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Planning for Instruction. Context for Learning (CFL) The Context for Learning template is available in “final” handbooks The Context for Learning template.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for Instruction. Context for Learning (CFL) The Context for Learning template is available in “final” handbooks The Context for Learning template."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for Instruction

2 Context for Learning (CFL) The Context for Learning template is available in “final” handbooks The Context for Learning template will be available once pre-released handbooks are finalized There may be minor variations among the templates dependant upon your content area

3 Content for Learning Information About the School Where You Are Teaching 1. In what type of school do you teach? __ Elementary __Middle __High __Urban __ Suburban __Rural List any special features of your school or classroom setting (e.g., themed magnet, students who are tracked into the class, classroom aide, bilingual, team taught with a special education teacher) that will affect your teaching in this learning segment. Describe any district, school, or cooperating teacher requirements or expectations that might affect your planning or delivery of instruction, such as required curricula, pacing plan, use of specific instructional strategies, or standardized tests.

4 CFL: About the Class Featured in this Assessment 1. How much time is devoted each day to literacy instruction in your classroom? 2. Identify any textbook or instructional program you primarily use for literacy instruction. If a textbook, please provide the title, publisher, and date of publication. 3. List other resources (e.g., Smart Board, hands on materials, on-line technology resources) you use for literacy instruction in this class. 4. About the Students in the Class Featured in this Assessment

5 CFL: About the Students in the Class Featured in this Assessment 1. Percentage of students eligible for free/reduced lunch ___ 2. Grade level(s), ____ 3. Number of students in the class  males ____ females ___  English language learners__  students identified as gifted and talented __  students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans____

6 CFL: Students (cont’d) 4. Complete the chart below to summarize required accommodations or modifications for students receiving special education services and/or students who are gifted and talented as they will affect your literacy instruction and assessment in this learning segment… Special NeedsNumber of Students Accommodations, Modifications, and/or pertinent IEP goals Example: Learning Disability Example: 4 Example: Close monitoring, follow up, and Resource Room

7 CFL: Things to Remember CFL set the stage for assessment and instruction Consult with cooperating teacher as needed Chart is optional, but it clarifies students’ learning needs for the evaluator Complete the template and follow the prompts Accommodations/modifications from IEP that are applied consistently during instruction and assessment that listed on the chart should NOT be included on lesson plan

8 WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU NEED FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT? Something to TEACH… That is MEANINGFUL to the students Learning Target (Big Idea) Based on …

9 “ Unnecessary Detail ” OR “I DON’T NEED DETAILED LESSON PLANS” Experienced teachers don’t write detailed lesson plans Teachers DO think through their lessons in detail I respond to my students as the lesson progresses Teachers anticipate student questions and potential learning problems …But this will mean I am taking work home! Do you know a good teacher who doesn’t?

10 Why Write Detailed Lesson Plans? What the research indicates To ensure that all students learn Reflective teachers are better teachers Practice helps to analyze student learning Practice helps to anticipate student questions and learning problems With experience, a shortened lesson plan is acceptable It’s required for passing the TPA It’s required for licensure

11 Lesson Plan Format 1 Required until Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher agree to format 2 or format 3 Required for TPA LESSONS

12 Name:Week of Date of Lesson Subject:Content: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Standard(s) Learning Target (Big Idea): Learning and Academic Language Objectives: Assessment of Student Learning (formal and informal): Resources and Materials: Motivational Techniques: Instructional Strategies: Key Learning Activities Closure Activity: Reflection:

13 CONTENT STANDARDS Ohio is in transition Depending upon grade level and content May use state standards May use national standards Verify with cooperating teacher Use grade level standards

14 Learning Target (Big Idea) : Students learn when teachers translate the learning intention into developmentally appropriate, student-friendly, and culturally respectful language. One way to do that is to answer the following three questions from the student's point of view: What will I be able to do when I've finished this lesson? What idea, topic, or subject is important for me to learn and understand so that I can do this? How will I show that I can do this, and how well will I have to do it? Moss, C.M., Brookhart, S.M., & Long, B.A. (2011). Knowing your learning targets. Educational leadership. 68(6)

15 Learning and Academic Language Objectives: Identify language learning objective Form Function Fluency Identify content objectives Differentiated instruction Plan for all, most, few Account for prior knowledge Language development and demands Content knowledge

16 Assessment of Student Learning (formal and informal) Pre, formative and summative Backward design Aligns with Content standards Benchmarks or objectives If appropriate, describe alternative assessments

17 Alignment Content Standards Benchmarks/ objectives Assessments # and textPrerequisites or Grade level Tied directly to standards and objectives #1 Science inquiry and application Properties of objects and materials can change. Objects can be moved in a variety of ways, such as straight, zigzag, circular and back and forth. An assessment question or procedure for each objective/benchmark

18 Resources and Materials: Teacher materials Student materials Technology Adapted materials not listed in the Context for Learning

19 Motivational Techniques Relates to knowledge of students background Cultural Prior knowledge Interests Why will your students “want” to learn this material Can you make learning this material fun

20 Instructional Strategies Organize Instructional Strategies  What are YOU doing/using, specifically Instructional strategies Prompting strategies Correction techniques Scaffolding tasks

21 Key Learning Activities What the student required to do? Both learning tasks and assessment focus on multiple dimensions of the content Progression of tasks and the assessments guides students to deep understandings of the content Align assessment and learning activities

22 What happened to PROCEDURES? Procedures usually focus on just student learning/activities When teachers focus on their own behavior and instructional strategies, student learning increases Suggestion (if not comfortable writing instructional strategies and key learning activities Write your procedure section Create a table with two columns Step by step fill in instructional strategies and key activities

23 An Example Instructional Strategies Key Activities Teacher begins lesson with whisper down the lane. Teacher introduces the concept of miscommunication and the need for clarification using examples of vague expressions Teacher … Students take turns passing the sentence along until the last student repeats the sentence aloud Students respond by asking a clarifying question Students chart clarifying questions in response to sentences within…

24 Closure Activity Reinforces and summarizes student learning goals Is often left out Run out of time “Oh, I am finishing the lesson tomorrow”

25 Reflection Integrates Knowledge of the students Research, theory, effective practices Changes in teaching practice Specific and strategic to improve individual and collective understanding of standards and objectives Three levels Reflection—Level 1 What? What happened? Reflection—Level 2: So What? What does it mean? Reflection—Level 3: Now what? What do I do now? Includes “type of issue”


27 Don’t forget to ENJOY your student teaching experience Thank you Questions later, contact

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