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Growing Tensions Between North and South.  Author: Henry Clay  Missouri would be admitted as a Slave State.  Maine would be admitted as a Free State.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing Tensions Between North and South.  Author: Henry Clay  Missouri would be admitted as a Slave State.  Maine would be admitted as a Free State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing Tensions Between North and South

2  Author: Henry Clay  Missouri would be admitted as a Slave State.  Maine would be admitted as a Free State.  All territory in the Louisiana Territory above the 36, 30 Latitude Line, slavery would be outlawed.

3 David Wilmot, House of Representatives (Pennsylvania)  Outlaw slavery in any territory won from Mexico.  South: Bill was unconstitutional, congress had no right to stop them from bring their property into the new territories. Constitution protected their property rights.  House: Passed  Senate: Failed

4  Results:  Creation of the Free Soil Party.  Dedicated to to stopping the spread of slavery.  “Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men”.  Made slavery a key issue in politics from that point on.

5 NORTHSOUTH  California: Free State  Slave trade would be abolished in Washington D.C.  Congress would not pass anymore laws about slavery in the territories won from Mexico.  Congress would pass a stronger Fugitive Slave Law.

6  People accused of being escaped slaves could be arrested at any time.  No right to a jury trial.  Required Northerners to help recapture runaway slaves.  Created the Federal Marshalls.  Judge would decide their fate.  $5 for releasing the person.  $10 for turning the person over the slaveholder.

7  Author: Stephen Douglas, Senator (Illinois )  Organize the governments for the Nebraska Territory.  Divided into the Kansas and Nebraska Territories.


9  Kansas Territory would be the first place Popular Soverneigty would be put to the test.  Both Proslavery and Antislavery people rushed into Kansas.  Election would held in March of 1855.  More Proslavery people were in Kansas at the time of the election.

10  Border Ruffians: 5,000 Missourians crossed the boarder and voted.  Kansas Territory became a slave territory. Capital was in Topecca.  Antislavery people called the election fixed and formed their own government. Capital was in Lawrence.

11  May, 1855: Sack of Lawrence  Mob attacks Lawrence  Destroys offices and the Govener’s home  John Brown: Extreme Abolitionist

12  Pottawatomie Massacre:  John Brown and seven others attack Pottawatomie Creek.  Five Proslavery men were killed.  Civil war broke out in Kansas that lasted for three years.  Became known as “Bleeding Kansas”

13  Dred Scott: Slave of a Military Doctor from Missouri.  Owner took him into Wisconsin & Minnisota territories, which are both free territories.  After the death of the doctor, Aboloitionists talked Dred Scott into sueing for his freedom.

14  Dred Scott v. Sanford: Reached the Supreme Court in 1857.  Chief Justice Roger B. Taney delivered the courts ruling.

15  Dred Scott was not a citizen.  (Slaves were Property/U.S. Constitution)  As a result, he could not sue in U.S. Courts.  Scott’s time in the free territories did not matter in his case, because he had to abide by Missouri’s slave codes.

16  Congress could not ban slavery in the territories.  To do so would violate the 5 th Amendment. (Property Rights) Declared the Missouri Compromise Unconstitutional.

17  The Republican Party grew out of the problems caused by the Kansas-Nebraska Act.  No room for comprimise on the expansion of slavery.  The violance in Kansas was the Democrats (Southern slave holders) fault.  Republicans quickly gained support in the Northern states.

18  After the Supreme Court made it’s ruling on the Dred Scott Case, the Republicans charged that the Democrats wanted to legalize slavery everywhere.  Illinois: Senate Seat  Republicans nominate Abraham Lincoln  Democrats renominate Stephen Douglas

19  Stephen Douglas  Author Kansas- Nebraska Act  Popular Sovereignty  Abraham Lincoln  Little known Laywer  Southerns wanted to expand slavery everywhere

20  The two men debated all over Illinois (7 times).  Lincoln:  Slavery was “a moral, a social and a political wrong.”  It should be stopped from spreading, but not to abolish it completely.

21  Douglas:  Popular Sovereignty was most the democratic method to use.  Dred Scott case made Popular Sovereignty unconstitutional.  “The people have the lawful means to introduce or exclude it as they please.”  Douglas won relection.

22  Federal Arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia.  John Brown and 18 men, 13 whites & 5 blacks.  Captue the arsenal and use the arms to rally the local slaves to join him to start a rebellion.  October 16, 1859 attack took place and they were able to capture the arsenal.

23  No slaves came to join him and his gang.  They were surounded by Federal troops led by Robert E. Lee.  When the fight was over, 10 had been killed and Brown and six of his men had been captured.

24  Results:  John Brown was put on trial for Murder and Treason.  Found guilty and sentenced to hanged.  North: On the day he was to be Hanged. Abolitionists rang church bells and fired guns in his honor.  South: The people were horrified by his actions and were in disbelief by the reactions in the North.


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