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FBA: Getting More Information “Flat, sexy summary statements in just 8 minutes a day!”

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Presentation on theme: "FBA: Getting More Information “Flat, sexy summary statements in just 8 minutes a day!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 FBA: Getting More Information “Flat, sexy summary statements in just 8 minutes a day!”

2 Checking in… How are you doing? Ask questions!!! Do you have a student in mind?

3 Evaluate Your Summary Statements: 4 Questions 1. How good is your summary statement? 2. Could you build a plan from it? 3. Do you need more information? 4. How are you going to get it?

4 A Tale of Three Summary Statements All the timeDisruptiveDon’t know Math Period Talks to Neighbors Obtain Attention Obtain Peer Attention (Cody) Talks to Cody Math Independent Seatwork Hard Time Getting Out of Bed Problems at Home

5 Confirming Your Summary Statements Match level of assessment to severity and complexity of the situation  Preliminary Functional Behaviour Assessment Interview leads to summary  Full Functional Behaviour Assessment Interview leads to summary, which is confirmed by direct observation  Functional Analysis Summary is confirmed via systematic manipulation of environment

6 Universal Level (tier I): School-wide Systems For All Students, Staff, and Settings Targeted Level (tier II): Efficient, Ongoing Systems for Students with At-Risk Behaviour Intensive Level (tier III): Individualized Systems for Students with Severe Behaviour SYSTEMS OF SUPPORT STRATEGIES FOR FUNCTIONAL SUPPORT MODEL OF SUPPORT PREVENT -Teach all students adaptive, functional skills -Provide reinforcement for prosocial behaviour INDIVIDUALIZE -Conduct full FBA -Develop individualized support plan -Monitor and modify plan based on response ADAPT -Conduct brief FBA -Select intervention based on function -Adapt intervention to provide functional consequences

7 Tools for Developing and Confirming Summary Statements Interviews  Functional Assessment Checklist – Teachers and Staff (FACTS) Records search: Incident Reports Referral to School Based Team Form Direct Observation  A-B-C Charts

8 SWIS ODR Records Review








16 Request for Assistance Sample Request for Assistance Forms (3) Guess and Check form

17 Getting More Information: Direct Observations What are you looking at?

18 Does watching students help?

19 Why observe? Observations may… –Confirm interview data –Improve summary statement –Inform behaviour support plan

20 Outcomes of Observations 1.Find/confirm functional information  Behaviour  Antecedents  Consequences 2.How much behaviour/how intense?  Create a baseline  Compare to peers

21 Conducting Direct Observations 1.Define routine/activity and behaviours to be observed 2.Determine data collection format 3.Watch for antecedents, behaviour and consequences 4.When possible, give your best guess on function 5.Record data and time of observation 6.Do observations give a clear picture of the problem? –NO: conduct more observations –YES: integrate with other data to define a summary statement

22 A-B-C Observation Forms A-B-C cards Antecedent/Behaviour/Consequence Chart



25 A-B-C Chart A B C

26 Vignette - Tracy Setting eventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence None identified Insults, throws Peers laugh (obtain peer attention) Comments ignored by peers in cafeteria

27 Vignette - Sarah Setting eventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence None identified Disrespectful replies? Insults teacher? Teacher moves on to another student Teacher direction (turn in homework?)

28 FBA Practice Activity Raynette

29 Case Study: Raynette Grade 4 female, new to school Teacher concerns: disrespect, talkouts, complaining about work What is your plan for assessment?


31 Case Study: Raynette Grade 4 female, new to school Teacher concerns: disrespect, talkouts Antecedents: Independent work, esp. in afternoon What is your plan for assessment?

32 Raynette (continued) What is your summary statement? Are you reasonably confident? Setting eventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence Afternoons Disrespect, talkouts Peers laugh, teacher reprimand (obtain adult or peer attention) Directions, independent work (with teacher proximity)

33 Getting More Information: Case Study Eddie

34 Eddie’s Summary Statement Setting eventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence

35 Evaluate Your Summary Statements: 4 Questions 1. How good is your summary statement? 2. Could you build a plan from it? 3. Do you need more information? 4. How are you going to get it?

36 Background Info: Eddie A. ID’d through school’s auto-referral process Grade 8 student (15 years old) Generally friendly but has seemed irritable lately with Mr. Leo (E’s math teacher) Used to play hockey, may have quit his team this year New group of friends lately Mr. Leo has reported that E has been out of control in his class Received one referral in each of last 2 years, but 4 this year (3 in Mr. Leo’s classroom) What else do you need to know?

