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LCG-AFSRD Core Group Meeting 18 April 2012. Background  The Food Security Cluster (FSC) has been established globally to coordinate the food security.

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Presentation on theme: "LCG-AFSRD Core Group Meeting 18 April 2012. Background  The Food Security Cluster (FSC) has been established globally to coordinate the food security."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCG-AFSRD Core Group Meeting 18 April 2012

2 Background  The Food Security Cluster (FSC) has been established globally to coordinate the food security response during a humanitarian crisis, addressing issues of food availability, access and utilisation. The FSC was established by the Interagency Standing Committee (IASC) and is co-lead by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the World Food Programme (WFP).

3 FSC (Humanitarian) AIM  Humanitarian response coordination requires special attention to ensure adequate preparedness before a disaster strikes and an effective humanitarian response as well as early recovery after disaster strikes.  The Food Security Cluster (FSC) aims to strengthen the collective capacity of humanitarian actors working in the area of food security in Bangladesh. The FSC will focus in particular on preparedness whilst providing support to the Government and LCG DER on response efforts during times of both slow and sudden onset emergencies.

4 National Coordination  Bangladesh the (Local Consultative Group Working Group on Disaster and Emergency Response (LCG DER) is strengthening its ability to respond to the evolving humanitarian context, through the establishment of the Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) and the respective clusters.  The FSC will report directly to the LCG DER on all emergency coordination related activities/issues and FSC will be members of the HCTT.  The FSC will be in close contact (information exchange) with the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food Security LCG (LCG ARDFS) co- chaired by FAO.

5 HUMANITARIAN WORK STRATEGIC/DEVELOPMENT Current Coordination Structure LCGs Ag. & Food LCG WG WATSAN LCG WG Education LCG WG Poverty LCG WG DER LCG WG Food Security Cluster WASH Cluster Education Cluster Early Recovery Cluster Humanitarian Coordination Task Team TBD… LCG WG Links to GoB bodies, e.g. NDMC, IMDMCC, NDRC, LGIs; Logistics Cluster Shelter Cluster Stand alone clusters FAO/WFP UNICEF WFP UNDP/IFR C* *IFRC – as convener during emergency phase Links to I/NGOs UNDP

6 Key Achievements to Date Monthly FSC coordination and information exchanging meetings - take place in both Satkhira and Dhaka. FSC WEBSITE – the cluster has created a Food Security Cluster Bangladesh website where all relevant documents (including links to LCG DER website, FSC contact lists, meeting minutes from Satkhira and Dhaka, 3W Overviews, maps, assessment tools, food security reports, FSC member PowerPoints etc.) can be found: FSC Directory – up to date directories of all key actors in the area of FS / Livelihoods have been consolidated. Available on the FSC website.







13 Key Achievements to Date FSC 3W MATRIX – based on inputs from main actors and key implementing partners in the food security sector a Who is doing What and Where (3W) matrix has been prepared. The FSC 3W tool allows one to filter according to NGO/agency and more importantly to location (district) to get a sense of the capacity to respond in a given district. Available on the FSC website. FSC MAP – based on the 3W Matrix, the cluster is working on a mapping exercise to map out key NGOs / agencies and implementing partners with ongoing food security related projects per district and therefore of pre-disaster capacity per district.






19 Key Achievements to Date FSC ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST – the cluster has prepared an FSC check list providing a time frame for a rapid assessment. This is to help the FSC divide its work load whilst highlighting the key steps the cluster should follow in case of emergency. Available on the FSC website. COMMON ASSESSMENT TOOLS – The cluster group in Dhaka has agreed to form a technical working group on assessments, led by FAO and WFP, during April which will work on common assessment tools. Some tools have already been produced and are available on the FSC website. FORMED A FSC TECHNICAL TEAM - to focus on effective technical assistance for needs assessment tools, analysis and planning and response.


21 The Way Forward  Continue Mapping and 3W Exercise  Initiate 4W Exercise.  Finalise and maintain FSC Websit.e  Further Develop Assessment Tools – Checklist, Variables, Rapid Food Security Assessment, follow up FSA etc (FSCTT).  Hold Regular FSC Meetings in Dhaka and Satkhira.  Finalise FSC Terms of Reference by 23 April for Gov’t Approval.  Prepare for a Follow up FSC Needs Assessment in Satkhira, May 2012.  Use FSC as a platform for Integrated Food Security Phase Classification.  Continue to be actively engaged in the LCG-DER through the HCTT.  Continue to be closely linked to Agriculture & Food LCG Working Group.

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