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4. TTL = Transistor-Transistor Logic. Uses bipolar transistors and diodes IN1IN2OUT LLL LHL HLL HHH Vcc OUTIN1 IN2 R Diode Logic AND gate Problem… defined.

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Presentation on theme: "4. TTL = Transistor-Transistor Logic. Uses bipolar transistors and diodes IN1IN2OUT LLL LHL HLL HHH Vcc OUTIN1 IN2 R Diode Logic AND gate Problem… defined."— Presentation transcript:

1 4. TTL = Transistor-Transistor Logic. Uses bipolar transistors and diodes IN1IN2OUT LLL LHL HLL HHH Vcc OUTIN1 IN2 R Diode Logic AND gate Problem… defined levels change easily when loaded. E.g. when diode gates are cascaded. Need for transistor buffering Vcc IN1 IN2 R Vi OUT R IN1IN2OUT LLH LHH HLH HHL NAND gate!

2 TTL: practical realisation Diode AND gate Dynamic resistance: lower ON (L) voltage, faster switching Totem Pole Output Limits current in transition Schottky Diodes Clamp diodes

3 TTL Logic families and specs Vcc=5V±10%, Vohmin=2.7V, Vihmin=2.0V, Volmax=0.5V, Vilmax=0.8V  NM h = 0.7V, NM L =0.3V Families: TTLe.g. 7404, 74H04, 74L04original family –Schottky e.g. 74S04: faster, hi power consumption –Low Power Schottky e.g. 74LS04: lower Pd, Slower Schottky (common) –Advanced Schottkye.g. 74AS042x speed of S, same Pd –Adv. Low Pwr Skye.g. 74ALS04 see table 3-11, Wakerly For LS, typically: I IL max=-0.4mA, I IHmax =20uA, I OLmax =8mA, I OHmax =-400uA. FANOUT (LSTTL into LSTTL)=20 NB: TTL outputs can sink more current than they can source.

4 TTL vs CMOS TTLCMOS Noise Margins0.3(high), 0.5 (low)0.3Vcc Input source currents High in both states: 0.2 to 2mA(L), 20-50uA (H) Typ < 1uA in both states Power Consumption Relatively high, fixed. 2mW for 74LS, 20mW for 74Sxx. Depends on Vcc, frequency. Negligible static dissipation. Very low for FCTT Output drive current Asymmetric: High state: 0.4-2mA Low state: 8 – 20mA Symmetric: Typ 4mA but AC family can drive 24mA Power supply voltage 5V ±10%3V  V cc  18V (original 4000 family), 2V  V cc  6V (newer HC family) Interconnectio n (CMOS to TTL, TTL to CMOS) Cannot drive CMOS since V OHMIN (TTL)<V IHMIN (CMOS) Pullup resistor needed unless using TTL compatible family e.g. HCT Can directly drive TTL

5 Applications: CMOS/TTL interfacing TTL CMOS 2.7 0.5 V OHMIN, V OLMAX V IHMIN, V ILMAX 3.5 1.5 CMOS TTL 4.9 0.1 V OHMIN, V OLMAX V IHMIN, V ILMAX 2.0 0.8 

6 5. Applications: Unused inputs Unused (Floating) Inputs[] Tie together and bundle with used inputs OR [] Tie HIGH thru pull up resitor, R pu OR [] Tie LOW thru pull down resistor, R pd [] For CMOS use 1K-10K values [] For TTL calculate based on # of inputs tied thru resistor so that: Vcc-R pu  I IHmax > V IHmin R pd  I ILmax < V ILmax []Too small R pu makes TTL susceptible to spikes etc. over 5.5V. See Sec 3.10.4, 3.5.6 Wake. Must ensure that does not affect design function. E.g. tie HIGH for AND/NAND or LOW for OR/NOR Floating inputs can lead to unreliable operation!!!

7 Power supply filtering For each logic IC place a small capacitor (0.01uF tp 0.1uF) across V cc and ground in close proximity to the IC Reduces transient effect of switching on power supply, particularly when supply source is connected via long circuit path (resistive and inductive effects). Essentially each capacitor provides a local reservoir for fast supply of charge required when the device switches

8 Applications: Open-drain (CMOS) or open collector (TTL) outputs In CMOS no PMOS transistor, use external pull-up resistor for Vcc drive Vcc Q1 Q2 R pu A B Z ABQ1Q2Z 00openopen1 01openON1 10ONopen1 11ONON0 Output stage of Open Drain NAND IC Calculate external R pu so that V OLMAX achieved at I OLMAX. Must include other loads so this gives minimum R pu.

9 Why ? Slightly higher current capability Can form an open-drain/collector bus. Can select data for access to common bus.. E.g for Dataout = Data i set Enable j =0, j  I, Enable i =1, Problem -- really bad rise time due to all O/P capacitances in parallel and large pullup.

10 Applications: Bus Access - Contention and Tristate Logic 0 1 0 1 ?? “regular TTL or CMOS Get bus contention when two outputs try to drive the bus to different states. Value on the bus may be indeterminate; Damage possible (a driving b!!) On a PC data bus, can cause PC to crash a b Common bus Vin EN Vout ENVinVout 0xHiZ 110 101 Tristate logic Best “fix”…. Available in inverting or non-inverting.. Sec 3.7.3 Wakerly. NO Pull-up needed NO degradation in transition speed

11 Applications: Digital meets analog Schmitt Trigger Inputs…Sec3.7.2/Wakerly Schmitt trigger devices are used primarily to deal with signal levels which are not at valid logic levels. They can therefore be used for interfacing noisy analogue signals to a logic circuit e.g. signals from switches, RC networks etc. interfacing slow signals (i.e. signals which remain in the invalid range for relatively long periods) regenerating degraded logic signals e.g. signals on a long serial communication line. Schmitt trigger devices do comply with the input thresholds of the respective family. However, they employ a bit of hysterisis (memory!!) to take care of invalid signal levels. The devices are characterised by upper and lower thresholds (UT, LT). When the input exceeds UT it is treated as a logic 1 UNTIL it goes below LT. Then, and only then, is it treated as a logic 0. Vo Vi Schmitt Trigger o/p Characteristic Standard logic o/p Characteristic VLVL VHVH VTVT

12 Low output turns LED ON Drive current typ 5 -10mA Use buffers for extra drive Driving a LED with TTL Logic Device Vcc R Applications: Logic Drive I LED V LED V OL I LED is 10mA typically worst case Use formula: V OL +V LED +(I LED *R)=V CC to determine R. NB……. Can assume worst case V OL =V OLMAX for some CMOS as well as TTL at I OL =I LED. Best to use device for which I OLMAX >I LED.

13 Driving a Solenoid or relay with TTL Logic Device Vcc Free-wheeling diode protects electronics from coil back emf Low output turns activates relay or solenoid 5V relays do exist. Some incorporate the free wheeling Diode. Most have enough internal resistance to operate directly as shown. Check using LED computation if built in resistance is sufficient or if an external series resitance is needed Applications: Logic Drive

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