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 Phrase used to brag about the British Empire at the time.  Had two meanings:  Symbolic: The British Empire will never end  Literal: Because of the.

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2  Phrase used to brag about the British Empire at the time.  Had two meanings:  Symbolic: The British Empire will never end  Literal: Because of the size of the Empire, the sun is always up somewhere in the Empire at any time of the day.

3  Government was worried that First Nations groups would resist settlement like the Metis.  Government had to persuade First Nations to sign treaties that gave up their rights to lands in the West.  Meanwhile, with the bison gone, many First Nations were starving and needed support.  First Nations were given reserves, an annual payment, and other things in exchange for the right to sell land to settlers.


5  The railroad was needed to move settlers into the west,  Built by Chinese labourers, who were paid half as much as white workers, and often did the most dangerous work.

6  Railroad was completed on November 7, 1885.  Financier Donald Smith drove the last spike into the rail, finishing it.


8  When the railroad was finished in 1885, the Canadian government passed the Chinese Immigration Act.  Made Chinese people pay a “head tax” of $50 per person who wanted to come to Canada.  Very few could afford fee, so few of the labourers families could come to Canada.  In 1900, the tax was raised to $100.  In 1903, the tax was raised to $500. (Adjusted for inflation, that would be $10,400 in 2014)  Law was not repealed until 1947.

9  The population in the West rose from 43,000 in 1871 to about 250,000 in 1891.  Some came from central Canada (about 40,000).  Some came from Europe, like the Mennonites and the Icelanders


11  With all immigrants, there are Push and Pull factors.  Push factors make people want to leave their home countries.  Pull factors are the reasons they have for coming to Canada.

12 Push FactorPull Factor  Mennonites are pacifists, and didn’t want to fight in the Russian army.  Canada promised them that they could have land, and would not be forced to fight.

13 Push factorPull factor  Giant volcanic eruption in 1875 killed livestock and poisoned land.  Canada gave permission to Icelanders to have it’s own constitution and laws.  Started Gimli, MB. “Gimli” means “paradise”

14 Push factors Pull factors  Forced military service  High taxes  High poverty  Canada was a chance to be free from poverty  Ukrainians were still able to form close communities in Canada

15 Push factorsPull factor  Religious persecution  Religious freedom  Skilled labourers, so could find good jobs

16  __________________________ YOU

17  From 1910 news- paper

18  Immigration is becoming a larger part of Canada’s growth strategy.  We’re pulling in people from all over the world, not just Europe.  47 languages are spoken in FRC alone!


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