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Welcome Welcome to the tour of this church database website! We do hope this makes the database even more user-friendly. The first part of this tour is.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Welcome to the tour of this church database website! We do hope this makes the database even more user-friendly. The first part of this tour is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Welcome to the tour of this church database website! We do hope this makes the database even more user-friendly. The first part of this tour is for everyone! The next part is for leaders; the next, for those doing data entry; the next, for church staff; and the last, for the database administrator. If you’d like to rush through the presentation, just click below or click on topics that interest you in the left column. If you’d like to take your time, click here.

2 In the first part of this tour, we’d like to show you how to…  Log in and get your username and password  Edit your information  Volunteer for a ministry team or mission trip  Sign up for a small group or class  Find out more details about various groups, classes, teams and trips  Search for more information  Use the filters to select the exact group of people you need  Print out a directory 1 st Part of the Tour

3 Log In – First Select Your Church To get to this webpage, just go to: From the drop down list, select the church database you would like to log on to.

4 How to Log In – Forgot Your Password? To log in, enter your username and password and click the “Log In” button. If you’ve forgotten your username and/or password, click on “Click Here.” Also note the Website button on the header to take you to your church’s website.

5 Your username & password is on the way If you and your email address are already in the database, then you should receive an email in minutes listing your username and password.

6 Home Page & Menus This is the first page you will see after you have logged in. This is the HOME page for your church database. You can always get back here by clicking on the HOME button. Let me show you how easily and quickly you can access a lot of information.

7 Quick Search & People Menu You can either use your top menu to get a directory of individuals or you can use the Quick Search to find a couple of directories. There are usually multiple ways to get to the same info.

8 Quick Search & Group Menu To find out what groups there are, you can use the Groups tab on the top menu, or a Quick Link or do a Quick Search for a listing of Fellowship Groups.

9 My Info Tab To make it easier for you, we have put the information that you will most often use under the My Info tab on the top menu. We also have it listed under the Quick Links.

10 Your Menu When you click on the My Info tab, you will have three options. Let’s click first on “Edit my information.”

11 How to Edit Your Individual Information This is where all of your information is stored. There is always the possibility that something may be incorrect or is out of date. Make any corrections and then click the Save button. You might also want to change your password. In the next few slides, we will scroll down this long page and explain the other sections to you.

12 How to Edit Your Contact & Involvement Information Be sure to list all of your phone numbers and email addresses here and indicate which are primary. You’ll also want to make sure that all of the groups, classes and teams that you’re in are recorded here-- even the Worship Service.

13 How to Edit What You’ve Volunteered For or Are Interested In Here’s where you can check to see what you’ve volunteered for and add or delete anything else. Please let us know what your ministry interests are— people you enjoy working with and the kind of ministry you really enjoy.

14 How to Edit Your Experience, Gifting & Personality Information Here’s where you can let us know what groups of people you’ve worked with, what areas of ministry and the level of experience you’ve had. We have hyperlinks you can follow to websites that will help you determine your spiritual gifting, personality & temperament type.

15 How to Edit Your Experience, Gifting & Personality Information Make sure the family names listed are exactly as you want them listed elsewhere in the database. For adults age is optional. Click the Submit button to submit all the changes you may have made.

16 Volunteer for a Ministry Team or Mission Trip The second option under your My Info tab is to “Volunteer for a Task/Team.” Click on it and you will be taken to the exact spot on your info page so you can volunteer for something.

17 Volunteer for a Ministry Team or Mission Trip Select the team or activity you’d like to volunteer for. Then select whether you are definitely planning to attend an event or activity or are willing to if needed. Then record the date on which you’re volunteering. If you’ve volunteered for something but can’t do it, then click on the Delete box.

18 Sign up for a Small Group or Class Here’s the third option under the “My Info” tab. Click “Register for a Group/Event” if you’d like to attend. It will take you directly to the part of your info page that you need to go to.

19 Sign up for a Small Group or Class If you’d like to join a class or a group or attend a seminar or conference, please indicate so here. If you want to volunteer to serve on a team, please use the section below.

