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Published byAllen Nash Modified over 9 years ago
1 Performance of the Department of Home Affairs: 2011- 2012 23 August 2011 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs
2 Table of Contents 1. Twelve Government Priorities Outcomes 2. Department of Home Affairs Performance Agreement with the President 3. Department of Home Affairs Outcomes 4. Reporting Format 5. Outcome 1, Strategic Objectives and Targets 6. Outcome 2, Strategic Objectives and Targets 7. Outcome 3, Strategic Objectives and Targets
3 The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) of government has twelve priority outcomes. The DHA contributes directly to three of the twelve outcomes: 1.Improved quality of basic education 2.A long and healthy life for all South Africans 3.All people in South Africa are and feel safe 4.Decent employment through inclusive economic growth 5.A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path 6.An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network 7.Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all 8.Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life 9.A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system 10.Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced 11.Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World 12.An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship
4 Department of Home Affairs Performance Agreement with the President: Completion of all strategic information and identification projects within already defined budgets and time frames Effective and efficient refugee management strategies and systems Contributing to the level of skills and general economic development in South Africa targets by realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50,000 migrants annually. The focus should be on critical skills shortages, supportive of the medium term strategies and government’s outcomes.. The registration of every child birth within 30 days of delivery. The issuing of identity documents to every South African 16 years and above. Improving the turnaround times for all services, queuing times and unit costs per service. Determining and improving the maximum distance for a citizen to travel to access Home Affairs services.
5 The Strategic Plan is grounded on three Outcomes Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
6 THE REPORTING FORMAT 1.Each Outcome is attained by the achievement of strategic objectives linked to specific targets. 2.The Strategic Objectives in the tables that follow are to be achieved within the period 2011 – 2014. 3.The targets are for the financial year 2011 – 2012. 4.Performance is reported against each target, with performance for the first quarter shown as requested. 5.Where necessary, an explanation is given for non- achievement or challenges; and a way forward or remedial action indicated.
7 Progress is reported on below in terms of the following Outcome. Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity
8 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 46 health facilities connected for online birth registration making a total of 192 126 additional health facilities operational for online births registrations New office space at health facilities acquired and operational 5 health facilities operational Nine hospitals were connected during the review period and three are fully operational namely, Letaba Hospital (Limpopo), Pampierstad Community Health Centre (Northern Cape) and Postmasburg (Northern Cape). Challenges/Reasons for non-achievement * Delays in delivery of IT equipment meant fewer hospitals were fully operational. Way forward/Remedial action
9 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 500,524 births registered within 30 days of the birth event as a percentage of total births (46% of total births) Projected increase of 14% of births registered within 30 days of the birth event against the estimated 1.1 million births per annum (58% of total births) Additional 159, 500 projected births registered to achieve 58% of total births over the year The total number of births registered is 133,262, which is 12% of estimated births of 1,1m. This is more that the number of births registered within 30 days in quarter 1 of 2010-2011, but slightly below the number targeted for quarter 1 of 2011-2012. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Citizens are not compelled to register births at Health Facilities and DHA outlets. * The target is based on an assumption that social behaviour will change in response to campaigns and developments. * Cultural and religious beliefs that results in delays in the naming of children making it impossible to register the births at the health facilities and within 30 days. * Accessibility of communities where home births occur. Way forward/Remedial action * Intensify the outreach campaigns in rural areas and encourage citizens to register births within 30 days * Expansion of the Health Facilities footprint as well as capacitation of the existing facilities with full staff deployment which have started during the 2011/12 financial year.
