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Recommendations to Committee on Technical Architecture Sub-Committee on Web, Social Media and Mobile Governance Jeff Jorgenson March 21st, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Recommendations to Committee on Technical Architecture Sub-Committee on Web, Social Media and Mobile Governance Jeff Jorgenson March 21st, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recommendations to Committee on Technical Architecture Sub-Committee on Web, Social Media and Mobile Governance Jeff Jorgenson March 21st, 2012

2 State of UCSF Web circa 2009

3 Current State

4 Informal Collaboration Coordination of redesign efforts Reuse of some design templates Drupal Users Group Communicators Network 4 Centrally funded Drupal Hosting enabled

5 Today’s World 5 Develop Design/Build Maintenance Department A $ $ $ Hosting $ Develop Design/Build Maintenance Department B $ $ $ Hosting $ Develop Design/Build Maintenance Department C $ $ $ Develop Design/Build Maintenance Department D $ $ $ Hosting $

6 Campus-wide Needs

7 Findings from Deloitte & Touche 2009 Report 7

8 1) Hire consultant to address strategy Shared web analytics Shared Drupal templates Integration of content Timeframe: 3 months Cost: $75K Anticipated result proposal for a shared web services program Estimated Implementation of recommendation: $250K-300K 8

9 2) Expand Central Campus Support for Drupal Hosting Hire FTE to support Drupal hosting at enterprise level (ITS) Expand Drupal versions supported (6 & 7) Speed conversion of existing sites into hosted environment Interface with hosting provider and manage multiple developer relationships Timeframe: Immediate Cost: $120K Improved and expanded hosting solutions 9

10 3) Fund Common Campus Calendar Project Initially recommended in 2003, a common campus calendar has been a long-term need. Recent work on the Featured Academic Events calendar has brought together: –SAA and the Scheduling application –EVC’s office –University Relations Other business owners have agreed to participate in ongoing governance: –Medical Center –School of Medicine –School of Pharmacy 10

11 11 Calendar Estimates Project Evaluation: $65K –Fulltime Project Manger for 3 months –.25 FTE BA –.25 FTE Technical Architect Estimated Development Project Costs $20K Estimated Ongoing Costs $50K/year Timeframe: Immediate Duration: 3 months SECTION HEADING OAAIS

12 12 Phase 1 Plan: FY 2012-13 Q1 Q2 Q3 Web Strategy Consultant Calendar Eval Implementation ….Expand Drupal Hosting Q4

13 Phase 2 (2013-14) Develop Search Tool and Search Engine Optimization Fund Library’s effort for Central Image Repository Fund implementation of UCOP’s expected Accessibility policy mandate Broker enterprise licenses for tools such as: –Radian 6 (social media analytics) –SEO or Google AdWords 13



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