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The Dutch experience in measuring health output and labour productivity Antonio Chessa Foske Kleima Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

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Presentation on theme: "The Dutch experience in measuring health output and labour productivity Antonio Chessa Foske Kleima Statistics Netherlands (CBS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dutch experience in measuring health output and labour productivity Antonio Chessa Foske Kleima Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

2 Outline Output index for hospitals Other health sectors (data) Labour productivity of general hospitals

3 Health output hospitals Clinical and day treatments Outpatient services Other services: o Psychiatric treatments o Rehabilitation o Outpatient births o Haemodialysis o Thrombosis services

4 Clinical and day treatments: Data Hospital Discharge Register (Dutch LMR) For every patient: o Date of birth o Diagnosis (ICD-codes) o Hospitalisation days o Clinical (≥ 24 hrs) or day treatment (< 24 hrs)

5 Clinical and day treatments: Index Diagnosis Age-groups: o Diagnosis: 3-digit ICD o Age: 7 classes Volume indices: o Discharges per DA-group are counted o Clinical and day treatments are added o Index per DA-group: Discharges yr t / Discharges yr t – 1 Weights for DA-indices: o Hospitalisation days o Annually adjusted

6 Index for other services Outpatient: Visits yr t / visits yr t – 1 Similar index for remaining services: o Treatments yr t / treatments yr t – 1 o Blood takings yr t / blood takings yr t – 1 o Births yr t / births yr t – 1

7 Overall Laspeyres index Clinical and day (D): Other services (R): Overall index: Cost weights

8 Output general hospitals

9 Other health sectors NA use a C-method for: o Nursing homes o Homes for elderly o Home health care o Psychiatric institutes o Institutes for disabled Total budget covers 3.5% of Dutch GDP Is a B-method possible?

10 Production data Example: Nursing homes Main output: Nursing days Product composition changes over time: o New products added (home care, assistance) o Changes of same product

11 How to make an index? Nursing days can be tracked yearly How to incorporate new products? Nursing homes YearBudgetDays% of budget 1998100 80.9 1999103.7100.381.6 2000107.9102.282.9 2001134.5104.772.4 2002148.8107.771.5 2003161.4110.172.2 Source: CTG New products!

12 Labour productivity Sector: General hospitals LP = Output / Labour input Labour input: oMeasured in fte’s oCorrection for sick and maternity leave oDifferentiation by profession group oGroup weights based on salaries

13 Labour productivity: Results

14 Comparison with other sectors

15 Future plans Health output: oDevelopment of output index for other sectors oHow to deal with new products? oIntegration with method for hospitals Labour productivity: oAlso for other health sectors oEffect of uncertainties

16 Questions? Fragen? Domande? Vragen? ¿Preguntas? Questions? Spørsmåler? Preguntas?

17 For more info… Antonio Chessa Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Tel.: +31 (0)70 337 4577

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