10 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 93% of LRB applications finalised within 90 days for the age group 15 years and above based on old LRB process 95% of LRB applications for the age group 31 days and above finalised within 6 months Regulations in terms of the Births & Deaths Registration Act amended and approved 93% of late registration of births processed for the age group 31 days and above within 6 months The Regulations are not yet approved due to a need to ensure proper consultation with relevant stakeholders and the process is now under consideration by Top Management. 97% of LRBs were processed within 6 months. Challenges/ Reasons for non achievement * Citizens are not complying with the requirements to register births within 30 days of occurrence. * Citizens are not complying with the legal obligation to register births before 30 days due to accessibility in rural areas and farming communities. Way forward/Remedial action * Intensify the outreach campaigns in rural areas and encourage citizens to register births within 30 days
11 Strategic Objective: To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to citizens 16 years of age and above BASELIN E (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 39% of high schools visited (4,355 out of 11,219 high schools) 49% of high schools visited to collect ID applications from learners of 16 years and above (5,498 out of 11,219 high schools) 1,915 out of 5,498 (35% of 5,498) 30% (1,667) high schools were visited during the review period. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * There was greater focus on the local government elections. Way forward/Remedial action * Intensify learner campaigns in provinces.
12 Strategic Objective: To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to citizens 16 years of age and above BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 88% of South African learners writing matric in possession of IDs as required by examination regulations* (*12% of learners who wrote matric had either applied for LRB or were foreign) 100% of South African learners who applied for IDs and are writing matric issued with IDs as required by examination regulations 53% (Focus on schools where matriculants do not have IDs) Out of 31 795 ID applications received, 10 758 IDs were issued to matric learners, accounting for 33,8%. However, there were also IDs that were issued as part of the mainstream and dispatched to local offices Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Separation of ID applications from other applications was not done. * Technical problems related to photo-digitisation resulted in delays in processing IDs. Way forward/Remedial action * A separate track and trace function will be created and the ID applications separated. * The department is confident that all learners who will write matric and require IDs will be issued them in time.
13 Strategic Objective: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 40 offices with passport live capture functionality Live capture functionality for passports rolled out to a further 167 offices Live capture functionality for passports rolled out to a further 20 offices A draft business case is in place and was under consideration. Procurement and rollout has not yet commenced. Challenges/ Reasons for non achievement * Systems review and rollout model has not yet been finalised. Way forward/Remedial action * Consolidated business case [Live Capture, Home Affairs National Identification System (HANIS) re-alignment] to be submitted to treasury for 2011/12 for additional funding.
14 Strategic Objective: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE NilLive capture functionality for IDs rolled out to 167 offices (Re- issue) Live capture functionality rolled out to 20 offices (re- issues) A draft business case is in place and was under consideration. Procurement and rollout has not yet commenced. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Systems review and rollout model has not yet been finalised. Way forward/Remedial action * Consolidated business case (Live Capture, HANIS re-alignment) to be submitted to treasury for 2011/12 for additional funding.
15 Strategic Objective: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE NilLive capture functionality for IDs rolled out to 167 offices (First issue) Live capture functionality rolled out to 20 offices (first issues) A draft business case is in place and was under consideration. Procurement and rollout has not yet commenced. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Systems review and rollout model as well as the budget have not yet been finalised. Way forward/Remedial action * Consolidated business case (Live Capture, HANIS re-alignment) to be submitted to treasury for 2011/12 for additional funding.
16 Strategic Objective: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 45 000 duplicate cases resolved 100% of reported duplicate cases resolved Quarterly statistics are currently under review and will be confirmed by the end of August 2011. 33,5% of cases were resolved over the quarter. Challenges/ Reasons for non achievement * Poor response from clients (submission of outstanding documents – DHA-9, supporting documents, response to telephonic/written correspondence). * Outdated contact details of clients including Trans-Union database. *Not all clients affected by duplicates have credit records and thus contact information is not obtainable on Trans- Union. Way forward/ Remedial action * Additional capacity will be mobilised.
