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A program of ITEST (Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) funded by the National Science Foundation Lesson Plan Title: Subtitle.

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Presentation on theme: "A program of ITEST (Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) funded by the National Science Foundation Lesson Plan Title: Subtitle."— Presentation transcript:

1 A program of ITEST (Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) funded by the National Science Foundation Lesson Plan Title: Subtitle Course title Grade Level Your Name School, City, State

2 Lesson Title2 Background Context  Describe the educational context  Describe the instructional problem  Describe your role in creating this solution  Note: When creating your presentation, remember the 6x6 rule: Write about 6 lines per slides with 6 words per line => this slide is now maxed out!

3 Lesson Title3 Instructional Goal  State the goal of the lesson  Note: write concisely, use strong verbs; this goal is a high level  Use photographs, movies, websites as part of your showcase lesson presentation This is the third level bullet. –This fourth level bullet is good for Web addresses

4 Lesson Title4 State Standards  List the state educational standard(s) this lesson addresses  You may need to summarize  Provide a link to the online standard

5 Lesson Title5 Instructional Objectives  Objective 1 title  Write one objective per column  Objective 2 title  Note: one thing to consider when you are finished creating your presentation is to choose an appropriate slide transition

6 Lesson Title6 Instructional Objectives  Objective 3 title  Note: Limit sound and audio to that which is relevant to the content of your presentation (-;  Objective 4 title  Add slides like this one to add more objectives

7 Lesson Title7 Materials and Resources  List the materials and equipment needed to implement this lesson, including classroom or lab space needed  List the resources, such as textbooks, books, Web sites, software

8 Lesson Title8 Instructional Strategies  Describe the activities, methods

9 Lesson Title9 Assessment  Describe the assessment tools or activities you used to determine the instructional objectives were met

10 Lesson Title10 Learning Outcomes  What are the results of the assessments of this lesson?  What is the anecdotal evidence of learning outcomes (stories, quotes, incidents that indicate learning happened outside the assessment)

11 Lesson Title11 Lessons Learned  Reflect on your implementation, events, and outcomes  Note the things that worked well and areas for improvement  Summarize, use “bullet” notes

12 Lesson Title12 Contact  For more information about this lesson, contact:  Name  Title, Grade Level Taught  School, City, State  Email address  Note: this is the last slide

13 Lesson Title13 Slide with Text & Data Chart  Delete this slide if you don’t need it

14 Lesson Title14 Slide with Table

15 Lesson Title15 Slide with Image & Text  Delete this slide if you don’t need it  Use your slide layout types to add the perfect layout for your needs

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