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Grammar Boot Camp Nouns. Noun A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Boot Camp Nouns. Noun A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Boot Camp Nouns

2 Noun A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

3 Concrete Noun A concrete noun is any noun that you can identify with your senses.  Ex. Hat, dog, girl, building, wind, sunshine In other words, a concrete noun is a word that identifies a person, place, or thing by: TouchSmellSight

4 Abstract Noun You cannot use your senses to identify an abstract noun. It is a word used to describe something you cannot feel, see, hear, or touch. Emotions are an example of an abstract noun.  Ex. Happiness, sadness, joy, anger

5 Abstract Noun Words used to identify thoughts or other activities that go on “inside” our heads are abstract nouns.  Ex. dream, nightmare, idea, thought

6 Common Suffixes age ance, ence dom ery, ry head, hood ism ion ity ness th tude ty ure

7 Common and Proper Nouns Common nouns are words that identify general people, places, or things. Proper nouns are names of specific people, places, or things.

8 Common and Proper Nouns Person This is a picture of a boy. The word “boy” is a common noun that describes male children. This is a picture of Mason. “Mason” is a proper noun. Mason describes this boy only.

9 Common and Proper Nouns Place This is a building. This is a university. This is Harvard University. A proper noun may be more than one word. All words need to be capitalized.

10 Common and Proper Nouns Thing This is a dog. This dog is part Great Pyrenees. This is Mandy.

11 Review Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea A concrete noun can be identified by your senses. Abstract nouns are words that identify emotions or ideas. A common noun identifies general persons, places, or things A proper noun identifies a specific person, place or thing. A proper noun may be one or more words. All the words need to be capitalized.

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