37 Request for Assistance What else do you want to know?

38 RFA: Non-Referring Staff What else do you want to know?

39 Direct Observation Use A-B-C form or watch casually What else do you want to know?

40 FACTS Interview What else do you want to know?

41 Student-Guided Interview What else do you want to know?

42 Eddie A B C Student knocks over E’s book. E yells at student. Student says “excuse me.” C E threatens student. ??? Tchr asks students to turn in hw. E: “What homework?” T: “The hw that’s due every Monday.” C E argues. T responds. C E stands up and argues. T: “Just sit down.” Teacher asks students to pair up. E works on his own. ??? High task demand seatwork. E approaches group, cheats. Student covers work. C Yells at student. Student responds. Teacher (?) looks at him. E: “What are you looking at?” ???

43 A-B-C Observation Tool A B C AntecedentBehaviour Consequence Teacher states directions Talk-out “I don’t have a pencil.” T reminds S that it’s her turn to talk (verbal redirect) 1 min. of Independent work Talk-out “Urrr! I can’t do it!” T tells S, “I expect you to work (social isolation) quitely. You can do it.” 2 min. of ind. Work Approaches other child and Teacher looks at, ingores S. engages in conversation. 2 min. of ind. work Pushes other S out of chair. T: “That’s it, S, come over here!” (2 min. reprimand, minor referral)

44 Eddie Problem Behaviour: Antecedents: Maintaining Consequences:

45 Action Planning Time Choose a focus student and start drafting a summary statement  Evaluate the quality of your summary statement  What more do you need to know? Setting eventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence

46 Case Study - Thom 5 year old boy with parent What is the function of the behaviour? What do you think about the suggested intervention?


48 Add-on Observation Activity (time permitting )

49 Back to Shane Review the interview information for Shane Identify A-B-C to look for in Observation

50 ABC Observation Summary Setting EventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence ABC Observation Following the ABC Observation – Summarize the observation results into a Summary of Behaviour Also note any other pertinent information you observed Notes:

51 ABC Observation Activity Observe Shane video Identify A-B-C Summary from observation How are your findings consistent or inconsistent with the interview information? What would be your next steps?

52 ABC Observation Summary Setting EventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence Negative relationship w/ teacher??? Teacher confrontation Work refusal, doodling, yells at teacher, disruptive Avoid teacher confrontation, avoid math task, to office Following the ABC Observation – Summarize the observation results into a Summary of Behaviour Also note any other pertinent information you observed Notes: Repeated teacher confrontation escalates student Behaviour Student did not get physical despite opportunity

53 Summary of Behaviour - Shane Setting EventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence Teacher/Staff Interview Academic Failure in previous class that day Difficult tasks, any word problems & most math operations Work refusal, doodling, not follow directives, yells at teacher, disruptive Avoid math task, doodling, work refusal, sent to office

54 Summary of Behaviour - Shane Setting EventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence Teacher/Staff Interview Academic Failure in previous class that day Difficult tasks, any word problems & most math operations Work refusal, doodling, not follow directives, yells at teacher, disruptive Avoid math task, doodling, work refusal, sent to office ABC Observation Negative relationship w/ teacher??? Teacher confrontation Work refusal, doodling, yells at teacher, disruptive Avoid teacher confrontation, avoid math task, to office

55 If data do not match FACTS summary ? If data from observations do not match FACTS Behaviour summary or you are not convinced…. -Do another ABC observation -Interview other staff that interact with student during target routine -Interview the student

56 Summary of Behaviour - Shane Setting EventAntecedentBehaviourConsequence Teacher/Staff Interview Academic Failure in previous class that day Difficult tasks, any word problems & most math operations Work refusal, doodling, not follow directives, yells at teacher, disruptive Avoid math task, doodling, work refusal, sent to office ABC Observation Negative relationship w/ teacher??? Teacher confrontation Work refusal, doodling, yells at teacher, disruptive Avoid teacher confrontation, avoid math task, to office Final Summary of Behaviour (move to Behaviour Plan) Negative relationship w/ teacher & previous academic failure 1. Teacher confrontation 2. Math task Work refusal, doodling, yells at teacher, disruptive Avoid: 1) teacher confrontation 2) Math task

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