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Occupational Health and Safety Excellence Passport The aim of OHSE passport is to pay attention how OHS is teached and how it is learned in the field of.

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Presentation on theme: "Occupational Health and Safety Excellence Passport The aim of OHSE passport is to pay attention how OHS is teached and how it is learned in the field of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupational Health and Safety Excellence Passport The aim of OHSE passport is to pay attention how OHS is teached and how it is learned in the field of vocational education and training? A constructivist-oriented approach on facilatating OHS competence Intention of promoting vocational OHS skills among vocational students, young employees, vocational teachers and coaches Passport consist of four parts Reflection and self-evaluation of OHS competence (pre- and post evaluation) OHS in one's own vocational field OHS at work OHS in skill competitions and skills demonstrations/competence tests

2 Occupational Health and Safety Excellence Passport The primary objective of developing the constructive- oriented and and portfolio-style OHSE passport is to provide young people with excellent OHS competence and support them into becoming OHS change agents who promote safe and healthy work practices and improve work environments for the enefit of both young and more experienced employees.

3 Alexander Strakh – an OHS change agent Competitor WorldSkills Competition 2001 Soul Skill category: Mould making Entrepreneur 2005 -> Safety consists of safety awareness right attitude OHS knowledge and skills Young people can make a difference!

4 More information: Have a safe summer!

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