17 Strategic Objective: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Business case documented and submitted to National Treasury for funding Proposal submitted to Cabinet for approval of ID Smart Card pilot Specimen ID Cards were designed during the review period and a proposal drafted. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
18 Strategic Objective: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Interface with South African Bank Risk Information Centre (SABRIC) tested; MoU with South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) signed; SABRIC MoU finalised 3rd Party verification interface in place for TEBA (Employment Bureau of Africa) SASSA and Department of Human Settlement 3rd Party verification interface in place for SASSA Activated 328 user accounts for SASSA to access National Population Register (NPR). Interface capability is in place for SASSA. Challenges/ Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
19 Progress is reported on below in terms of the following Outcome. Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development
20 Strategic Objective: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 47% of Ports of Entry equipped with Enhanced Movement Control System (34 Ports of Entries equipped with EMCS) 67% of Ports of Entry equipped with Enhanced Movement Control System (14 Port of Entries equipped with EMCS) 2 POE's equipped with EMCS This target has not been achieved as it is dependent on the rationalisation of the ports of entry as well as the further enhancement of the Movement Control System. The rationalisation of the ports is serving before the Inter-Agency Clearing Forum and will be finalised in the second quarter. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Rationalisation and identification of Ports of Entry to be equipped with EMCS is not yet achieved and it is a key dependency. Way forward/Remedial action * Inter Agency Clearing Committee is in the process of finalising proposes for the rationalisation of the remaining Ports of Entry.
21 Strategic Objective: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Business case documented and submitted to National Treasury for funding; Basic integration of NIIS and HANIS NIIS enhanced and integrated with HANIS Needs analysis conducted The integration of NIIS and HANIS has been achieved. The outstanding matter is enhancement of NIIS so that it can deliver performance statistics in the required format and new processes emanating from amended Refugee Act of 2010. In this regards a needs analysis has been conducted and forwarded for implementation. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * Awaiting implementation.
22 Strategic Objective: To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Refugees Act, 1998, and Refugee Regulations Refugees Act, 1998, and Refugee Regulations amended Needs analysis conducted Act not promulgated but Draft Regulations developed as per quarterly target. This is done so when the Act is assented to by the President the regulations will be ready for implementation. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * The regulations will be taken through the departmental processes for authorisation.
23 Strategic Objective: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not ApplicablePolicy document developed with clear options for the processing of asylum seekers and refugees. Situational Analysis conducted and Process Plan developed. Challenges/ Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * The implementation of the process plan that was developed in the Quarter 1 will serve as the basis for the overhaul of the asylum seeker process.
24 Strategic Objective: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not Applicable Adjudication committees established at all 7 Refugee Reception Offices (Now 6 owing to closure of Crown Mines) Capacity analysis conducted. Capacity analysis completed. Draft implementation plan developed. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
25 Strategic Objective: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not Applicable Refugee Appeals Authority established and decentralised Interim Refugee Appeals Board (RAB) and Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs (SCRA) concept developed. Interim draft decentralization document developed and approved. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * Decentralize and capacitate the Refugee Appeals Board and the SCRA as a forerunner for the implementation of the decentralized RAA.
26 Strategic Objective: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not Applicable Asylum seeker and refugee management pertaining to 3rd country nationals placed on the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) agenda Document developed to be utilised as basis to engage on a bilateral level with three identified SADC countries. Document to be utilised as basis to engage on a bilateral level with three identified SADC countries developed. Bilateral and multilateral discussions have taken place on the issue. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * Continued bilateral discussions of the issues with neighbouring countries.
27 Strategic Objective: To review the policy and regulatory framework to manage economic migration BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not Applicable Position Paper developed on policy options for managing the migration of skilled and unskilled migrants Establish Steering Committee to develop discussion paper Project Team and Steering Committee established. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * Discussion paper will be released for public discussion after it has been through internal departmental and cluster processes.
28 Strategic Objective: To facilitate the movement of regular travellers across neighbouring borders BASELIN E (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not Applicable Implementation plan for rationalisation of Ports of Entry approved by appropriate authorities. Develop Implementation Plan Finalisation of the concept Paper and Presentation to the Inter Agency Clearing Forum. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * The consultation process took longer than envisaged and the Department cannot proceed issue until consultations are concluded with all the parties concerned. Way forward/Remedial action * The Inter Agency Forum has requested that a cost analysis exercise be conducted and intensive research to be conducted on the Ports identified for closure.
