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Living in harmony with nature
The Un Decade on Biodiversity is about reconnecting with nature and a demonstration why biodiversity is important Photo credit: Living in harmony with nature
Living in harmony with nature
What do you know about biodiversity?
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate What do you know about biodiversity? Members of the public were asked what biodiversity is. The most common answer was "some kind of washing powder" (BBC, 15 Oct 2010). Eurobarometer The recent Eurobarometer survey shows that most Europeans do not feel well informed about biodiversity. The new "Attitudes towards biodiversity" survey reveals that only 38% of Europeans know the meaning of the term, although another 28% have heard of it but do not know its meaning. A majority feel that biodiversity loss is a serious issue, although they do not think they will be personally affected by the decline, with only 17% of respondents agreeing that they are already touched by it. When asked about the most important threats to biodiversity, 27% prioritised pollution, with 26% blaming man-made disasters. The main reason cited by citizens for their lack of actions to stop biodiversity loss was low awareness of what can be done Only 38% of Europeans know the meaning of the term, although another 28% have heard of it but do not know its meaning (Eurobarometer) The main reason cited by citizens for their lack of actions to stop biodiversity loss was low awareness of what can be done
What does biodiversity do for you?
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate What does biodiversity do for you? Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, is essential to sustaining the living networks and systems that provide us all with health, wealth, food, fuel and the vital services our lives depend on. Photo credit: Mateusz Banski/CBD in other words… Biodiversity gives you everything you need to live
Living in harmony with nature
The Un Decade on Biodiversity is about reconnecting with nature and a demonstration why biodiversity is important Photo credit:
a short story on how the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity
came to be It all started in 2010 – the International Year of Biodiversity and the adoption of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity
Biodiversity is our life
Biodiversity is life Biodiversity is our life The International Year of Biodiversity was a great success and has shown that people
Worldwide celebrations:
192 countries The IYB campaign was very successful at raising awareness and mobilising people around the world 389 partner organisations +1138 events The International Year of Biodiversity was a great success and has shown that people facebook friends
an opportunity to build on success
The United Nations Decade on Biodiversity is an opportunity to build on success
Living in harmony with nature
The Un Decade on Biodiversity is about reconnecting with nature and a demonstration why biodiversity is important Photo credit:
The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, is the overarching framework on biodiversity for the entire United Nations system. It was adopted at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD, in October 2010, in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan (Decision X/2). Refer to UN Decade as instrument to implement goal A, target 1
Living in harmony with nature across all sectors of society
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate Living in harmony with nature across all sectors of society Goal A: Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society Refer to UN Decade as instrument to implement goal A, target 1 Target 1: By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably
Target 1: By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of
Refer to UN Decade as instrument to implement goal A, target 1 Target 1: By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably
Other goals of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate Other goals of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity Goal B: Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use Goal C: Improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity Goal D: Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services Goal E: Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building Present the UN Decade strategy and recommendations to Parties on what to do at national level The development of national targets, and the updating and revision of national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs), will be key processes in fulfilling the commitments set out in the Strategic Plan. To support countries in these efforts, the Secretariat, together with global and regional partners and with the generous support of the Government of Japan and other donors, will be convening a series of regional and subregional capacity-building workshops throughout 2011 and The workshops will build on the success of a first series of Capacity Development Workshops for NBSAPs and Biodiversity Mainstreaming held in 2008 and For further information on these workshops please see Additional information on the Strategic Plan can be found on Photo credit:
22 December 2010, Resolution 65/161 The 65th UN General Assembly declared the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity text Refer to the proposal of Japan at WGRI and COP10 decision and UNGA: AD HOC OPEN-ENDED WORKING GROUP ON REVIEW OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONVENTION Third meeting Nairobi, May 2010 Invites the United Nations General Assembly to consider declaring the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity; COP10 Decision X/8 United Nations Decade on Biodiversity CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY Tenth meeting Nagoya, Japan, 18–29 October 2010 Agenda item 4.2 DECISION ADOPTED BY THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AT ITS TENTH MEETING X/8. United Nations Decade on Biodiversity The Conference of the Parties, History: Decides, following the invitation of COP-10, to declare the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity, with a view to contributing to the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity , Requests the Secretary-General, in this regard, in consultation with Member States, to lead the coordination of the activities of the Decade on behalf of the UN system, with the support of the CBD secretariat and the secretariats of other biodiversity-related conventions and relevant UN funds, programmes and agencies, and Invites Member States in a position to do so to contribute, on a voluntary basis, to the funding of the activities of the Decade.
