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Nance Elementary Welcome to Curriculum Night! 2012-2013.

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1 Nance Elementary Welcome to Curriculum Night! 2012-2013

2 We will learn about the curriculum in 2 nd grade at NISD. I can tell a partner one thing my child will be doing this year. Each day your child will have a clearly stated expectation – what we will be doing and what they will be able to do when we are finished.

3 How can I get information about what is happening in 2 nd grade? Visit teacher websites: Select Nance under “schools” Select “Staff” on the Nance homepage Child on the teacher name Some tabs are linked because all information is the same for 2 nd grade students. Newsletters are automatically linked to Mrs. Espinoza’s webpage.

4 Standards Based Bulletin Boards All schools in the district have standards based bulletin boards. Student work is displayed on the boards, and teacher commentary is included to show why certain pieces meet the standard. Although many students may meet the standard, teachers choose pieces of work to spotlight that are outstanding examples. We are proud of all the work our students do and are always looking for student work to spotlight.

5 The Workshop Model 3 components: 10-15 minute opening 45 minute work period 10-15 minute closing Opening – Introduce new skill or concept, review, read, set up expectations for work period Work period – Students are trying new skill; teacher is working with individuals or small groups Closing – Students share work they did during work period; teacher listens to student discussion and acts as a guide

6 Why Use the Workshop Model? Students are able to work independently to develop new skills and try new strategies Students are given the opportunity to collaborate with their peers Students become problem solvers rather than simply memorizing information Students have meaningful conversations with teachers so that we can identify and address concerns immediately

7 Reader’s Workshop Students will learn strategies that effective readers use to decode words and make sense of text. Students will have multiple opportunities each day to explore different genres and to reflect on what they are reading. Guided reading -small group instruction using books on each student’s instructional level. Reading comprehension skills: summarizing, making connections, visualizations, asking questions, using prior knowledge, sequencing, main idea, etc. Assessments: running records, DRA, reading responses End of Year Goals: reading & comprehending on DRA level M with 75 wpm fluency

8 End of Year Reading Behaviors Longer stretches of text More difficult vocabulary, ideas and language structures A greater range of genres Identifying the main idea Note taking to aid comprehension Comparing characters/change of characters over time Using a variety of strategies to best solve a problem while reading Retelling/synthesizing what they read by attending to the most important information and the clarity of the synthesis itself Drawing inferences from the text Asking questions of themselves, the authors and the text they read Activating relevant, prior knowledge before, during and after reading text Creating visual and other sensory images from the text during and after reading Can search for and find information in texts Can interpret texts from a variety of perspectives

9 World Record Readers Students will complete interest inventories. Parents are encouraged to complete the interest inventory with all students. This information will be helpful to teachers when setting goals for students. Teachers will be working with students to set goals for individual reading success. We will hold celebrations every 6 where reading for a variety of purposes is celebrated. Reading products may be shared. Kick-Off celebration/Open Ceremony will be held on October 5 th followed by a day of reading fun. It is important for parents to be involved by encouraging your child to read at home every night, talking to them about the books they are reading, and asking them about their current reading goals.

10 Recognition and Celebrations High Flying Fridays – Every Friday morning all students will gather in the gym. We will use this time to recognize students for specific positive academic behaviors and choices made by Nance students each week. We will also recognize classes who have excelled in a particular area such as 100% homework, perfect attendance, or no tardies. This is a brief, informal celebration designed to be engaging and fun for students. Celebration of Reading - Every 6 weeks we will have a reading celebration. This will not be an award ceremony, it will celebrate reading. Award Ceremonies – Every 6 weeks will have an awards ceremony where we will recognize “Kick it Up.”

11 Writer’s Workshop Students will write daily. Students will write in various forms, such as letters, reflections and narratives. Students will learn how to take their writing through the Writing Process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, & publishing).

12 Math Students will explore mathematics through hands-on learning experiences. Students will learn the importance of place value & how it is used to solve various operations Areas of Study: addition & subtraction of one & two-digit numbers; counting money; telling time; place value; non-standard measurement; patterns; geometry; fractions; problem solving strategies

13 Try the workshop model: We will determine the difference between two numbers. I can tell if there we have enough for everyone to have one. There are 20 students in our class. There are 22 desks. Are there enough desks for everyone to have one? Draw a picture to show how you solved the problem. Explain your thinking in writing.

14 Science Science Topics: Process, inquiry, and physical science Earth science Organisms and environments

15 Technology Students will be using ipads and netbooks in the classroom to supplement the curriculum. We will stress safety on the internet before we begin working in depth with technology.

16 Counselor Each class will receive scheduled guidance lessons with the counselor. Please contact the counselor if she can be of any assistance to you or your child. Counselor-Mrs. Garrett 817-698-1979

17 Counselor Purple Heart Pledge

18 2 nd Grade News The 2nd Grade Newsletter will be attached to teacher webpages. Please check your teacher’s webpage as newsletters are updated weekly. They will contain spelling words for tests on Fridays and important information and dates.

19 Homework Math homework will be sent home each Friday and will be due the next Friday. In addition, we will send home 10 spelling words each week. Please encourage your child to read at home in addition to doing the assigned homework.

20 Behavior Your child has a planner that they will bring home daily. This planner includes behavior. We mark behavior at the end of the day with a color. If there is a color change, there will be a number that explains the behavior issue. Please look in the planner for the chart that explains how the number corresponds to the behavior.

21 Snacks Since the brain works better when fed frequently, we will have snack time each day. If you would like for your child to have a nutritious snack please send one from home each day. Teachers will not be allowed to provide snacks for students that do not bring one. If there is a student with a nut allergy in your child’s classroom please refer to Mrs. Howerton’s snack guidelines. Recommended Snacks Crackers Fruit Dry cereal Pretzels Granola bars Send only snacks of nutritional value. Please do not send chips, donuts, cookies, etc.

22 Ride Changes Please send a note with your child if their mode of transportation changes. Your child will need to hand that note to their teacher as they come in the classroom that morning. Unfortunately, a request sent via phone call, email or left on a teacher’s voicemail can not be honored. The school requires all ride changes to be processed through the front office. Only in the case of an emergency will a phone call ride change be accepted.

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