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Weather Jeopardy CloudsThe Water Cycle StormsVocabularyHodge Podge 200 400 600 800 1,000 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Jeopardy CloudsThe Water Cycle StormsVocabularyHodge Podge 200 400 600 800 1,000 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Jeopardy CloudsThe Water Cycle StormsVocabularyHodge Podge 200 400 600 800 1,000 Final Jeopardy

2 Clouds 200 Low, gray clouds are a sign that we can expect ________

3 Clouds 200 Answer: Rain or Snow

4 Clouds 400 High feathery clouds form when the air is which? Hot or Cold

5 Clouds 400 Answer: Cold

6 Clouds Daily Double 600 Another name for towering storm clouds is…

7 Clouds Daily Double 600 Answer: Cumulus Nimbus

8 Clouds 800 Fluffy, white clouds give us a clue that we can expect what type of weather?

9 Clouds 800 Answer: Sunny

10 Clouds 1,000 This type of cloud looks like a blanket in the sky

11 Clouds 1,000 Answer: Stratus or Low, gray clouds

12 The Water Cycle 200 The water cycle begins on the Earth’s surface with…

13 The Water Cycle 200 Answer: evaporation

14 The Water Cycle Daily Double 400 Heat and wind help water…

15 The Water Cycle Daily Double 400 Answer: Evaporate

16 The Water Cycle 600 When water falls from the clouds to the ground, this is known as

17 The Water Cycle 600 Answer: Precipitation

18 The Water Cycle 800 Water vapor will do this as the warm air cools.

19 The Water Cycle 800 Answer: Condense

20 The Water Cycle 1,000 The types of places where water collects on the Earth

21 The Water Cycle 1,000 Answer: lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, oceans

22 Storms 200 The most common type of storm is a ___________.

23 Storms 200 Answer: Thunderstorms

24 Storms 400 Daily Double A funnel cloud of a tornado is made of spinning ____________.

25 Storms 400 Daily Double Answer: Winds

26 Storms 600 A ________________ is a storm that forms over warm ocean water and has strong winds and heavy rains.

27 Storms 600 Answer: Hurricane

28 Storms 800 This type of storm produces lots of snow and has strong winds.

29 Storms 800 Answer: Blizzard

30 Storms 1,000 In an ice storm, when does the rain freeze?

31 Storms 1,000 Answer: As soon as it hits the ground

32 Vocabulary 200 The name for water when it is in the form of gas is __________.

33 Vocabulary 200 Answer: Water Vapor

34 Vocabulary 400 When many water droplets or bits of ice form near each other, a __________ forms.

35 Vocabulary 400 Answer: Cloud

36 Vocabulary 600 Rain and snow that fall from the clouds to the ground are two kinds of __________.

37 Vocabulary 600 Answer: Precipitation

38 Vocabulary 800 The ____________ is the movement of water between the ground and air.

39 Vocabulary 800 Answer: The Water Cycle

40 Vocabulary 1,000 A funnel cloud that has strong winds and moves along the earth in a very narrow path is called a ____________.

41 Vocabulary 1,000 Answer: Tornado

42 Hodge Podge 200 Water vapor is an invisible ________.

43 Hodge Podge 200 Answer: Gas

44 Hodge Podge 400 When water changes from a liquid to a gas, this is called ___________.

45 Hodge Podge 400 Answer: Evaporation

46 Hodge Podge 600 Daily Double You should never stand under a tree during a _____________.

47 Hodge Podge 600 Daily Double Answer: Thunderstorm

48 Hodge Podge 800 Name the parts of the Water Cycle

49 Hodge Podge 800 Answer: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation

50 Hodge Podge 1,000 Electrical charges that jump from cloud to cloud are known as __________

51 Hodge Podge 1,000 Answer: Lightning

52 Final Jeopardy What are two ways to keep safe during a hurricane?

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