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Chelsea Borras Third year teaching 3 rd grade Second year teaching at Norte, student taught at Kyrene de Mirada BA in Elementary Education from the iTeach.

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2 Chelsea Borras Third year teaching 3 rd grade Second year teaching at Norte, student taught at Kyrene de Mirada BA in Elementary Education from the iTeach program at ASU. Attended Kyrene los Cerritos from 3 rd -5 th Grade Hobbies include spending time with friends and family, reading, traveling, and going on adventures!

3 ALLY DIBERT Ninth year teaching 3 rd grade Third year teaching at Norte, previously taught in California. BA in Liberal Studies and a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from California State University Chico. I have run 7 half marathons! Hobbies include traveling, walking and snuggling my dog Bella, working out, running, playing tennis, and baking

4 Rick Moffett 39 th year in teaching 26th year teaching at Norte. BA in Education, M Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction I have taught grades 1-6 and college! Hobbies include traveling, collecting and listening to classic jazz lps, soccer, and hanging out with my family.

5 April zydorczyk 8 th year teaching 3 rd year at Norte. Taught kindergarten last 2 years and 2 nd grade 5 years previous. BA in Early Childhood Education from the University of Toledo in Ohio. 3rd year coaching the 3 rd -5 th grade intramural sports. Hobbies include being with friends, working out, hiking, volunteering and dancing to country music.

6 Curriculum College and Career Ready Standards English Language Arts- Harcourt Math- Investigations Writing- Write From The Beginning Science- FOSS Social Studies- Harcourt Health- Harcourt Technology- Integrated into all subjects

7 College and Career Ready Standards Expectation of students at each grade level, putting students, parents, teachers, and school administrators on the same page, working toward shared goals. Progression of learning expectations. The standards are national standards that have been adopted by the state of Arizona and 47 additional states. AzMerit will take place in the spring. MOWR – 3 rd grade promotion

8 Learning Goal Scale 4 I understand the difference between main idea and details, can find them in a non-fiction text and can teach the concept to a classmate. 3 I can distinguish the difference between main idea and details and identify them in a non- fiction text. 2 I can find the main ideas of a non-fiction text with support from the teacher and/or the anchor chart. 1 I do not understand what the main idea of a non-fiction text is and I don’t know the strategies to find it. Learning Goal: I can distinguish the difference between main idea and details and identify them in a non- fiction text.

9 3 rd Grade English Language Arts Reading Literature and Informational Text with a higher level of rigor  Summarize  Inference  Cause and effect  Compare and Contrast (across texts)  Main idea and key details  Figurative vs. Literal language  Sequencing  Parts of a story, drama and poems  Point of View Fluency – Expression, automaticity and comprehension ** 100 wpm by end of the year Phonics and Word Study – Sight words, Vocabulary, Phonics, Syllable types (95%), Spelling patterns and Affixes Grammar- Mastery of parts of speech (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) and parts of a sentence. *integrated resources


11 What is Move on When Reading? Arizona State statute requires screening of the reading ability of all students in kindergarten through third grade. The law, (A.R.S. 15-701) passed in 2010, states that when a third grade student scores far below the third grade level on Az-Merit, they will not be promoted to fourth grade. Requires additional instruction or retention for students who are not meeting minimum requirements by the end of third grade. Exempt students include: ELL or LEP students who have received less than two years of English Instruction. Students with an IEP in Reading or Language and the student’s parent or guardian agrees that promotion is appropriate.

12 What is the identification process and timeline? All students are screened using DIBELS by the end of August. Parents of students identified for intervention are contacted by their child’s teacher prior to Fall Parent-Teacher conferences. A parent-teacher conference is requested by the school to create an intervention plan. Mid-year progress The reading progress of students is closely monitored and check-in points are identified. Interventions are updated as needed. End of Year Notification of 3 rd grade promotion or retention occurs upon receiving results of AzMerit.

13 BIG IDEAS Master using multiple strategies to add and subtract up to the thousands place. Master using multiple strategies to multiply and divide numbers up to 100. Focus on understanding of fractions, fraction equivalence and identifying fractional parts on a number line. ADDITIONAL AREAS OF FOCUS Measurement, Data, Geometry and Time Mastery solving one and two step equations using the four operations. 3 rd Grade Math

14 Math Strategies for Addition and Subtraction

15 3 rd Grade Writing Text Types and Purposes Opinion pieces, Informative/Explanatory, Narratives Sentence Structure and Paragraphing-introduction, sequencing, conclusion Responding to literature Writing Processes With guidance and support, use technology Presentations and discussions (speaking and listening standard) Research Long and short projects Writing Processes Complexity that is expected Build stamina in each of the steps of the writing process.

16 3 rd Grade Science Ecology Erosion and Weathering Light and Sound Plants Rocks

17 3 rd Grade Social Studies Ancient Civilizations (Greece and Rome) Early Explorers of the Americas The Civil War Branches of Government

18 3 rd Grade Health Healthy Promotion and Disease Prevention HIV and AIDS (with parental consent) Prevention of Injuries and Health Problems Understanding Healthy vs. Unhealthy Behavior

19 3 rd Grade Technology Keyboarding-Typing Agent Integrate technology in all subject areas. Obtain information and conduct online research Enter a URL to access a specific site, use toolbar to maneuver (back, forward, home within a site). Student portfolios

20 Data Tracking Track their learning goals Organize their assessments and progress Bring home periodically to communicate with parents

21 Communication: Communication Grade Level Newsletters Assessment Results PBIS Calendar Daily Take home Folder (red or blue) Parent/ Teacher Conferences Hopes and Dreams Conferences

22 School Wide Behavior and Expectations- PBIS Consistent expectations throughout the school, playground, and bus. Clear consequences for positive and inappropriate behaviors. Behavior management calendar in folders (students will keep track). Clip chart Refocus SPARC Rewards (cougar paws, treasure box, team points) Fun Friday


24 Last but not least… Homework – Menu based weekly homework due on Fridays. Important of attendance and arriving on time Change in dismissal email me and, call the office by 2pm, or send your child to school with a note. Bathroom Policy Sign up for the list serve Birthdays Parties Volunteering Check out much more information at

25 Thank you for coming!!!

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