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U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS Under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT.

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1 U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS Under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT UN/CEFACT Forum, Geneva 2002 ICG Information Content Management Group Vice Chair: David Dobbing

2 UN/CEFACT ICG Results Revised and approved the Group Mandate Set up two projects:  A project to finalise the next revision of UN/ECE Recommendation 20 (all interested parties welcome)  A joint project with ATG to migrate the maintenance and management of the UNCL over to ICG Initiated work on:  The interface specification with TBG  The ICG Terms of Reference  The ICG Operating Procedures Approved next release of UN/ECE Recommendation 28

3 UN/CEFACT ICG Responsibilities The purpose of the Information Content Management Group (ICG) is to ensure the release of quality technical specifications for e-business. To achieve this aim ICG will be responsible for:  the management of the UN/CEFACT information repositories and libraries for electronic business and the UN Recommendations that fall within its scope;  the validation and registration of the UN/CEFACT business requirements specifications;  the normalisation and maintenance of the syntax neutral information components that serve as the building blocks for the development of standards for implementation;  The audit and registration of the syntax compliant versions of the business requirements and information components.

4 UN/CEFACT ICG Deliverables The key deliverables of the ICG are:  A series of coherent, consistent and normalised reference libraries comprising the business requirements, information objects and code lists that are aligned with the domain reference models and serve as the building blocks for the development of standards for implementation;  The audit and release of the syntax specific information objects and syntax specific information components;  Processes and procedures for the maintenance of the libraries;  Mechanisms for ensuring the quality of the library contents;  UN/ECE Recommendations related to codes

5 UN/CEFACT ICG Membership Members of the ICG should have one of the following basic backgrounds:  Semantic experts in the areas of business practices and codification  Information modelling experts in the application of reusable design practices  Syntax experts conversant with the rules defined for the syntax solutions supported by UN/CEFACT

6 UN/CEFACT ICG Membership Members of the ICG should have one of the following basic backgrounds:  Semantic experts in the areas of business practices and codification  Information modelling experts in the application of reusable design practices  Syntax experts conversant with the rules defined for the syntax solutions supported by UN/CEFACT


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