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 Scientific Method Pg. IV -Observation, & Research Question Pg. vi -Collect Variables,& Hypothesis pg. vii -Procedure, & Analyze Data Pg. viii -Conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: " Scientific Method Pg. IV -Observation, & Research Question Pg. vi -Collect Variables,& Hypothesis pg. vii -Procedure, & Analyze Data Pg. viii -Conclusion."— Presentation transcript:


2  Scientific Method Pg. IV -Observation, & Research Question Pg. vi -Collect Variables,& Hypothesis pg. vii -Procedure, & Analyze Data Pg. viii -Conclusion Pg. ix  Bohr Atom Diagrams Pg. X  Periodic Table Pg. XI -Metals,Transitional Metals -Non metals, Noble Gases PG. xii -Ionic Bonds, Valance electrons, Bonding And Naming, Labeling AN Element, & Octet rule pg. xiii  Energy, Forms Of Energy, &Types of energy Law of conservation of energy Pg. xiv  Movement of Heat, Speed, Momentum, Work, Power, & Acceleration pg. xv  Waves Medium, & Mechanical Wave Pg. Xvi -Types Of Waves, Parts Of A wave, & wave speed Pg. xvii  How Waves Interact, Refraction, Reflection, & Diffraction pg. xviii -Constructive Interference & Destructive Interference Pg. xix  Sound & Vibration, & How sound is made &How Sound Is Detected, & Vacuum Pg. xx

3  Sound in different mediums, effect of temperature on sound, & pitch & Intensity pg. xxi  Mixtures, Homogeneous & heterogeneous mixtures, & Compounds pg. xxii -Solute, Solvent, Viscosity,& Solubility Pg. xxiii -un, Super, & Saturated pg. xxiv  Electromagnetic Waves Pg. xxv  Force & Motion Pg. xxvi -Balanced, Unbalanced, & Net Forces pg. xxvii -Newton’s 3 laws pg. xxviii

4 The Scientific Method is made up of eight steps. Observation Research Question Collect Variables Research Question Hypothesis Procedure Analyzing Data Conclusion

5 Observation- An Observation is anything you notice going on around you Research Question- A Research Question is a question that can be tested and cannot be an opinion question

6 Collecting variables- You find your IV and your DV that make your research question Hypothesis- A hypothesis is an educated guess that, later in the experiment, will prove if you are right or wrong

7 Procedure- A procedure is the steps that show you how you are going to do your experiment Analyze Data- When you analyze data, you graph the outcome of your experiment

8 Conclusion- A Conclusion is were you state what you saw going on in the experiment and if your hypothesis was supported

9 Bohr Atom Diagrams

10 The table were all the elements come together Made by Dmitri Mendeleev

11 Metals- Are Shiny, malleable, conductive, and highly reactive Transitional Metals- Highly boiling and melting point. Largest group of the periodic table, and the oldest elements known to man are found there. Non-Metals- Are not shiny, not malleable, not conductive, and slowly reactive Noble Gases- Do Not react to anything

12 Ionic Bonds- Only take place between metals and non-metals. It is the gaining or losing of electrons. Valence Electrons- They are found in the very last orbital of an atom diagram. Octet Rule- the picture in the bottom left hand corner Covalent bonds- Only take place between non-metals and other non-metals. Bonding & Naming- It is how you name an ionic bond Labeling an Element- Show were the symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, & the name of the element.

13 Energy- The ability to cause a change Forms of energy- Mechanical-Moving something Thermal-Anytime particles move faster in an object Sound-When particles vibrate Nuclear-When atoms split and come together Types of Energy- Potential Energy- Energy used when the event is about to happen Kinetic Energy- Energy being used when the event is happening Law of Conservation- States that energy can be reused but not newly made

14 Movement of Heat- Can move in different ways Conduction-Heat through touch Convection-Heat through a liquid Radiation-heat through air Speed- The rate of motion Acceleration- An increase in speed Momentum- How hard it is to stop something Work- Anytime something moves Power- How quickly you can move something

15 Waves- A disturbance of energy through matter from one point to another Mechanical Waves- A wave that needs a medium in order to travel Medium- Any type of matter that waves pass through

16 Parts of a Wave- Pictured in the top image Types of waves- There are two types of waves Longitudinal-Up and Down Transverse-Back and Forth Wave Speed- Show how fast the wave is

17 How Wave Interact= Through reflection, refraction, and diffraction Reflection-Waves bounce off other things Refraction-When waves travel at different waves through different mediums Diffraction-When waves go around an object

18 Constructive Interference- When 2 waves with the same wave pattern add together to form a bigger wave Destructive Interference- When 2 waves with a different wave pattern add up to cancel each other out

19 Sound – A vibration that moves through matter Vibration- The moving back and forth of an object How sound is made- Your lung force air out your pharynx, and into your larynx, The vocal cords make vibrations that bounce off matter in the air to create a wave How sound in detected- The sound wave bounces into your ear and goes through your ear drum. It travels through the inner ear and to your cochlea that sends it to your brain to interpret it Vacuum- A space with no particles

20 Solid- Goes very slowly through Liquid- Goes through quickly Gas- Goes through very quickly Effect of Temperature on sound- Hot-Allows waves to travel very fast Cold-Waves travel very slow Pitch- The highness & lowness of a sound Intensity- How powerful the sound is

21 Mixtures- When two or more substances are combined together. There are two types of mixtures. Homogeneous Mixtures-Mixtures were you cannot see the particle Heterogeneous Mixtures-Mixtures were you can see the particles Compounds- When the substances are chemically combined and are not easily separated

22 Solute- The substance getting dissolved Solvent- The thing doing the dissolving Viscosity- The thickness of a liquid Solubility- The ability to dissolve in a liquid

23 Saturated- A solution that can not dissolve any solute anymore Unsaturated- A solution that can hold more solute Supersaturated- Has too much solute in it

24 Radio waves- They are the slowest waves in the electromagnetic wave spectum. They have the longest wavelength They can be longer than a football field or as short as a football field Microwaves- Have wavelengths that can be measured in meters Infrared Waves Infrared waves are between visible light and microwaves Visible light Visible light is any light that we can see There are two types of visible light that is made from satellites. They are True color and False color. Ultraviolet light They are lights that are invisible to the human eye but some insects can see the. X-Rays X-rays are thought in energy not wave length. Gamma Rays They are the smallest waves known in the electromagnetic spectrum

25 Motion- The movement of an object from one place to another Force- Push or pull. Anything that causes a change in motion Balanced Forces- All forces acting on an object Unbalanced Forces- The forces in one direction are greater than the other Net forces- The sum of all the forces acting on an object

26 Newton’s 1 st Law- An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted on by a non-zero force Newton’s 2 nd Law- The more mass an object has the more force is needed to move it Newton’s 3 rd Law- For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction


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