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Procurement Ordinance Revisions Johnny Richardson, CPPO Manager of Purchasing and Contracts.

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Presentation on theme: "Procurement Ordinance Revisions Johnny Richardson, CPPO Manager of Purchasing and Contracts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procurement Ordinance Revisions Johnny Richardson, CPPO Manager of Purchasing and Contracts

2 2 Background Disparity Study Findings Presented to the Board Earlier This YearDisparity Study Findings Presented to the Board Earlier This Year –M/WBE Ordinance –Procurement Ordinance

3 3 Disparity Study Recommendations “Surety Bond Limit Should Be Revised”“Surety Bond Limit Should Be Revised” –Raise mandatory limit to apply to construction contracts exceeding $200,000, the statutory requirement –Revise Procurement Ordinance accordingly –Waive bonds for projects below $200,000

4 4 Purpose Creates a more competitive environment for small and minority contractors to participate in the County’s contracting process.Creates a more competitive environment for small and minority contractors to participate in the County’s contracting process.

5 5 Disparity Study Recommendations Anti-discrimination in contracting rules needs to be evaluated.

6 6 Purpose Outlaws discrimination by local contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, bankers, and insurersOutlaws discrimination by local contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, bankers, and insurers Administrative regulation to implement policy will be brought back to the Board before the end of DecemberAdministrative regulation to implement policy will be brought back to the Board before the end of December

7 7 Anti-discrimination Clause Sec 17-288. Equal Opportunity It is hereby declared that equal opportunity and nondiscrimination shall be the County’s policy intended to assure equal opportunities to every person, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, age, disability or national origin, in securing or holding employment in a field of work or labor for which the person is qualified, as provided by section 17-314 herein and the County Administrative Regulations

8 8 Board Action Requested Approval of the revisions to the Procurement OrdinanceApproval of the revisions to the Procurement Ordinance –Surety Bond Revisions –Anti-discrimination Clause

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