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C LASSROOM M ANAGEMENT A guide to skills that teachers use on a daily basis when keeping their classroom under control.

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Presentation on theme: "C LASSROOM M ANAGEMENT A guide to skills that teachers use on a daily basis when keeping their classroom under control."— Presentation transcript:

1 C LASSROOM M ANAGEMENT A guide to skills that teachers use on a daily basis when keeping their classroom under control

2 T HERE ARE THREE MAIN ASPECTS TO CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Content Management which includes lesson plans, organization, and the structure of the class Conduct Management which involves behavior, discipline, and classroom rules Covenant Management which includes the environment that is displayed to the student

3 C ONTENT M ANAGEMENT Start the day off right by providing an organized start that allows students to focus on class time and relax. In order to do so provide calming music and a bell ringer or brainteaser activity. These activities can be fun facts, a review of the day before, or even a look ahead at a future lesson plan. They should have enough questions to last around five minutes in order to allow all students to get into class and calm down. Any shorter causes stress as students may not make it in before others finish where as any longer looses the attention of the students. This sample bell ringer would be good to either find out what students already know about states or to see what they have remembered after teaching the ideas!

4 C ONTENT MANAGEMENT C LASSROOM ORGANIZATION The way a classroom is arranged can dramatically affect the way students learn. From being in the front to being in the back or being easily distracted by others in a group each seating arrangement has its pros and cons. Below are three ideas for arrangements to try! Rows provide an organized look but students in the back are less likely to pay attention Groups provide all students with others to work with while still giving them their own space and not making anyone necessarily in back A u-shape allows all students to have a great view and easy movement options for teachers

5 C ONTENT M ANAGEMENT T WO MORE GREAT IDEAS Velcro Seating Chart A Velcro seating chart has many uses. It can be used for taking attendance, rearranging seats, and as an aid to substitutes. To do so either take pictures of each student or print their names on paper. Make a seating chart that fits the arrangement of your classroom and place one piece of Velcro at each seat. Place the other side of the Velcro on the picture or name and there you have it. Students can hang their picture up when they arrive to class or the teacher can use it as a reference. Behavior Book Many teachers now use behavior books to track students throughout the year as well as to have ideas for parent teacher conferences. Students fill out a questionnaire at the start of the year in order for teachers to get to know them, these are all placed in a notebook then notes can be jotted down. Good and poor behavior can be recorded here. Another idea is to place each into a page protector that notes can be dropped into as the teacher takes them.

6 C ONDUCT M ANAGEMENT R ULES Rules are the first step of conduct management and important to every school and classroom. Every school has its own set of rules and within each classroom has their own. Teachers can make rules themselves or use students to help yet all seem to be derived from some basics. Misbehaving and discipline wouldn’t be able to take place without rules in place. Basic Rules Noise levels Turning homework in on time Respect for others Paying attention Classroom Rules Keep noise at a level appropriate for activity Turn homework into bin upon arrival Keep all hands, feet, and other body parts to yourself Pay attention- when teacher is talking there should be no other talking and all eyes focused

7 C ONDUCT M ANAGEMENT D ISCIPLINE Discipline is a very important part of classroom management yet shouldn’t take too much time away from ready to learn students. Teachers can go about disciplining misbehaved students in a number of ways, each must decide what suits them, their classroom, and students best. Three Strikes The three strikes method is one that lets students know when they are doing wrong, see when they have improved, as well as rewarding well behaved students. Each student is given three note cards at the beginning of the week and they write their names on them. Each time they misbehave they must turn in one card. Those at the end of the week with all three cards get a reward and others soon try to behave as to earn a reward as well. Three strikes is a bribe that tries to motivate misbehaved students to behave in order receive the benefits that behaved students receive. Think Sheets Think sheets are a great way for students to sit and really think about what they did. Teachers and students can come up with a signal that students know as time to think. When the student that has misbehaved, sees this signal he or she goes to a desk that sits alone, takes out a sheet of paper, and writes down what the problem was and what they can do differently. This allows the teacher to not be occupied with misbehaved students and students to think about their actions.

8 C OVENANT M ANAGEMENT E NVIRONMENT Environment has many factors starting with the school and classroom. The feeling students and faculty get when walking through the door sets the mood for the day. White walls, ceilings, and floors are drab and tend to bring people down whereas color can help to lighten the mood. Student artwork and posters help people to feel more comfortable and relaxed. Which hall looks more interesting and comfortable to you?

9 C OVENANT M ANAGEMENT T EACHER AND F ACULTY Not only does the appearance of the school effect the environment as does the teacher and faculty members appearance and attitude. Dressing appropriately, making eye contact, and talking in a tone of voice appropriate for the situation all change the environment. Wearing clothing that is comfortable yet professional shows that you are there to be in charge and ready to teach whereas stretch pants and a tee shirt may give off a different vibe. Talking in a small voice when trying to get a point across doesn’t work well as yelling in a general conversation sets a different mood than what you were trying to get across Friendliness and eye contact also set the mood rather it be positive or negative. If faculty is rude and unsocial students feel unwelcome and if there is no eye contact made they feel as if they aren't important. By making eye contact and treating others how you would expect to be treated an attractive inviting environment can be made for all to enjoy!

10 S OME E XTRA I DEAS If you cant find one idea that meets your needs or the needs of your class try combining several. For example, the three strikes method and thinks sheet method of disciplining can be combined into one. Students can write on the back of the note card then turn it in. The teacher can then take the note card and place it in the behavior book for use at parent teacher conferences. Being written in the students writing it has more meaning to the parent than the teacher simply discussing it with them. When grading be positive! Use ink colors that are calming and positive such as blues and greens rather than red as red is an angry intense color. Rather than using X’s to mark things wrong as they seem negative use circles or check marks since these don’t seem as harsh. Finally when writing the grade put the number correct out of the total rather than the number wrong, it looks better to see 15 out of 20 than -5. VERSUS

11 Through experience and knowledge gained year to year every teacher will eventually be able to manage their classroom effectively. My combing all elements and creating a classroom comfortable to all students will accept their teacher and be better able to learn the ideas presented to them. Teachers must keep in mind their own thoughts and values while at the same time meeting the needs of their students. I hope this was of some help and that we can all someday manage our own classrooms effectively!

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