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Immigration. What is an immigrant? Where do they come from? Before 1880- Northern and Western Europe *Ireland *Germany Moved to farms with families Late.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration. What is an immigrant? Where do they come from? Before 1880- Northern and Western Europe *Ireland *Germany Moved to farms with families Late."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration

2 What is an immigrant?

3 Where do they come from? Before 1880- Northern and Western Europe *Ireland *Germany Moved to farms with families Late 1800s- Eastern and Southern Europe AND China Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia


5 Why did so many immigrants come to the United States? PUSH FactorsPULL Factors

6 Assignment FIC tomorrow and VOCAB due! Put on the back of your guided notes! Read through Ch 5 Section 1 Answer the following questions Pg. 133 #4, 5, & 6 Pg. 135 #1 & 2 I will check first thing Thursday!

7 The Immigrant Experience


9 Ellis Island New York Opened in 1892

10 Angel Island San Francisco Opened in 1910 Not as welcoming as Ellis Island!

11 Opportunities and Challenges -Close to industrial jobs What jobs do they perform? -Lived in ________________ neighborhoods i.e. Little Italy Chinatown

12 Challenges Cont… Americanization- program to help newcomers learn English and adopt American dress and diet “melting pot” The idea that all white nationalities would blend into a single culture

13 Facing hostility: Nativism- The belief that native born white Americans were superior to newcomers Chinese Exclusion Act 1882- passed by Congress restricted Chinese immigrants and their rights

14 What were some of the effects of immigration on American culture? New traditions in American culture New vocabulary Effects on the American economy? Fueled industrial growth Built railroads IMMIGRANT LABOR HELPED THE U.S. BECOME A WORLD POWER!

15 Cities Expand and Change Advantages of the city: Attracted many people: *immigrants *rural people *educated *women

16 Technology helps city life: Skyscraper Now able to build cities UP UP UP! Skyscraper= 10 stories or more Electricity & Mass transit Electric trolleys and subways 1 st subway= Boston 1897

17 Disadvantages of the city: Tenements Few windows, little sanitation Low-cost and multi-family Water & sanitation risks Not many indoor toilets Fire and crime Fire destroys Chicago in 1871!


19 HW: READ pg. 144-149 Answer # 4 & 5 in complete sentences at the end of your guided notes I will collect guided notes the day of the test!

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