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Published byMuriel Casey Modified over 9 years ago
Ph.D. Gordana Stefanović, Assist. Prof. Dušan Marković, Ph.D. Student Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Nis, Serbia COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE WASTE MANAGEMENT POSSIBILITY ON THE TERRITORIES OF SERBIA AND CROATIA XI th International Symposium Waste management Zagreb 2010, 25-26 XI 2010. Zagreb
Content Introduction LCA of product and LCA of the waste IWM model Indicated parameter of the model Model limitations Waste quantity and quality analysis (Nis and Zagreb) Scenarios 1-4 Results and discussion Conclusions
SWM trends State of the art in Europe State of the art in Serbia and Croatia Future plans LCA Introduction
State of the art in Europe Geo / Time Municipal waste, kg per person per year 2000.2008. GeneratedLandfilledInsineratedGeneratedLandfilledInsinerated EU (27 count.) 52328879524207102 Bulgaria51639904674400 Chech Rep.3342823130621834 Denmark6656735280235433 s Germany6431651335813e3e 193 e Greece40837204533470 Spain66233937 e 575327 e 53 e France516220169543193 e 172 e Netherlands616571906227e7e 203 e Slovenia51340204593417 Swisserland657403207410371 Norway6153369049088184
SerbiaCroatia Waste Law State strategy for SWM (2010-2019)State strategy for SWM (2007-2015) 4.49 mil. t Waste (2009) 360 kg/cap.year 2.63 mil.t Municipal waste 1.58 mil.t to landfills 3.7 mil. t Waste (2006) 393 kg/cap.year 1.70 mil.t Municipal waste 1.65 mil. t to landfills 1 mil. t wild dumps 0.05 mil. t recycled 1.86 mil.t Industrial waste 1.21 mil. t nondeng. 2 mil.t Industrial waste 0.65 mil.t deng. Non-treated Construction of sanitary landfills in a larger territory Construction of recycling centers Increased percentage of recycling and treatment of hazardous waste Reduce of biodegradable waste 50% of the deposited waste by 2015. 35% of the deposited waste by 2020. Thermal treatment as the last step in waste management State of the art in Serbia and Croatia
The European Commission Communication suggests inclusion of waste treatment environmental impact in the European Union waste hierarchy Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used for measuring environmental impacts and identifying priorities. Why is this way of observing good? It considers other aspect, not only the economic!
The aim of this study is the application of the LCA procedure to MSW management in two cities (Nis and Zagreb) in order to choose the best management system from the aspect of environment protection.
Processes included in the model: Waste colection Transport Sorting and prepearing of recyclable materials Recycling Composting Anaerobic digestion Waste incineration Waste Depositing The specific evaluated indicator parameters: Total consumed/saved energy, Greenhouse gases, Acid gases, Smog precursors, Heavy metals emission, Trace organics, Biochemical oxygen demand, Residual solid waste. Model limitations: Infrastructure is not considered LC of the landfills is estimated at 100 years All treatment ways did not consider Waste reducing on the place and reusing did not consider All waste streams did not considered (dangerous waste,..)
SW quantity and quality Munisipal waste ZagrebNis FractionPercentage (%) Production (t/year) Percentage (%) Production (t/year) Food waste30.6108 01833.724 298 Yard waste5.35.3 18 709 10.47 494 Paper25.3 89 309 15.311 031 Plastics14.9 57 534 17.712 762 Glass5.15.1 31 809 5.13 677 Metals3.4 12 337 1.91 370 Other15.4 54 362 15.911 464 Total100405 001 10072 100
SCENARIO 1 - bazni scenario Municipal Solid Waste Plant for sorting and preparing recyclable material Landfill recycling 20% recyclable packaging waste Landfill gas Recycled material Rest of waste Landfill gas
SCENARIO 2 Municipal Solid Waste Komposting Organic waste kompost Plant for sorting and preparing recyclable material Landfill recycling PlasticMetalGlass Deponijski gas Recycled material recycling Paper Rest of waste
SCENARIO 3 Municipal Solid Waste Cement industry Plant for sorting and preparing recyclable material Landfill recycling GlassMetal Landfill gas Recycled material Rest of waste Incinerator Fly Ash Bottom ash
SCENARIO 4 Municipal Solid Waste Anaerobic digestion Rest of waste kompost Plant for sorting and preparing recyclable material Landfill recycling PlasticMetalGlass Landfill gas Recycled material biogas
