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The First Day of School: The Adventure Begins… Summer Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "The First Day of School: The Adventure Begins… Summer Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Day of School: The Adventure Begins… Summer Institute

2 The first day of school is one full of first impressions: Students size up the teacher and the teacher sizes up the students. Summer Institute

3 The Teacher as Pack Leader Like a pack leader who claims territory, the classroom teacher must also “claim” the classroom by being their calmly- asserting authority. Summer Institute

4 First to Arrive; Last to Leave Greet everyone at the door and be at the door when students leave. In essence, this action says “I welcome you into MY space and now I bid you farewell!” Summer Institute

5 Benefits of Claiming your Classroom Direct students to seats. Set the tone for the class. Match faces with names. Express clear expectations. Set the day’s goals in motion. Summer Institute

6 Be Seated Everyone… The best advice to rookie teachers is to have an alphabetical seating chart on day 1 and keep it as long as needed (at least, until you know your students’ names and determine personalities). Then decide on a permanent seating chart (if needed). Tape names to desks at lower grades. Summer Institute

7 The Face has a Name Learning student names should be your first major objective. This simple act tells students you respect them. You will also be able to quickly address misbehavior. Summer Institute

8 Idle Minds are Trouble! Low expectations and “free time” are invitations for student misbehavior and allow student imagination to fill in the blanks. Have several activities (based on TEKS) as backups EVERYDAY! EDTC 3000, PPR

9 Warming up the Brain Juices Secondary and middle school students NEED a 5-minute warm- up exercise daily. EC-4 students NEED a warm-up activity like art, or something physical. Summer Institute

10 Do as I Say AND Do! Setting the tone means being consistent with rules and expectations. Your reputation hinges on this! Summer Institute

11 Warning Do not confuse being friendly with being a student’s friend. Being a student’s “friend” comes after you have established yourself as a good teacher and you have come to know your students well. Even then, you must keep a professional distance. Summer Institute

12 1st Day Tasks Summer Institute Learn your students’ names within a week. Assign seats at least until you know their names. Clarify/explain classroom rules (about 3 to 5). Discuss emergency and safety procedures. Introduce yourself and make yourself interesting. Assign textbooks if available. Explain and post your grading system.

13 More 1st Day Tasks Collect student info. Discuss major projects. Explain how/where/when students get extra help. Explain the “doghouse” ticket plan. Summer Institute

14 Clothes Make the Teacher Dress professionally. No fashion statements please! No dressing up like your students. Nothing too casual or risqu é. Check with your school or district’s dress code policy. Summer Institute

15 Activity For Your Toolkit: Create a 3 to 5 classroom rule chart. Write a short “introduction” of yourself you plan to use on your students. Create a 4 to 5 step “Doghouse Ticket” plan you want to use in your classes. Summer Institute

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