29 Strategic Objective: To facilitate the movement of regular travellers across neighbouring borders BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not Applicable Trusted Traveller Programme piloted at a land port of entry Submit proposed POE for approval (Maseru Bridge) Port of Entry Identified and Proposal by a service provider still to be approved by Department. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Costs are higher than anticipated and funding will have to be sourced through the submission of a business plan within the MTEF process. Way forward/Remedial action * To source funds in the next budget adjustment process.
30 Strategic Objective: To realise a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 migrants annually BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Approximately 12 000 scarce skills permits issued 18 000 scarce skills permits issued 3000 scarce skills permits issued Exceptional Skills Work Permits: 479 Quota Work Permits: 755 Total number of 1 234 scarce skills permits issued. 41% of target achieved. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * No strategy to market South Africa as a country of destination for people with scarce and critical skills. Way forward/Remedial action * Transformation of the permitting system.
31 Progress is reported on below in terms of the following Outcome. Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
32 Strategic Objective: To improve leadership capacity and capability towards enhancing service delivery BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Draft Coaching Clinics Framework Coaching clinics for 25% of 2000 (500) identified supervisors in the Department implemented Provider contracted Tender specifications revised and tender advertised on 3 June 2011 and closing on 1 July 2011, briefing session held on 9 June 2011. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Finding a quality service provider to deliver on this intervention proved to be more difficult than expected, therefore we had to restart the process. Way forward/Remedial action * Revised the tender specification to be more explicit on the kind of services required.
33 Strategic Objective: To leadership capacity and capability towards enhancing service delivery BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Approved list of existing, job evaluated, critical funded posts obtained 1076 vacant and funded posts filled Recruitment Plan developed and approved Recruitment Plan developed and approved. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
34 Strategic Objective: To improve leadership capacity and capability towards enhancing service delivery BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not Applicable150 officials enrolled in management development programmes to enhance operational and service excellence. Proposal of the management development programme and the preferred service provider presented to Executive Management Committee (EMC). Presentation made to EMC on 3 June 2011 and go-ahead received. Meeting was held with WITS on 3 June 2011 to discuss the training material. Awaiting feedback from WITS. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * Content of Management Development Programmes to be finalised with the identified service provider (Wits Business School) and nominations for attendees to be re-submitted.
35 Strategic Objective: To improve leadership capacity and capability towards enhancing service delivery BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not ApplicableImproved basic and advanced Programme for new and existing Immigration Officers approved Proposal for basic and advanced Programme for new and existing Immigration officers presented to Executive Management Committee (EMC) for approval Proposal for basic and advanced Programme for new and existing Immigration officers was presented to the Executive Management Committee. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * 350 Newly recruited Immigration Officers will be offered this Basic & Advanced Immigration Training Programme.
36 Strategic Objective: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not ApplicableCentral database developed to provide integrated reports on all counter corruption cases in DHA Recording and capturing of 50% of 720 cases reported and investigated cases (360) Consultations with three service providers for new system have taken place. Proof of concept to be developed. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
37 Strategic Objective: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Baseline study on causes and scope of corruption commenced Baseline study conducted, to inform DHA Counter Corruption project (part of JCPS Cluster) (DHA Counter Corruption Project informed by the Baseline Study) Engagement with all JCPS stakeholders on the project proposal Study is in the final stages of completion – verification of Permitting and BMD processes still to be finalised. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
38 Strategic Objective: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGETQUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 60% of misconduct cases finalised within 60 days 70% of misconduct cases finalised within 60 days 70% of misconduct cases finalised within an average of 60 days. Total cases received in the Quarter = 78 Finalised = 54 % = 69% of received new cases finalised within 60 days Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Human Resources Constraints. Way forward/Remedial action * The recruitment of additional human resources ( Labour Relations Specialists).
