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Authoring and Multimedia Legal, Social, Ethical and Industrial Issues.

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1 Authoring and Multimedia Legal, Social, Ethical and Industrial Issues

2 Legal Issues Copyright Piracy Intellectual Property Security and Protection

3 Copyright Copyright is a form of protection granted by governments to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works. All computer applications are copyright, but some software programmers allow others to use their applications freely or within certain limitations. However, for commercial software programs, when you purchase the software, you do not actually own it. What you have purchased is a license to install it and use it on one or more computers depending on the type of license.

4 ACTIVITY Microsoft provides many software applications for use by many people. Investigate the different types of licensing agreements including:  End User Licenses  Trial based Licenses  Single user Licenses  Multi-user licenses Write a brief description for each type of license stating who can use it and when it is used.

5 Piracy Piracy is the copying, and/or distribution of software without the permission of the writer or publisher. Most retail programs are licensed for one computer or for one user at any time. Purchasing the software entitles the buyer to become a licensed user. A licensed user is allowed to make copies of the program for backup purposes but it is against the law to give copies to friends. People who sell software that they have copied without authorisation are considered to be selling stolen goods.

6 Intellectual Property Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs that has commercial value. Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source; and Copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs.

7 Security and Protection Like copyright laws, there are laws that are designed to protection information systems and to protect people who create or spread computer viruses. Computer viruses are programs that are written for the purpose of destroying data or other programs without the agreement of the user. A virus is typically understood to be a software program that can infect other programs by modifying them to include a version of itself. When we buy a computer, we normally by an antivirus program to help protect against such viruses. Antivirus programs can be used to scan the computer for the existence of viruses and to destroy the virus. To work effectively, an antivirus program needs to be updated regularly

8 ACTIVITY We have all heard stories about computer viruses destroying user’s files or corrupting the user’s software including the operating system. Investigate the following types of viruses by filling out the table. There are other means of protection our computers against computer viruses. Investigate the following methods used to protect against viruses:  Firewalls  Proxies  Sniffers Types of Computer Viruses TypeDefinition Worm Trojan Logic or Time Bomb Boot Sector Stealth Macro

9 Social Issues Equity, Access and Control The nature of our society The Changing Nature of work and enterprise

10 Equity, Access and Control Equity and access refer to the belief that all people should have equal rights and all people should enjoy the benefits that information software technology offers. Control refers to the power to make decisions about who does and does not gain access to information and software technology. Many people in society do not have this access and there for do not gain the benefits that technology can provide. Many marginal groups such as indigenous people, elderly, people with disabilities or people from a lower socio-economic background will find it difficult to access the available technology.

11 The nature of our society Our society is quickly evolving and constantly changing. With the advancement of technology we are now able to do more things quicker and cheaper than 20 years ago. We rely more and more on robots, artificial intelligence and automated manufacturing systems to do our work for us. We need to understand these changes in technology and the impact that these changes will have on our society.

12 The Changing Nature of work and enterprise Information and software technology has had a major influence on the way people earn a living. It has altered the nature of work and enterprise to the extent that most hobs in the developed world now involve computers and some workers have been made redundant as a result of the new technology. On the other hand, information and software technology is more likely to have changed someone’s work rather than have eliminated it completely. Other impacts that information and software technology has had on our way we work and communicate with one another, is the introduction of telecommuting, video conferencing and virtual offices.

13 ACTIVITY Identify the basic equipment needed for a virtual office. How have computers changed the nature of work and enterprise? Outline the potential employee benefits and disadvantages of telecommuting. Why do so many people find it difficult gaining access to information and software technology?

14 Ethical Issues Code of practice and conduct Privacy and Security Inappropriate use of information and software technology Accuracy, validity and bias of data

15 Code of practice and conduct Codes of practice and conduct are developed by business and industry groups in order to promote honest and fairness in their dealings with the public. A code of conduct is basically a set of rules which sets out, for customers and staff, the standards of service to be provided and what can be done if these standards are not met. These codes may not be legally enforceable but are used as a means to regulate industry.

16 Privacy and Security If we examine any computer, we would find a lot of personal data. We need to be aware of what we store on a computer and who can access this information. We should ask ourselves the following questions:  What personal details are stored about me on the computer?  Can this information be used against me in any way?  Are there procedures in place to ensure important information is not accidentally or deliberately lost or used?

17 Inappropriate use of information and software technology We have all heard of hackers, someone who gains unauthorised access to a computer system. Hacking can involve the electronic theft of money, information or even deliberate vandalism by changing the data stored or spreading a virus.

18 Accuracy, validity and bias of data Data accuracy refers to the extent of how many errors are found in a data set. Most times, inaccurate data is a mistake, a typo or something forgotten. In some cases it is deliberate, like editing a photo, altering it in some way and therefore is no longer a valid piece of evidence or piece of data. Data bias is manipulating data in order to present a one-sided view. A graph is a common way of manipulating data to present a persons findings in a particular way.

19 ACTIVITY Identify three types of computer crime. Define the term data validation Why do you think such a small percentage of computer fraudsters (criminals) get caught?

20 Industrial Issues Rights and responsibilities of users Industry standards Ergonomics

21 Rights and responsibilities of users It is impossible to ensure that all users of information and software technology will act responsibly. Although computers affect how individuals communicate and interact with each other, computers do not change underlying values with respect to the rights and responsibilities of users.

22 Industry standards Industry standards are put in place to ensure the wellbeing of people while they are at work and cover things like Occupational Health and Safety. Risks to people involved with information technology can be as straightforward as regular use of a keyboard or mouse, which may cause Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS).

23 Ergonomics Ergonomics is an important consideration when designing safe and comfortable working environments. Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between machines and the people who use them, including furniture design and the design of the parts of the computer.

24 ACTIVITY As a computer user we all agree to a set of rules, in your school diary you signed an agreement. What does this agreement state. Investigate the ten commandments of ethical computer use. Investigate the three risks people can sustain from incorrect computer use (RSI, OOS, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

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