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How to be a successful employee Your First Week On the Job.

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Presentation on theme: "How to be a successful employee Your First Week On the Job."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to be a successful employee Your First Week On the Job

2 Congratulations! You Got the Job! Now… How do you KEEP it?

3 Workplace Etiquette is Crucial! Etiquette is about being comfortable around people and making them feel comfortable and valued around you Workers that respect and support one another tend to be more productive

4 Manners * Manners * Manners “Good manners can open doors that the best education cannot” Clarence Thomas Bottom Line: Treat others the way YOU want to be treated!

5 BE on time! Be on time (or early) to work and to meetings at work

6 Have a Transportation Back-up Plan – Put aside $20 for a cab – Have a plan for someone else to pick you up if your transportation falls through

7 Know what is expected of you each day Who do you report to? What is your schedule? What is your job description? When a task is done, what do you do next? – Inform your supervisor and ask what to do next – Begin the next task on your list

8 Ask Questions It is better to ask a question than to do a job incorrectly

9 Take Notes *People you meet that you want to remember *Instructions on how to do something -How to use the copier -How to make transparencies -How to make French fries -How to clean a horse stall

10 Time off from work? NO!!!!!!!!! Don’t… – Ask to be late – Ask to be absent – Ask to leave early

11 IF the UNTHINKABLE Happens IF you will be LATE or ABSENT your first week at work *Call for yourself (Don’t ask anyone else to do it for you!) *Call in to your supervisor as soon as you know there is a problem *Explain briefly. Don’t describe all your problems.

12 Show Initiative *Work hard *Take pride in your work *Don’t wait to be asked – get working!

13 Know your Company’s Rules and Follow them *Use of pagers, telephones, voice mail, speaker phones, cell phones *Lunch and break periods *Smoking *Use of vehicles and equipment *Making long distance phone calls

14 Follow the Dress Code *Follow the company dress code, if they have one *Look at what others wear *Clothes should be clean *Shoes clean and shined

15 Look Clean *Showered *Body and Hair Clean *Shaved *Hair combed, styled *Clean clothes

16 Smell Clean *Brush teeth for good look and good breath *Not too much make- up *No too much scent *Deodorant, please!

17 Work at Work! You are at work to WORK You are not paid to do personal things. Don’t… – Conduct personal business at work – Play games on the computer – Try to sell things to co-workers

18 Success Comes in Cans Success I Can do it!

19 Be a Sponge Remember, this is your first week on the job. *Be a sponge. *Absorb all you can. *Listen and Learn. *Remember that other people know more than you do. *Mouth shut and ears open.

20 Do Your Best If people see you are doing the best you can, they will be more understanding about mistakes Don’t give up You CAN do it!

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