Non Value Can Mean
Something to Reduce Something Redundant Something that does not Contribute to the main process In this case it set aside and not shown on the map Doesn’t mean “waste” in the traditional sense of the word
Example Value Stream Map
Example #2: Value Stream Map
Example #3 Value Stream Map
Value Stream Maps Map the Process
Take Out all the Things that Don’t Contribute to the Process Establish as the Current Value Stream Use the Components to Create a Future Picture End up with a Before and After Usually depicted by using VSM Symbols
Statistical Process Control
Chart Analysis
STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CONTROL CHARTS (SPC Charts) "Control Chart” is the most popular and effective statistical tool for process control. It has a center line (CL) and upper & lower control limits (UCL / LCL). UCL Quality Parameter CL LCL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample No.
There are some seven (7) common types of control chart patterns.
STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT There are some seven (7) common types of control chart patterns. 1. Natural (Random) 2. Cycles 3. Trends 4.Grouping or Strays 5. Sudden shifts in the level 6. Mixtures 7. Stratification
NATURAL (RANDOM) : In this case there will be no systematic trends or patterns. Data points scatter randomly above and below the central line.
CYCLES: Short trends in the data that occur in
STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CYCLES: Short trends in the data that occur in repeated patterns so that the pattern becomes predictable or systematic.
TRENDS: Long series of points that lack a change of direction.
STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT TRENDS: Long series of points that lack a change of direction.
GROUPING / STRAYS: Grouping occurs when the data cluster together in a non-random pattern. Strays result from a single measurement that is greatly different from the others.
SUDDEN SHIFT IN LEVEL: A sudden shift in level is shown by a change in one direction. A number of points will appear on one side of the control chart.
MIXTURE: Un-natural length of the lines joining the points to create a "saw tooth" effect.
STRATIFICATION: un-naturally small fluctuations
STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT STRATIFICATION: un-naturally small fluctuations and an absence of points near the control limits
What Am I Measuring? Attribute Data Variable Data
Counting Whole Numbers How Many Variable Data Measuring Numbers with Decimals How Much Can I have More Than One Defect?
Attribute Data Flipping Coin Sport Contests Lotteries
Variable Data Height Weight Time
Common Attribute Control Charts
c Control Chart (Counting) How many times does an event happen? u Control Chart Count by units (units can be varying sizes) np Control Chart Number of defects units per sample p Control Chart Percentage of defects per sample
Common Variable Charts
Looking at the Variation in a Process Two Types: Variation Between Samples X charts Within the Samples R & S charts within the samples
c Control Chart Number of Defects
Number of OSHA Injuries
Np Control Charts plots the number of defects in each subgroup of the same size – how many Red Beads in Each Sample
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