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Opening Week August 29, 2012. Announcements New to SPPS Transfers Accessing Social Studies information SPPS Social Studies Website Social Studies wiki.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Week August 29, 2012. Announcements New to SPPS Transfers Accessing Social Studies information SPPS Social Studies Website Social Studies wiki."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Week August 29, 2012

2 Announcements New to SPPS Transfers Accessing Social Studies information SPPS Social Studies Website Social Studies wiki SPPS Apps Revised Social Studies Standards, Websites Google Docs

3 Partnerships Social Studies Fair September 25th 3:30 - 5:30 History Day, Junior Achievement, World Savvy, Multicultural Resource Center World Savvy - Back to School Party MNHS Student Volunteers

4 2011-2012 6th grade moved to HPMS Ownership by content of Common Core Writing product Prioritize benchmarks from revised Social Studies standards Draft unwrapped priority benchmarks

5 Common Core by Content February - March Teachers ‘mapped’ ownership of writing products by grade/content Products are floating - building PLCs decide where they fit April District PD Content areas reviewed the CC standards Discussed ways to implement Recorded questions/concerns needed to move forward

6 Teacher Leads for Rubrics Function of a Teacher Lead for Rubrics Regularly uses rubrics Objectively represents the writing product Review documents with building PLC for input before scheduled sessions Attend all scheduled sessions Work collegially with peers Update building PLC Lead content sessions at district PD when needed

7 PLC 8:20 - 9:00 Review of Common Core Writing Products by Grade/Content Review draft rubrics created by ELA Does the rubric address the standard? Is there language that needs to be changed for the Social Studies discipline? Is the rigor appropriate? Every content area has ownership of a Common Core Writing Product. Ideally, we will collaborate with ELA to modify their Common Core rubrics for Informative/Explanatory, Analysis and Argument. The ELA department currently has draft rubrics that Social Studies can modify for 8th grade Argument, 9th grade Informative/Explanatory, and 10th grade Argument. 7th grade and 11th grade will be working from History Day rubrics. 12th grade Government will start their work with the 10th grade Argument and add from there. Any Analysis rubrics which 12th grade Economics would modify are currently under construction.

8 Unwrapping Priority Benchmarks April - June Teacher Leads prioritized benchmarks Prioritized benchmarks posted for comment, documents delivered to schools for PLCs to review, sessions held for teachers to review docs August Priority benchmarks finalized Scope and Sequence finalized

9 2004Revised 7thMN History included MN History is in 6th grade MN Studies 8thSt. Paul unitNo benchmarks for St. Paul 9thAncient Civilization focus Modern era focus 10th 11thUnits treated equally Gaps in content Pre-20th century units are shorter to allow modern times

10 Content Session Review the scope and sequence with the Teacher Lead, record any inconsistencies Review the unit titles for changes Review the units/benchmarks for possible PD

11 Teacher Lead for Unwrapping Priority Benchmarks objectively represent the content review documents with building PLC for input before scheduled sessions attend all scheduled sessions work collegially with peers Unwrap priority benchmarks using the Leadership and Learning Center format for Engaging Classroom Assessments update building PLC Lead content sessions at district PD

12 Curriculum Review Cycle Start after priority benchmarks unwrapped Rubric co-created by Department of Equity and Social Studies Alignment with unwrapped priority benchmarks Alignment with historical inquiry, geographic skills Absent narratives, multiple perspectives Common Core alignment Culturally Responsive Teaching

13 2012-2013 September - November Teacher Leads by Content draft Concepts, Big Ideas and Essential Questions December - January Teacher leads review publishings according to the rubric 1 all day session Present findings to staff

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