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Run In Blue 2012 March 2012 HultWhat is RIB?Our CauseTargetEventBenefitsContacts.

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Presentation on theme: "Run In Blue 2012 March 2012 HultWhat is RIB?Our CauseTargetEventBenefitsContacts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Run In Blue 2012 March 2012 HultWhat is RIB?Our CauseTargetEventBenefitsContacts

2 What is Run In Blue? With the vision of Health, Happiness and Humanity, Run In Blue aims to bring people of all cultures together simultaneously to raise money for a cause.

3 It is a 5K Race that occurs in 5 cities across the world with the objective of coming together and working in partnership for a cause. It was first held on April 2011 in Dubai, London, San Francisco and Boston. This year Shanghai will add to this global event. What is Run In Blue?

4 Our Cause “An average of 91 cents of every dollar the Red Cross spends is invested in humanitarian services and programs.” – American Red Cross

5 Our Target Running Enthusiasts Health Conscious Individuals Graduate Students In 2011, 500+ runners Raced around the world… $7,000 were raised for our cause…

6 Boston – Fact Sheet Distance: 5k Race Date: April 22, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. Location: Track surrounding the Mystic River Reservation Somerville, MA Registration: Attendance: 200 est. runners and 50 spectators Media coverage: TBD

7 Benefits Leverage your brand across five global cities. Message of health and fitness to our participants. Social media coverage Be a part of supporting Red Cross organization Promote leadership by supporting the quest for management students to go beyond and be impactful to the society.

8 Sponsorship Packages OfferingsSilver partnersGold partnersPlatinum partners $500$1,000$2,000 Social media promotion Logo on website / Video Content for gift bag for participants Booth at the event Company logo on the Finish Line Promotion as “Main Sponsor” of the event Free Racers102050

9 Boston - Contacts Global Public Relations Lead Kalina Davidiuk (816) 405-0077 Global Lead Belinda Nyakowa (617) 820-9532

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