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THE PLACE WE LIVE IN високий рівень “Fantastic‚” “Wonderful‚” “Excellent” достатній рівень “Well done!‚ ”Good for you“ середній рівень “ Normal”, “Good.

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Presentation on theme: "THE PLACE WE LIVE IN високий рівень “Fantastic‚” “Wonderful‚” “Excellent” достатній рівень “Well done!‚ ”Good for you“ середній рівень “ Normal”, “Good."— Presentation transcript:



3 високий рівень “Fantastic‚” “Wonderful‚” “Excellent” достатній рівень “Well done!‚ ”Good for you“ середній рівень “ Normal”, “Good ”

4 Little Cat and Little Mouse

5 Little mouse, little mouse, Where is your house?

6 - Little cat, little cat, I have no flat, I’m a poor mouse, I have no house!

7 - Little mouse, little mouse, Come into my house!

8 - Little cat, little cat, I cannot do that,

9 You want to eat me!

10 Little Mouse‚ little Mouse, Where is your house? Little Cat‚ Little Cat, I‛m a poor mouse, I have no house! Little Mouse‚ little Mouse, Come into my house! Little Cat‚ Little Cat, I cannot do that, You want to eat me.


12 a bathroom a hall a bedroom a living-room a kitchena balcony

13 a computer a carpet a desk a bookcase a desk a mirror a bed an armchair a sofa a table a fridge a cooker a phone a bookcase a cupboard a sink





18 Dear friends, It was really good to get your letter. Thanks. Here`s a description of my doll`s house. I have done it on my computer. I hope you understand it! I have got a room. There are many dolls in it. Mary is my doll. Mary is in her doll`s house. There is a kitchen, a hall, a living-room and a bedroom in the doll`s house. Mary is on the balcony now. There is a bath in the bathroom. There is a sofa in the living-room. There is a fridge in the kitchen. There is a bed in the bedroom. I like my doll`s house. Write soon, your friend, Ann.

19 Draw your room and make up 3-4 sentences to describe your room ( Намалюй свою кімнату та напиши 3-4 речення про кімнату ) 1.Make up a picture 2. Fill in the gaps with is / are ( заповни пропуски за допомогою is / are ) ( знайди шлях до будинку Міккі і напиши назви меблів та предметів)




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