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Gifts of an Eagle Daily Oral Language Week 3. Sentence 1 Underline each noun. Identify concrete nouns by writing C above the underlined word. Identify.

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Presentation on theme: "Gifts of an Eagle Daily Oral Language Week 3. Sentence 1 Underline each noun. Identify concrete nouns by writing C above the underlined word. Identify."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gifts of an Eagle Daily Oral Language Week 3

2 Sentence 1 Underline each noun. Identify concrete nouns by writing C above the underlined word. Identify abstract nouns by writing A above the underlined word. lady adopted a gosling and with all the humorous frustration of a would be mother defied nature by finally convincing her offspring to eat raw meat

3 Sentence 2 Underline each noun. Identify concrete nouns by writing C above the underlined word. Identify abstract nouns by writing A above the underlined word. at last lady achieved the freedom that she had so long been denied

4 Sentence 3 Underline each noun. Identify concrete nouns by writing C above the underlined word. Identify abstract nouns by writing A above the underlined word. dad must have been filled with excitement when he spied those two white feathers but the love he had held for lady could not be denied he would miss his friend

5 Sentence 4 Underline each noun. Identify concrete nouns by writing C above the underlined word. Identify abstract nouns by writing A above the underlined word. lady had been with the durdens for sixteen long years now she had found her mate and returned to her natural environment but the legacy of information startling intelligence and love that she left remained

6 Sentence 5 Underline each noun. Identify concrete nouns by writing C above the underlined word. Identify abstract nouns by writing A above the underlined word. could it be that the regal eagle denotes justice as well as strength

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