Results CITY OF ZAGREBCITY OF NI Š Scenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 3Scenario 4Scenario 1Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Tonnes Managed (***) 405,001 72,100 Energy Consumed (GJ)-882,220-6,041,866-4,755,340-4,575,553-11,908-1,042,126-684,559-1,043,542 Greenhouse Gases - CO2 Equiv. (tonnes )224,939-499,46249,494-302,79751,507-85,27317,830-69,592 Acid Gases - NOx (tonnes) -102.0-795.026.8-486.5-2.5-129.124.2-111.6 - SOx (tonnes) -148.1-1073.2-303.7-773.6-3.4-174.4-6.5-142.7 - HCl (tonnes) -1004.2-5331.7-2633.5-4677.2-196-859.3-291.4-752.2 Smog Precursors - NOx (tonnes) -102.0-795.026.8-486.5-2.5-129.124.2-111.6 - PM (tonnes) 34.8-342.2-80.4-185.117.5-51.8-1.7-43.5 - VOCs (tonnes) -66.5-586.6-22.7-370.97.8-98.8-1.2-77.9 Heavy Metals & Organics - Air Pb (kg) -2.6-20.4240.1-21.40.0-2.647.1-3.1 Hg (kg) -0.11-1.3790.02-1.720.0-0.2818.23-0.58 Cd (kg) -0.06-0.8517.10-1.92-0.01-0.204.71-0.23 Dioxins (TEQ)(g) 0.0120.0010.1840.0350.0010.00.0480.006 -Water Pb (kg) 19.38-56.24-85.85-100.450.81-6.334.97-42.52 Hg (kg) 0.5200.352-0.4080.2220.00.072-0.0680.075 Cd (kg) 29.3507.740-0.052-0.219-0.2421.6010.3491.973 BOD (kg) 245,398121,5672,44249,708-619.04327726,354 Dioxins (TEQ)(g) 0.002340.000680.000250.000100.00.000120.00040.00017 Residual Waste (tonnes)355,98171,26638,92017,60068,65213,9776,8533,100
Results and discussion The main findings of the study can be summarized as follows: : Having in mind the plan of installing a waste recycling plant in Nis, scenario 2 would be most suitable to the set demands. As the minimal amount of waste for depositing is gained in scenario 4, this scenario is also of importance for Nis having in mind the capacity of the existing landfill. Considering thermal treatment of MSW in Zagreb, the waste treated in scenario 3 will reduce the demand of energy from fossil fuel, but, if virgin material displacement credit is taken into account, i.e. complete net life cycle inventory, scenario 2 is the best, in terms of energy saved.
Conclusions LCA is a very powerful tool for assessing the potential environmental impacts of different waste management strategies The results demonstrate that, if the system is modeled in sufficient detail, LCA can identify not only the best scenario, but also the analytical contribution of single operations to the overall environmental performance of the system. Results obtained from this study also support the conclusion that LCA, as an environmental tool, can be successfully applied in an Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS) as a decision support tool.
Kolicina otpada koja se generise na teritoriji Srbije I Hrvatske kao I njiegov sastav je prilicno slican. U odnosu na zemlje Evropske Unije kolicina otpada u obe drzave po glavi stanovnika se nalazi na donjoj granici. Od ukupne kolicine otpada najveci deo se deponuje, dok se svega oko 5% reciklira. Obe drzave su u potrazi za savremenim modelima upravljanja otpadom imajuci u vidu odrzivi razvoj i bast available technologies. LCA is a very powerful tool for assessing the potential environmental impacts of different waste management strategies. U radu su prikazana cetiri alternativna scenarija for the MSW management of the city of Zagrab and city of Nis. Prikazani rezultati demonstrate that, if the system is modelled in sufficient detail, LCA can identify not only the best scenario, but also the analytical contribution of single operations to the overall environmental performance of the system. In accordance with the results obtained from this study, scenario 2 ima najmanji uticaj na zivotnu sredinu, dok je scenario 3 is the most environmentally sound option, in terms of water pollution. The minimum amount of final MSW disposed was obtained from scenario 4 Considering thermal treatment of MSW in Zagreb, the waste treated in scenario 3 will reduce the demand of energy from fossil fuel, but, if we take into account virgin material displacement credit, i.e. complete net life cycle inventory, scenario 2 is the best, in terms of energy saved. Imajuci u vidu plan da se u Nisu instalira postrojenje za reciklazu otpada, scenario 2 najvise odgovara postavljenim zahtevima. Takodje I scenario 4 u kome se generise najmanja kolicina otpada moze biti od znacaja za Nis imajuci u vidu kapacitet postojec deponije. Results obtained from this study also support the conclusion that LCA, as an environmental tool, can be successfully applied in an Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS) as a decision support tool.
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