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Student Answer Documents: Accuracy & Accountability.

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1 Student Answer Documents: Accuracy & Accountability


3 And so it begins … Last year’s data rolls forward. New students are entered in the district’s system. Data verification is key!

4 October Snapshot Last Friday in October is the PEIMS Snapshot Date – October 30, 2009 – Updates and reviews and edits are completed earlier – The audit documents are in the file cabinet, rather than the computer This is the “Fall Submission”

5 And from there … TEA Answer documents should be as accurate as test date data. – What was true in October may no longer be accurate. Answer document data is used to calculate the Accountability and AYP reports. NOT PEIMS!

6 Testing Cycle Begins… The Fall Submission provides the data submitted to pre-code the TAKS answer documents – No edits – Data on answer documents is based on what the district submits to Pearson in the data file

7 Verifying Coding for Accuracy Everything is important since it affects something in one of the three accountability systems It is imperative that we verify the coding on student answer documents What sources do we use to verify coding?

8 District – Campus – District Process AreaWhere is the verification source? Who is doing it? Ethnicity Economically Disadvantaged LEP (Current, M1, and M2) Special Education CTE

9 District – Campus – District Process AreaWhere is the verification source? Who is doing it? EthnicityRegistrationCampus Registrar/PEIMS Economically Disadvantaged Lunchroom (Free & Reduced Lunch Application) Cafeteria Mgmt/PEIMS LEP (Current, M1, and M2) LPAC Committee MinutesBilingual-ESL Coordinator/LPAC Committee/PEIMS Special EducationARD Paperwork/IEPsSpecial Education Coordinator/ARD Committee/PEIMS CTECourse sequence (Codes 0,1,2,3) CTE Coordinator/Counselors/ PEIMS

10 Testing … Campus/District Testing Coordinators have the responsibility to ensure the review and verification of the accuracy of data on pre-coded labels. These labels are used for the answer documents. How do you verify? Against what? What process is in place in your district?

11 Right Test – Right Student? – What test(s) will be administered? – How do campus testing coordinators and test administrators verify that the student receives the right test? – For special education, ARD documentation dictates this.

12 Wrong Information on the Answer Document? How do you convey steps for ‘fixing’ a label at the district level?…campus level? How do you ensure that students do not ‘bubble’ anything on the answer documents that will override the label?

13 What Coding Affects Accountability? State Accountability – Ethnicity – Economically Disadvantaged – Score Code & Test Taken Information AYP – Ethnicity – Economically Disadvantaged – LEP (Current, M1, and M2) – Special Education – Score Code

14 What are the AYP Measures next year? Math ????? 67 Reading/Language Arts????? 73

15 AYP: Target Standards IndicatorMeasure2007200820092010 1Reading Performance60% 67% 73% Participation95% 2Math Performance50% 58% 67% Participation95% 3Other Graduation70% Attendance90%

16 IndicatorMeasures 1 Reading –Gr. 3-8 and 10 % of students who are Proficient AND % of students who Participate 2 Math –Gr. 3-8 and 10 % of students who are Proficient AND % of students who Participate 3 “Other” –Graduation Rate HS LEAs w/ 12 th grade –Attendance Rate ES and MS LEAs w/o 12 th grade % of students who Graduate By Aug. 31 st 4 years after enrollment in 9 th % of students in Attendance AYP: The Basics Indicators used to determine AYP

17 AYP Performance Standards 200920102011201220132014 Reading/ ELA 67%73%80%87%93%100% Math 58%67%75%83%92%100%

18 What Coding Affects Accountability? PBMAS – Ethnicity – Economically Disadvantaged – LEP Bilingual ESL – Special Education – Title I – CATE

19 Data Validation Monitoring (DVM) Data validation responsibilities include review and follow-up with districts or campuses that have been identified for potential data inaccuracies, anomalies, or irregularities. – Excessive Coding of Absent (content areas and TELPAS Reading) – Excessive Coding of “Other” (content areas and TELPAS Reading) – Excessive Discrepancy PEIMS/TAKS CTE Status DVM includes stages 1-3 with a variety of activities that LEAs are to conduct with each stage (i.e., FDA,CIP templates) all with the intent of correcting data errors. Documentation is key.

20 Thank You!

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