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Michael (Mike) Showers Presentation to National Property Management Association NES 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Michael (Mike) Showers Presentation to National Property Management Association NES 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael (Mike) Showers Presentation to National Property Management Association NES 2012

2  NPD/NPR 4500 (The NASA Manual)  DoD Changes and The Impact on NASA  Latest FAR Change  Space Shuttle Closeout  “What’s going on in DC”  NESS


4  Purpose –  Provide Guidance to NASA Personnel  Fill in the gaps in DoD guidance related to NASA  Provide a partial replacement for DoD 4161.2M  Address NASA specific requirements  Internal and external NASA delegations  Financial and other reporting requirements  Assure NASA CFO that we are providing adequate attention to management controls  Goal of establishing the PMSA as a “Performance Audit”  Better defining testing requirements and methods in audits  Assuring, at minimum, existence and completeness testing

5  Content - 8 Chapters  Full range of Property Administration Activities  Chapter 1, General –  Defines objective, scope,  Provides authorities,  Defines responsibilities for NASA personnel  Establishes a deviation process

6  Chapter 2, Pre-award Processes –  Speaks to procurement support, solicitation reviews  Provides specific guidance for administration of contracts for contractors operating in and out of NASA installations/facilities  Addresses the use of VCS, ILPS, Customary Commercial Practice, and existing procedures and systems in proposals  Speaks to level of review  Considers past performance

7  Chapter 3 – Delegation  Off-site delegation requirements  Provides policy regarding off-site delegations  Requires use of NESS to maintain delegation recordkeeping  Retention of On-Site PA  Requires that on-site Property Administration be performed by a NASA PA  Links contractor performance evaluations to PA/IPO findings  Addresses CO retention of Property Administration  Requires that CO perform all PA activities, including Plant Clearance and PMSAs

8  Chapter 4 – NASA Property Administration Requirements  Transfer requirements  To and from contractors  Between contracts  Addresses COTR involvement  Use of clauses  Recordkeeping requirements  Loss Management  Administration of reports  Actions related to decisions to hold responsible

9  Chapter 5 – Property Management System Audit  Establishes purpose of audit  Relates audits and audit schedules to risk  Provides guidance on sampling and testing for all outcomes and segments of a property system  Speaks to the applicability of self assessments  Addresses anomalies vice systemic deficiencies  Sets documentation/recordkeeping requirements  Addresses contact with contractor via entrance and exit conferences

10  Chapter 6 – Reporting  Financial reporting  NF1018  NESS  PA/IPO/IPMS responsibilities  Metrics  Solicitation/Proposed System Review ratios  High Risk Contractor/PMSA performance ratio  Overall contract base/PMSA performance ratio  Unresolved findings

11  Chapter 7 – Special Contract Situations  Progress Payments Contracts  SBIR Contracts  Storage of property  During a contract when reported by contractor as excess  After contract completion  Major program property administration  Foreign contracts  On-site contractors  Other Instruments  Space Act Agreements  CRADAs

12  Chapter 8 – Contractor Inventory Disposition  Plant Clearance Delegation  Contractor disposition costs  Retention of disposition for on-site contractors  CO retention of plant clearance  Abandonment determination process  IPO oversight  Coordination of PA and PLCO activities  Onsite disposition  Delegated Plant Clearance Actions/Reports/PCARSS  Exchange/Sale

13  Status  Completed internal review at IPO level  In the hands of the editors  Will have to proceed through NODIS (internal NASA system) reviews  Bottom line, probably still a year away


15  DFARs change related to business system administration  Change affecting NASA  Removes authority of PA to provide pass/fail recommendation on contractor property systems  Retains that authority for ACO at DoD  Uses DoD systems to report deficiencies and require corrective actions (CAR)  Positive  Raises Property Management to the same level as other business systems

16  NASA Situation  Problem  NASA Contract Administrators not familiar with property  IPO interface will be required  EWAM will have to be available to all IPOs  Solution  Revision to PA Delegation instructions  Lay out differences between DoD and NASA requirements  Request that DoD Documentation will be forwarded to NASA  Expect PA statement on whether systems meet or do not meet contract requirements (specifically those in FAR 52.245-1(f))  Retains other PA related requirements


18  Defines “ loss” as inclusive of LDD&T throughout FAR  Changes Part 45 scope to incorporate IAGP concept  Redefines “Acquisition Cost” as “Unit Acquisition Cost”  Removes adequate/inadequate language and replaces with compliant or noncompliant with contract requirements  Limits use of FAR 52.245-2 to fixed price contracts  Incorporates “ customary commercial practices ” with VCS and ILPS language  Restates and clarifies loss reporting requirements

19  Addresses requirements for abandonment/destruction determinations  Follows Government priorities for disposition when abandonment/destruction is not appropriate  Agency reuse  Federal Reuse  Donation to eligible recipients  Sale  Defines production scrap and reduces its reporting requirements  Encourages Exchange/Sale processes


21  Property to be “transitioned” by March 2013  Many items reserved for future NASA work  Used in relation to Space Act Agreements  Used in support of Commercial Space Launch Agreements  Used to support SLS Program

22  Artifact working group  13 offerings of property internal and external  Screened over 32,000 items of property  Reutilized over 3,000 items within NASA public affairs programs, by donation to schools and museums 

23  Shuttle delivery  Discovery delivered to NASM  Enterprise delivered to Intrepid Museum  Endeavor scheduled to be delivered to California Science Center later this year  Atlantis moved to the KSC Visitor’s Center later this year, opening next year  Related Major Items  Shuttle Display formerly at KSC Visitor’s Center to JSC  Model of external tank from JSC moving to Wings of Dreams Museum

24  Electronic stewardship  Will affect disposal of just about everything  NASA working with UNICOR to address e- stewardship at most locations  Data – data – data  Proper methods for destruction of data on storage devices still in play with NASA CIO. Could affect disposal of just about everything  New standards from NIST recently released  Driving change from our CIO to their draft regulations  Most NASA data storage devices must be destroyed


26  Working on an email submission program  Will allow contractors to submit the 1018 form via email  Will not require IDMAX access  Planned for 2013 reporting period  IDMAX/NAMS implementation on hold until “Federal Bridge” in effect at NASA  DCMA/ONR need not have NASA IDMAX Access  Contractors not required to have NASA IDMAX Access

27  Go to NESS Homepage

28 Click “Request Access”

29 Click “New User Radio Button” then… Click “Next Step” Button

30 Click “do not have a NASA Agency User ID” then… Click “Next Step” Button

31 Click “Contractor/DoD/N ASA Radio Button” then… Click “Next Step” Button

32 Click the appropriate user type then… Click “Next Step” Button READ THE USER TYPES, THEN….

33 Select your company’s cage code from the drop down list” then… Click “Next Step” Button

34 Enter your contact information, then… Click “Next Step” Button Enter your address only if different from the cage code address, then…

35 Click “Next Step” Button Enter your supervisor’s contact information, then…

36 Click “Next Step” Button If you have more cage codes, select them here, then select applicable NASA contract numbers then…

37 Click “Verify information and submit ” Button Verify that the information on the page is correct, then…

38 Click “Print Application” Button This page has submission information for the NESS hard copy…Yes, a hard copy is still required.

39 The first page of the hard copy of the form will look like this….The system will prompt you to print the form using your system’s normal print call pop-up.

40 Your supervisor must sign and date here, then…. You must sign and date here

41 Submit the form according to these instructions… You will receive two emails.



44 Michael (Mike) Showers NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001 Phone: 202.358.0272 FAX: 202.358.3068 Contact Me At:

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