20 More Details about Groups, Classes, Teams, Trips or Events What to find out more about a group, class, team, event, etc.? Click on “Add/Edit a Group” under the Group tab on the top menu.

21 More Details about Groups, Classes, Teams, Trips or Events Select the name of the group you would like more info on and click on it.

22 More Details about Groups, Classes, Teams, Trips or Events At the bottom of the page (under the attendance area), you will see where and when the group meets, the times and who is in charge.

23 Search for More Information To get back to the HOME page, scroll up and click on the HOME button.

24 Search for More Information To search for more information, you can use the Quick Search area of the HOME page or the Advanced Search button on the top menu.

25 Search for More Information Let me show you how to use some of the filters we have in the database. Let’s go to the People tab and click on “Directory of Individuals.”

26 How to Use Filters to Select the Exact Group of People This gives you a list of all those in the Church Directory but if you’d like to narrow it to those in a small group, select a group from the first filter. Make sure the Adults box is checked and then click on Submit.

27 How to Use Filters to Select the Exact Group of People If you’d like to print a copy of this filtered list, just click on “Printable Version.”

28 How to Print out a Directory To print it, just click on your printer icon on your browser which may look differently than the one here.

29 In the second part of this tour, we’d like to show leaders how to…  Add a new group  Edit their group’s information  Record their group’s attendance  Print out a record of their group’s attendance  Get a Birthday List  Email group members  Use the Volunteer List  Use the Advanced Search 2nd Part of the Tour

30 Edit Your Group’s Info Let me show you how to keep your group/class/team’s info current. You can access your group’s info a few different ways. Either you can click on “Add/Edit a Group” under the Groups tab on the top menu, or find it using the Quick Search or select your group from the “List of All Groups.”

31 Select Your Group If you were to use the top menu, you then need to select your group from the list of various groups. Once you’ve selected it, it will fill in the group’s info.

32 Edit Your Group’s Information At the bottom of the group’s page, you can check and edit any of it’s information and then click “Update” to submit the changes.

33 Record Your Group’s Attendance To record your group’s attendance, fill in the date on which the group met using the format shown, then click on the boxes of those present, record the number of adult and children visitors, you may have had. Then click the Update button at the bottom of the page.

34 Add Someone New to Your Group When you’re filling in attendance, you may need to add someone to your group. First select them from the box by clicking on their name. Then click on the Add button or the Update button at the bottom. There is a box to add the names of visitors to your group or team.

35 Print Out a Record of Your Group’s Attendance To print out an attendance report, you can either print this page or go to the Attendance Reports page under the Admin tab.

36 Print Out a Record of Your Group’s Attendance Select the group for which you would like an attendance report and click the Submit button.

37 Print Out a Record of Your Group’s Attendance This will give you the last two months of attendance unless you fill in the exact dates. Click the printer icon on your browser to begin printing.

38 Get Your Group’s B-days To get your group’s birthdays, click on B-Day List under the Admin tab and then select your group and click “Submit”

39 Email Your Group To email your group, go back to your group page by clicking on “Add/Edit a Group” under the Groups tab. Select your group again.

40 Email Your Group At the bottom of the page, click on the Group Emails button.

41 Email Your Group Cut and paste the list of emails into your email program.

42 Use the Volunteer List Need to see who’s volunteered for your team, event, etc.? Go to the Volunteer List either through the People tab on the top menu or under Quick Links on the HOME page.

43 Use the Volunteer List Please note that this list can be sorted by date by clicking on “Volunteered on” or by name by clicking on “Name” or by event date by clicking on “Date” or alphabetically by clicking on “Team or Activity.” Now let me show you how you can add people to this list.

44 Add People to the Volunteer List If you know of others that should be on the Volunteer List, select the team or event, today’s date, whether they are planning to go or are willing to go if needed, then hold the Ctrl key down and click on each person’s name from the box. Then click “Submit.” Now let me show you how to use the Search feature on the top menu.

