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1 metadataexplorer_find/explorer.jsp If interested in job contact NEXT week


3 Models and the Structures of ArcGIS Longley et al., ch. 5 Zeiler, chs. 1 and 6

4 Models for GIS representation of reality --> model GIS itself is based on a model of complexity GIS is used to model complexity full representation of reality? data model = limited representation of reality –a discretization or partitioning of space –finite, discrete nature of computing devices

5 Data Model representation of information about the process grid or layer (field) isoline (object) Delauney triangulation (alternative) geo-relational (field or object)

6 3 Data Models geo-relational coverage (field view; from classic ArcInfo polys) geo-relational shapefile (discrete object view; from ArcView) geodatabase (object-oriented; new in ArcGIS 8)

7 A B command line interface Unix, NT, Win2K ArcView as interface Georelational Data Model: “Classic” ArcInfo and ArcView

8 ArcInfo Coverage as a Data Structure Image courtesy of Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium, Kentucky

9 Data Structure not tied to process at all concerned simply with what can be computed and what can’t the way in which the data model is represented in the GIS –DEM for grid or layer model –contour for isoline model –TIN for Delauney triangulation model –coverages, shapefiles for geo-relational –geodatabase for OO geodatabase

10 Data Structures ArcInfo coverages ArcView shapefiles ArcInfo grids, USGS DEMs Images (e.g., georeferenced tiffs) TINs Geodatabases

11 Geodatabase Features and attributes as objects Relationships among features Validation or editing rules, behaviors “Container” for –Vector, raster, tabular data –Relationships –topology

12 Relationships for a feature

13 Personal and MultiUser Gdbs

14 ArcGIS 8 Icons ( Zeiler, pp. 65-71 ) yellow coverage gray geodatabase green shapefile

15 ArcGIS 8 ArcToolbox (old Arc) - analysis engine –substantial geoprocessing tools –analysis, mostly for coverages ArcCatalog (old Info) - data mgmt. engine –data preview –managing data –Metadata, Internet access ArcMap (old ArcPlot) - map engine –display and map production –the next version of ArcView, i.e., ArcView 8.1 ArcEditor (old ArcEdit) - map editing

16 ArcGIS 8 “Classic ArcInfo” on the command line –“ArcInfo Workstation ”

17 Integration of Modules ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcTools –e.g., ArcCatalog to ArcMap, drag and drop “ArcGIS” –three main modules & AI Workstation, as well as –ArcSDE –ArcIMS –Other extensions (spatial, geostatistical, “3D”, ArcPress, etc.) Individual (desktop) or multiuser (enterprise)

18 Integrated Web Access “transparent” integration with ArcIMS servers the Geography Network –



21 Lambert

22 “Extensions” GRID module for raster analysis and modeling (e.g., “Spatial Analyst”) Surface module - TINs Networks Geostatistics

23 “Extensions” ( cont. ) ArcSDE (1993) –large spatial database applications –adding spatial functions to databases “find all customers named Smith” “find all customers named Smith within 1/4 mile of x” –Oracle, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Universal Database ArcIMS –spatial support for web servers Intergraph, MapInfo, Smallworld

24 “Horizontal” vs. “Vertical” Markets ArcInfo - one size fits all ESRI does not lead in diversification –ArcView, ArcExplorer –ArcLogistics, Maplex, Business Analyst, ArcFM –Smallworld, Intergraph, MapInfo, Erdas, etc. Vertical markets, application domains –see Zeiler pages 48-50 –Applications with their own core data elements

25 ArcGIS Data Models

26 ArcGIS Marine Model

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