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Community College Trustees - Some Thoughts and Perceptions About Their Elected Role Dr. Terri L. Winfree President, Prairie State College For the Degree.

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Presentation on theme: "Community College Trustees - Some Thoughts and Perceptions About Their Elected Role Dr. Terri L. Winfree President, Prairie State College For the Degree."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community College Trustees - Some Thoughts and Perceptions About Their Elected Role Dr. Terri L. Winfree President, Prairie State College For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 1

2 Community College Trustees and Some Thoughts and Perceptions About Their Elected Role A Basic Interpretive Qualitative Inquiry of Illinois Community College Elected Board Chairs 2

3 Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to explore how prepared Illinois community college trustees are in their role as an elected official. The study explored trustees’ understanding of their college’s mission and culture, and the principles that shape higher education. An emphasis was on their responsibilities related to public trust and the interests of their constituencies. And finally, the study explored whether they feel their past experiences have prepared them, and if professional development will assist them, in this role as a trustee. There was a “president review” conducted with a few Illinois community college presidents to ascertain if they are in agreement or disagreement with the perspectives of the trustees. 3

4 Thematic Structure – Four Overarching Themes Emerged Stewardship Trustee Responsibility Working Together Preparation to Serve as Trustee 4

5 Stewardship Motivation to Serve as a Trustee Pride and Connection to the College Love and Reward Sacrifice 5

6 Trustee Responsibility Presidential Search Institutional Knowledge Public Trust Conflict of Interest 6

7 Working Together Consensus Building and Conflict Resolution Micro-Managing and Overstepping Boundaries 7

8 Preparation to Serve as a Trustee Experience Continuing Professional Development 8

9 How familiar are Illinois community college trustees to their institution’s mission and cultural heritage, and in what way do they feel this meets the needs of the stake holders in the community? How knowledgeable are Illinois community college trustees with translucent values and principles that guide and shape higher education? How comfortable are Illinois community college trustees with their understanding of the public interest and the public trust? If so, what ways is this demonstrated? 9

10 How prepared, and in what way, do Illinois community college trustees feel they are able to address the legitimate and relevant interests of the institution’s various constituencies? How do Illinois community college trustees feel that their past experience, career pathways, and professional development have prepared them for their role as an elected trustee 10

11 How, and in what ways are the presidents agreement (or disagreement) with the Illinois Community college trustee’s perceptions related to their preparedness for their role as an elected official? President and Trustee Relationship Trustee Responsibility VS President Responsibility Trustee’s Pathway and Staying Power Board Packets and Board Meetings Conflict of Interest Micromanaging and Overstepping Boundaries Communication Trustee Career Preparation and Professional Development President’s closing Comments 11

12 Thank You Dr. Terri L. Winfree Prairie State College ICCTA Annual Convention June 7, 2013 12

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