45 Use the Advanced Search This is a very powerful feature in that you can do searches selecting any combination of fields at one time. Then click on “Search.” It can be most helpful in finding individuals that might be interested in serving on your team.

46 In the third part of this tour, we’d like to show those who do the data entry how to…  Add a new head of the household  Add other family members  Update people’s files 3rd Part of the Tour

47 Add a New Head of the Household There are two ways to get to a screen to add a new person. Either click on “Add a New Person” under the People tab or under Quick Links on the HOME page.

48 Add a New Head of the Household When you’re entering a family/single adult into the database it’s very important that you enter the Head of the Household (HOH) first. Indicate it by checking the box and then by filling in their name to the right. This ties a lot of family info to each member of the family. Then if any info changes, we only have to update the HOH.

49 Add Other Family Members Just because you add the rest of the family members here, doesn’t mean that you don’t need to go back and add them in individually. Be sure to select the right Head of Household for each individual.

50 Update a Person’s File – Select a Person To find someone in the database, the Quick Search on the HOME page can be very helpful. Just add in a first or last name or both and it the enter key or click on Search.

51 Select a Person Then click on the Edit button in front of the person’s name.

52 Edit a Person’s Involvement & Volunteer Info If a person is signing up for a class or a group, they should be entered in the involvement section. If they are volunteering to serve on a team or participating in a one-time event, that should be indicated in the Volunteer section. When you click Save or the Submit button at the bottom of the page, you’ll be taken back to the top.

53 Finding the Next Person Using the Scroll buttons or the Find feature, you will be able to get to the next person’s file that you need to update quickly.

54 4 th Part of the Tour In the fourth part of this tour, we’d like to show the staff how to…  Add a Group  Use the Visitor List  Use the E-mailouts  Print out mailing labels  Delete and reinstate a person

55 How to Add a New Group To add a group, click on “Add/Edit a Group” from the Groups tab on the top menu.

56 How to Add a New Group Add the name of the group and check the Trip box if it’s a trip/one-time event. From the Add Members box, hold the Ctrl key down and click on all those you would like to add into the group. Fill in the group details and click on Add a New Group.

57 How to Access the Visitor List To access the visitor list, you can either click on the Visitor List under the People tab or click on the Visitor/Prospect List on the HOME page.

58 Use the Visitor List The most recent visitors appear at the top of the list. When you change a person’s status to Regular Attender or Resident Member, they will automatically be dropped from this list. You can also click on the delete button to delete from this list but they stay in the database.

59 Adding a Person to the Visitor List If you need to add someone to the Visitor List, select their name from the box and fill in all of the rest of the appropriate information— membership status, when they visited or when and how they were contacted. Be sure to click the “Save” button.

60 How to Access the E-mailouts To access the various E- mailouts that are built into the database, go to the Admin tab on the top menu and click on any one of the three e- mailouts.

61 How to Use the E-mailout Filters If you wanted to send out an announcement to the resident members in the church directory, select Church Directory and Resident Member from the list of filters and click on Submit. This will fill in the “To” box with their email addresses.

62 How to Edit an E-mailout Scroll to the bottom of the page to get to the Edit Announcement Email if the contents of the email need to be edited. Click on it, not the “Send” button yet.

63 Editing an E-mailout Enter the Title, your email address, and enter or paste your message into the Text box. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page.

64 Saving an E-mailout Click Update & Save and it will take you back to the Announcement Email page.

65 Sending an E-mailout Check to make sure everything is OK before you click on “Send”. FYI: The email will send out blind copies (no one will see everyone’s email addresses) to everyone.

66 Print Out Mailing Labels Need mailing labels? We will need to click on “Advanced Search” under the Search tab.

67 Selecting those for which you need Mailing Labels To get mailing labels for all the Resident Members of the church, you would select “Resident Member” and then click “Search.”

68 Selecting those for which you need Mailing Labels You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the Search Results to get to the Communication Tool that will allow you to get mailing labels.

69 Selecting those for which you need Mailing Labels Now click on “Mailing Labels (Individuals)” for labels for each member. If you wanted to get mailing labels for each household, there’s another option.