39 Strategic Objective: To obtain a clean audit report BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Qualified audit for 2009/10 Unqualified audit report Plan developed and approved to address gaps in Financial Management Capability Maturity Model (by CFO and Treasury) Plan developed and awaiting approval from National Treasury and DHA. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Still waiting to incorporate the weaknesses identified in the audit report for 2010/11 financial year. The Department was granted an extension by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) for the audit of assets. Way forward/Remedial action * Develop plans for the weaknesses identified in the audit report for 2010/11 financial year and monitor the implementation of the plans during the 2011/12 financial year.
40 Strategic Objective: To increase capacity to contribute to the fight against cyber crime BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Cyber Crime Policy developed in conjunction with Department of Communication Cyber Crime Policy, Strategy and Plan implemented through documented measures such as raising awareness and education Cyber Crime Policy Awareness sessions in 2 Provinces (Polokwane and Gauteng) No progress made. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * The IT Security unit refocused on other priority projects and thus this project was deferred to the next two quarters. Way forward/Remedial action * Carry over the target to Quarter 2 i.e. raise awareness sessions in 5 provinces (instead of 3) with the help of IT Champions/Officials for prioritised provinces.
41 Strategic Objective: To develop and implement service delivery standards for improving operational efficiency BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Methodology developed and applied for costing key civic services All civic services and products costed Consultation of key stakeholders on proposed costing methodology Civic Services reviewed costing of Temporary Identity Certificates (TIC) and consultations with National Treasury were undertaken. It is intended to lower the price of TICs as the price is currently the same as ID re-issues. During the review period, the TIC was also delinked from the ID issuance process Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Despite review of the costing, the new reduced tariff in respect of TICs has not been implemented as this must be approved by National Treasury. Way forward/Remedial action * A follow-up must be conducted with National Treasury to determine the implementation date of the revised tariff in respect of TICs.
42 Strategic Objective: To obtain a clean audit report BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 24 Offices refurbished for 2010/11 6 Offices refurbished (rollovers from previous years) 5 offices refurbished,namely Middelburg, Pietermaritzburg, Ratanda, Ladysmith, Inanda. Bekkersdal was not achieved. In addition, four more offices were also refurbished in the first quarter, namely Jozini, Mkhuphula, Umsinga and Bambanani Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Bekkersdal was not achieved due to the challenges faced with the Municipality. Due to the elections a new Municipality Council has been appointed and Property Management is still waiting for the new Municipal Manager to provide a written consent that the Department of Home Affairs can implement its’ corporate identity. Way forward/Remedial action * A meeting will held with the new Municipality, Emzansi Consulting Engineers, Gauteng Provincial Managers’ office together with Property Management to determine a way forward and to take a decision whether the project should continue or it must be cancelled.
43 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Draft access model developed for access to DHA services (with distance as the norm) Access model tested with regard to maximum travel distance to DHA services (model recommendations vs DHA status quo) Approval of the distance as the norm Proposal regarding the norm is under consideration. The access norm (drafted during 2010/11) is still under consideration by Top Management. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * Fast track the approval of the model.
44 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 54 days on average 95% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 days 63% was issued within 54 days. Out of 343 432 ID applications received during quarter one, 316 450 were issued. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement *Backlogs were encountered due to photo digitization (poor quality of photos). *Defective lamination during Q1 also resulted in many IDs being re-processed. Way forward/Remedial action * The lamination solution project is underway in partnership with Government Printing Works (GPW) and State Security Agency (SSA).
45 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 47 days on average 95% of IDs (Re- issues) issued within 47 days 70% of IDs (Re-issues) issued in 47 days on average. Out of 337 991 ID applications received during quarter one, 320 985 were issued. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * Backlogs were encountered due to photo digitization (poor quality of photos). * Defective lamination during Q1 also resulted in many IDs being returned to the Central ID Production Facility for re-lamination and this affected turnaround times. Way forward/Remedial action * Appointment of staff at all levels, in particular, Senior Managers at the Central ID Production Facility is essential and will receive priority during Q2. * The lamination solution project is underway in partnership with GPW and SSA.
