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The Respiratory System. What this difference between breathing and respiration.

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Presentation on theme: "The Respiratory System. What this difference between breathing and respiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Respiratory System

2 What this difference between breathing and respiration

3 Students are assigned one of three roles -- lungs, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Children assigned to be the lungs hold hands to form two circles with an opening at the top. As the lungs inhale, children step out to widen the circle, and the students representing oxygen enter the lungs through the opening at the top, then pass into the bloodstream under the joined hands in the circle. As the lungs exhale, the students representing carbon dioxide enter the circle under the joined hands. The children in the circle step closer together, forcing the carbon dioxide out of the openings at the top of the circles. This physical demonstration helps children understand the breathing process.

4 A person inhales and exhales fifteen times a minute, approximately 20,000 times a day. Breathing in, and then out counts as one breathe. In 24 hours they breathe in nearly 2,200 gallons (10,000 liters) of air- enough to fill 30,000 coke cans

5 Adult lungs hold nearly six quarts of air. It would take about three days to drink this amount of liquid.

6 How long can you hold your breath???

7 With a partner in the group sit quietly and count your breaths for one minute using the stopwatch. Then jump in place for 30 seconds and count your breaths for another minute. What happened? Why? Record your answer. Busy muscles need more oxygen so you have to breathe harder and faster to get it.

8 Measure Chest Cavity Feel diaphragm

9 . With a partner in your group measure a relaxed chest with a piece of string. Now predict how much longer the string will be when you take a deep breath and cut a second piece of string the length you think. Use a piece of masking tape with your name on it and hang it on the wall with your relaxed

10 Ask your partner to take one deep breath and then exhale while singing a note. Count seconds from the time the note begins until it ends to measure each one’s lung capacity. Record your answer. Now take a deep breath and see how long you can whisper without taking another breath. Try again, this time shouting. What happens when you whisper? Shout? Record your answer.

11 Ask students how much air they think they have in their lungs? Have them take a deep breath and blow into the balloons until they run out of air holding the balloon afterwards as to not let the air out. Ask them how big is the balloon? Tell them it contains about half the air in their lungs. Blow up your balloon again. Let the air out. Explain to students that the balloon vibrates, making a loud noise and when air from their lungs passes over vocal cords in their throat, the cords vibrate, making sounds.


13 Pharynx (Throat) Larynx Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Diaphragm Alveoli Nose/Mouth

14 1. Main function – exchange gasses between the body and the environment A. Body removes carbon dioxide and takes in oxygen 2. Respiration – exchange of gasses between body and the environment 3. Breathing – Taking in/emitting air

15 How Respiration Works Lungs- two large organs that fill with air and are emptied in a rhythmic way

16 How Respiration Works 1. As you breath in, air enters either the nose or mouth 1a. Air passes through pharynx (throat) – cilia filters air 2. Air then passes through the larynx – voice box which contains your vocal cords -Epiglottis- Flap of tissue above larynx (closes off when you swallow) 3. We then enter the trachea – or windpipe 4. The trachea extends into two tubes which lead into the lungs – these are called bronchi

17 So lets see how this works…

18 How Respiration Works 5. The bronchi are broken down into smaller passageways called bronchioles a. think of this as a tree with branches 6. Air then enters alveoli – tiny sacs at the end of bronchioles A. This is where external respiration takes place!!! Es Es

19 External Respiration A. External respiration – O2 moves from the lungs (alveoli) into the blood and CO2 moves from the blood into the lungs (alveoli)


21 How Respiration Works 7. From here, O2 is transferred to capillaries – tiny vessels that surround each alveolis 8. A vein takes O2 to the cell 9. The cell uses O2 for energy. When this happens CO2 is produced. The body needs to get rid of CO2. This process is called internal respiration! 10. CO2 goes back to lungs through an artery 11. The same process occurs in reverse!

22 Internal Respiration B. Internal respiration – O2 moves from the blood into the cell and CO2 moves from the cell to the blood

23 Lets put it all together…. Air comes in the nose or mouth 1. Pharynx 2. Larynx 3. Trachea 4. Bronchi (in lungs) 5. Bronchioles 6. Alveoli (external respiration) 7. Capillaries 8. Vein 9. Cell (Internal Respiration) RED- WITH O2 BLUE- IS WITHOUT O2 (CO2) 10. Artery 11. Capillaries 12. Alveoli 13. Bronchioles 14. Bronchi 15. Trachea 16. Larynx 17. Pharynx. Out nose or mouth

24 Some more terms… 1. Pleura – thin mucous membrane film that covers the lungs 2. Diaphragm – muscle which separates the lungs from the abdominal cavity 3. Cilia – tiny hairs that line the respiratory tract to filter dust and other bacteria from inhaled air.

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