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Presentation on theme: "ASEAN SOCIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY"— Presentation transcript:

Presented by the Professional Regulatory Board For Librarians at the Pre-CONSAL Convening on “ASEAN Integration: Cross Border Mobility of Librarians, Bangkok, 9 June 2015

2 Outline of the Presentation
Background The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint Primary Goals Characteristics and Elements 2015 ASCC Priorities Philippine Advocacies in the ASEAN Impact on ASEAN Librarians

3 Background 1/2 Adoption of the Declaration of ASEAN Concord II (Bali Concord II) in Bali Indonesia on 7 October 2003 to establish the ASEAN Community by 2020 with three pillars. Political and Security Community Economic Community Socio-Cultural Community

4 Background /2 Cebu Declaration on the Acceleration of an ASEAN Community by 2015 on 13 Jan 2007 during the 12th ASEAN Summit in in Cebu, Philippines. Agreement to develop an ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint on 20th Nov during the 13th ASEAN Summit in Singapore.

5 ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint.
Source: ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint. Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, June <Available online at le

6 ASCC’s Primary Goals To contribute to realizing a people-centered and socially responsible ASEAN Community with enduring solidarity and unity by forging a common identity and building a caring and sharing society where the well being, livelihood and welfare of the people are enhanced.

7 Characteristics and Elements of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
ASCC envisages the following: A. Human Development; B. Social Welfare and Protection; C. Social Justice and Rights; D. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability; E. Building the ASEAN Identity; and F. Narrowing the Development Gap.

8 A. Human Development (1/2)
ASEAN will enhance the well-being and livelihood of the peoples of ASEAN by providing them with equitable access to human development opportunities by promoting and investing in education and life-long learning, human resource training and capacity building, encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship, promoting the use of English language, ICT and applied science and technology in socio-economic development activities

9 A. Human Development (2/2)
A.1 Advancing and prioritizing education; A.2 Investing in human resource development A.3 Promotion of decent work; A.4 Promoting Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Science and Technology (S&T); A.5 Strengthening entrepreneur skills for women, youth, elderly and persons with disability; and A.6 Building civil service capability.

10 B. Social Welfare and Protection (1/2)
ASEAN is committed to enhancing the well-being and the livelihood of the peoples of ASEAN through alleviating poverty; ensuring social welfare and protection; building a safe, secure and drug-free environment; enhancing disaster resilience; and addressing health development concerns.

11 B. Social Welfare and Protection (2/2)
B.1 Poverty alleviation B.2 Social safety net and protection from the negative impacts of integration and globalization B.3 Enhancing food security and safety B.4 Access to health care and promotion of healthy lifestyles B.5 Improving capability to control communicable diseases B.6 Ensuring a drug-free ASEAN B.7 Building disaster-resilient nations and safer communities

12 C. Social Justice and Rights (1/2)
ASEAN is committed to promoting social justice and mainstreaming people’s rights into its policies and all spheres of life, including the rights and welfare of disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized groups such as women, children, the elderly, persons with disability and migrant workers

13 C. Social Justice and Rights (2/2)
C.1 Promotion and protection of the rights and welfare of women, children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities C.2 Protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers C.3 Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

14 D. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability (1/3)
ASEAN shall work towards achieving sustainable development as well as promoting clean and green environment by protecting the natural resource base for economic and social development including the sustainable management and conservation of soli, water, mineral, Energy, biodiversity, forest, coastal and marine resources as well as the improvement of water and air quality for the ASEAN Region.

15 D. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability (1/3)
D.1 Addressing global environmental issues D.2Managing and preventing transboundary environmental pollution D.2.1 Transboundary haze pollution D.2.2 Transboundary movement of hazardous wastes D3. Promoting sustainable development through environment education and public participation

16 D. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability (2/3)
D4. Promoting Environmentally Sound Technology (EST) D5. Promoting quality living standards in ASEAN cities/urban areas D6.Harmonizing environmental policies and databases D.7. Promoting the sustainable use of coastal and marine environment

17 D. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability (3/3)
D.8. Promoting Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Biodiversity D9. Promoting the sustainability of forest resources, agriculture and environment D10. Responding to climate change and addressing its impacts D.11. Promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)

18 E. Building the ASEAN Identity
ASEAN will mainstream and promote greater awareness and common values in the spirit of unity and diversity at all levels of society. E.1 Promotion of ASEAN awareness and a sense of community E.2 Preservation and promotion of ASEAN cultural heritage E.3 Promotion of cultural creativity and Industry E.4 Engagement with the Community

19 F. Narrowing the Development Gap
Strategic objectives: Strengthen cooperation to reduce the development gap in particular the social dimensions of development between the ASEAN-6 and the CLMV countries and within ASEAN where some isolated pockets of underdevelopment persists.

20 ASCC 2015 Priorities Source: ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Manila: Philippine ASCC Secretariat, April (PowerPoint Presentation)

21 2015 ASCC Priorities (1/3) General—Adoption of the ASEAN Community 2025 Vision and attendant document Labour—Adoption of the ASEAN instrument on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant workers Civil Service—Adoption of the ASEAN Joint Statement on Post-2015 Priorities Relating to Civil Service

22 2015 ASCC Priorities (2/3) Social Welfare and Development
Adoption of the Regional Framework and Action Plan to Implement the Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection in ASEAN Adoption of the ASEAN Declaration on Ageing: Empowering Older Person in ASEAN Health—Adoption of Declaration or Joint Statement on Universal Health Coverage in ASEAN

23 2015 ASCC Priorities (3/3) Disaster Management
Adoption of the ASEAN Declaration on “One ASEAN, One Response 2029 and Beyond: ASEAN responding to Disaster as One” Adoption of the Declaration on Mainstreaming the resilience of ASEAN and its Communities and Peoples to Disaster and Climate Change Environment—Adoption of the ASEAN Joint Statement on Climate Change 2015 Sports—Adoption of the ASEAN Joint Statement on Sports Cooperation

24 Philippine Advocacies
Migrant worker’s protection Social protection Disaster Management Climate Change Biodiversity Conservation Source: ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Manila: Philippine ASCC Secretariat, April (PowerPoint Presentation)

25 Impact on the ASEAN Librarians
The characteristics and elements of the ASCC will ensure the Continuing development of their knowledge and skills; Welfare and Protection of librarians who will work in other ASEAN countries outside their own; Promotion of the ASEAN Identity to close the cultural/language gap Establishment of an ASEAN standard for the education of librarians and its practice.

26 References ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint. Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, June <Available online at ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Manila: Philippine ASCC Secretariat, April (PowerPoint Presentation)

27 Thank you! Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians, Professional Regulation Commission, Philippines. Address: P. Paredes Street, Sampaloc Manila. Website:


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