Living in harmony with nature
The Un Decade on Biodiversity is about reconnecting with nature and a demonstration why biodiversity is important Photo credit:
United Nations Decade on Biodiversity
Objectives of the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity
Strategic Objectives for the Decade
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate Strategic Objectives for the Decade • Help to implement of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets at national, regional and international levels • Guide regional and international organizations • Raise public awareness on biodiversity issues • Stimulate, motivate and support actions to help biodiversity Provide a supporting framework for implementation of the Biodiversity Strategic Plan and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets at national, regional and international levels Support capacity-development initiatives for implementation of the Convention Create a platform to communicate progress in implementation and achievement of milestones Support and provide guidance to regional and international organizations with a role in implementation of the Strategic Plan and achievement of the targets. Highlight and capitalise on opportunities to link the biodiversity agenda with others Coordinate activities in order to realise synergy; Continue to build public awareness of biodiversity issues. Provide key messages on biodiversity and its value for human well-being, translate into United Nations languages Build partnerships with communications organizations across the world to deliver the messages and develop regional and locally suitable variations on the core messages. Develop principles for the integration of biodiversity into national educational curriculum, focusing on the principles of Education for Sustainable Development
…aim to change the behaviour of society at large
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate …aim to change the behaviour of society at large we encourage you to: • promote public awareness on biodiversity • carry out actions that support the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity • strengthen networks for implementation of the CBD • enhance coordination of your actions with other partners • increase mainstreaming efforts Actors involved in implementation of CBD at national level National Focal points located in government ministries, officials working with relevant United Nations Agencies and Programmes, and other governmental and non-governmental actors should be encouraged to: promote public awareness on biodiversity carry out actions that support implementation of the Strategic Plan; strengthen networks for implementation of the Convention; enhance coordination of their actions, including through the creation of national coordination bodies (i.e., National Committees of UNDB); increase mainstreaming efforts
…track and monitor attitude changes
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate …track and monitor attitude changes • establish indicators and baseline information on public attitudes and opinions • create global framework under which regional, sub-regional and national surveys can be conducted • establish partnerships with: - public opinion research agencies - marketing companies - national governments - regional organizations • tap into existing expertise on capacity-development initiatives Proper tracking and monitoring of the Decade will require establishment of indicators and baseline information on public attitudes and opinions regarding biodiversity. Therefore, early on in the Decade, a key first step will be the creation and establishment of a global framework under which regional, sub-regional and national surveys can be conducted. Partnerships should be established with: public opinion research agencies marketing companies national governments regional organizations Some regions, such as Europe, have considerable expertise in this respect and their experience should be tapped for capacity-development initiatives that support the carrying out of these surveys in regions.
Your organisation can become a partner of the
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate Your organisation can become a partner of the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity Show your support, be part of the vision, and get more visibility
Living in harmony with nature
The Un Decade on Biodiversity is about reconnecting with nature and a demonstration why biodiversity is important Photo credit:
What else can I do?
Protect life on Earth What people are doing
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate What people are doing What can I do? Photo & painting competitions Conferences & events Exhibitions Create excitement Teaching & training What are people doing for the International Year of Biodiversity? They are involved in events around the world. There are no limits who what people can do to help generate excitement. Film festivals Raise awareness Websites Multimedia shows Community action Blogs and forums Protect life on Earth
Join us on facebook and twitter
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Activities Living in harmony with nature Support National Committees
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate Activities Support National Committees • Enhance coordination of national actions to achieve the strategic objectives • Participate to capacity building workshops on implementation of the Aichi-Nagoya outcomes • Launch public awareness campaigns, including campaigns directed at key economic sectors Celebrate annually on... • International Day for Biological Diversity (22 May) • World Environment Day (5 June) • Other international days
(click on the picture to watch on youtube – internet required)
Still not quite sure? Watch this (click on the picture to watch on youtube – internet required)
Living in harmony with nature
The Un Decade on Biodiversity is about reconnecting with nature and a demonstration why biodiversity is important Photo credit: Living in harmony with nature
Materials available Living in harmony with nature
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate Materials available Register at to download the official logo Available in: العربية - En - Es - Fr - Ру - ä¸æ–‡, as well as Catalan, Dutch, Portuguese and Turkish
Materials available Living in harmony with nature Home IYB Goals
Events Learn Media Participate Materials available factsheets youth guide to biodiversity 52 tips for biodiversity In all EU languages International Day for Biological Diversity booklets
Materials available Living in harmony with nature Home IYB Goals
Events Learn Media Participate Materials available powerpoint presentation official video web banners desktop backgrounds
Living in harmony with nature
The Un Decade on Biodiversity is about reconnecting with nature and a demonstration why biodiversity is important Photo credit:
Living in harmony with nature
Home IYB Goals Events Learn Media Participate Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity World Trade Centre 413 St. Jacques street, Suite 800 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y 1N9 Tel. 1 (514)
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