70 Print Out Mailing Labels To make sure the labels print on your Avery 5160 label sheet like you want them to, open File, select Page Setup and make sure your margins are set according to the tip. Then click the printer icon to print the labels.

71 Deleting a Person To delete a person from the database, just go to the bottom of their information page and click on the “Delete” button. This actually just hides their information so that it is not displayed. They can be reinstated if needed.

72 Reinstating a Person – Finding the List of Deleted Persons If you need to reinstate a person, go to the bottom of the Individual Directory and click on “Open” on the Deleted Directory bar.

73 Selecting a Deleted Person Select the individual you would like to reinstate and click on the Edit button.

74 Reinstating a Deleted Person At the bottom of their information page, just click on the “Reinstate” button and their information will again be displayed.

75 5 th Part of the Tour In the fifth part of this tour, we’d like to show the database administrator how to…  Create and set up your new church database  Archive, reinstate and permanently delete groups  Keep your database current

76 Create & Set Up Your New Church Database To start a new church database, click on “Add a New Church” under the Admin tab.

77 Enter Church Info Fill in the appropriate information about the new church. Then scroll down to the Password area.

78 Set Usernames & Passwords for Various Access Levels Determine what the username and password should be for those doing data entry. The Master/Admin access level will allow you to come back and edit this page. The staff need a username and password to access the staff notes area that they only have access to.

79 Determine Various Categories You now need to determine what categories should appear in each drop down menu throughout the church database. You can remove some of the default categories by unchecking the box and erasing the category or you can add a category the other way.

80 Select Team Names I would only list those teams that you currently have in operation. You can always add teams when needed.

81 Select Group Involvement Categories Along with choosing the names for your groups, you will also have the opportunity to list the various ways people can be involved in a group.

82 Select Ministry Areas If you have several teams, classes, or groups that you’ve grouped in a ministry area, you could list your major ministry areas here.

83 Select Staff Notes Fields The commitment level allows you to track how many people are in each of the “Purpose- Driven” concentric circles. Feel free to choose whatever Spiritual Maturity categories you might want to use.

84 Select Ministry Interests Fields - People These groups of people are the ones listed in the Discovery Tools booklet. Feel free to determine your own categories.

85 Select Ministry Interests Fields - Ministries These ministries are the ones listed in the Discovery Tools booklet. Feel free to determine your own categories.

86 Submit Changes When you’ve finished determining all the categories that fit your church, click “Submit” and you will have finished customizing the database to fit your needs. As the church changes, just come back and edit the categories.

87 How to Archive a Group – Select it If a group is no longer functioning or an event/trip is over, you may desire to archive it so that your list of groups is current. Go to “Add/Edit a Group” and then select the group to archive.

88 Update the Group before Archiving it Before you archive the trip/event, you might want to record the attendance for monthly or annual reports.

89 Archive a Group At the bottom, click on “Update” first to submit the attendance and then click on “Archive this Group” to keep the group from being displayed.

90 How to Find an Archived Group If you need to access your archived groups later, click on the “Organization of Groups” under the Groups tab.

91 How to Find an Archived Group At the bottom of the list, you will find an “Archived Groups” bar. Click on “Open” to open the list of archived groups.

92 Permanently Delete Groups Click on the delete box to the right of the group name to permanently delete a group. Make sure you don’t need it’s info for an annual report. If you wish to view a group, just click on it.

93 Reinstate Groups You can view the attendance record and other details. If you wish to reinstate the group, just click on the “Reinstate” button at the bottom of the page.

94 Steps to Keep Your Database Current  Enter Data from Sunday Services & Other Events  Update info on 1 st and 2 nd Time Guests  Record all feedback  Keep Attendance on Groups  Archive Past Groups, Trips and Events  Add Future Groups, Trips and Events

95 If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Robert Goette in any of these ways:   (847) 348-1408 (office)  (847) 567-0203 (cell)  2030 Carleton Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 The End of the Tour

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