46 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 24 days (manual process) on average 95% of machine readable passports issued within 24 days (manual process) 97% of passports issued within 24 days (140 832 passports were issued within 24 days out of a total of 145 118 applications received). Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
47 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 13 days (live capture process) on average 97% of applications for machine readable passports issued within 13 days (live capture process) 97% of applications for machine readable passports issued within 13 days (live capture process) 99% (44 920 passports were issued within 13 days out of a total of 45 097 applications received). Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
48 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 10 offices equipped with electronic queue management systems Electronic queue management systems implemented in additional 5 offices Procure queue management technology No additional Queue Management Systems were procured during the review period. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * Options are being investigated with a view to implementing by the end of the financial year.
49 Strategic Objective: To realise a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 migrants annually BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Not ApplicableAll immigration products and services costed Approach and methodology agreed to including roles and responsibilities In process of consulting with internal stakeholders. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action * Costing will be completed in the second Quarter.
50 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 30% of first instance status determination finalised within 6 months 75% of first instance status determination finalised within 6 months 30% of first instance status determined within 6 months. The time it takes to finalise the first instance determination can not be calculated. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement * NIIS as the main source for statistics could not provide management reports relating to the percentage of the number of first instance status determination finalised within 6 months of asylum application s being received as captured in the annual and Quarter 1 target. Way forward/Remedial action * IS to provide raw data for a provisional manual analysis (using Excel) * Fast track the development of NIIS track and trace system to measure adherence to set timeframe during Quarter 2.
51 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 40% of Applications finalised within 8 months 70% of Applications finalised within 8 months 40% of Applications finalised within 8 months 56% of Applications for permanent residence finalised within 8 months. Total number of Permanent Residence applications finalised: 2 851. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
52 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 40% of applications issued within 8 weeks 70% of temporary residence permits (work, business, corporate) issued within 8 weeks 40% of applications issued within 8 weeks 43% of temporary residence permits (work, business, corporate) etc finalised within 6 weeks Business Permits: 485 Corporate Permits: 56 Corporate Work Permits: 507 Quota Work Permits: 755 General Work Permits: 3 491 Exceptional Skills Work Permits: 479 Intra-Company Transfer: 1 281 Total: 7 054 Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Way forward/Remedial action
53 SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS OVER THE QUARTER Efforts made to improve the permitting system are yielding results: Security has been greatly enhanced by centralising adjudication; backlogs have been cleared; and turnaround times improved. A new information system employing track-and –trace has enabled better management control and better service to clients Continued progress is being made in cleaning up and securing the National Population Register through a greater percentage of newly-born children registered within 30 days; and the number of duplicate cases reduced. The Department has been strengthened organizationally by the ongoing rollout of the new operating model. In particular, the appointment of 3 new Provincial Managers and Directors: Finance in every province is already having a positive impact on service delivery and financial management. Third-party verification is working well, with SASSA, the High Court and other institutions benefiting by being able to verify identity online. A total of 9 frontline offices were refurbished; providing a far better service delivery experience for the public and a better working environment for staff.
54 KEY CHALLENGES AND RESPONSE BY THE DEPARTMENT Establish and maintain consistent standards for security and service delivery Implement operating model, with managers capacitated to take charge and achieve and maintain standards in every office and at every level Get closer to communities and involve them in service delivery, and security. Strengthen and work with Stakeholder Forums: local, metro and provincial. Improve Asylum-seeker and refugee management Roll out new structures and secure, streamline and speed up processes Contribute to the combating of human smuggling, trafficking and other forms of illegal migration Work closely with the security cluster and strengthen policies, legislation and systems while combating corruption. Better use of management information for reporting and decision-making. Roll out of an Online Reporting Tool and a database of performance statistics and enhance information systems where necessary.
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