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Analyzing a Three-Part Lesson (W2)  GPS Review: Three-Part Instructional Framework (Opening, Worktime, Closing) Instructional tasks for teaching/learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing a Three-Part Lesson (W2)  GPS Review: Three-Part Instructional Framework (Opening, Worktime, Closing) Instructional tasks for teaching/learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing a Three-Part Lesson (W2)  GPS Review: Three-Part Instructional Framework (Opening, Worktime, Closing) Instructional tasks for teaching/learning Informal assessment by teacher Use of commentary and feedback Use of research-based “best practices”

2 Viewing a Third Grade W2 Persuasive Lesson  We will watch four different segments Opening/Minilesson Worktime Closing/Sharing Classroom Artifacts and Teacher Interview

3 Explicitly Teach/Model with Persuasive Opening/Minilesson  Watch Opening/Minilesson segment.  Make noticings about what the teacher and students are doing.  Write down noticings on the Viewing Organizer (p. 19). Refer to the section for Opening/Minilesson.  Be prepared to share your noticings with your table group.

4 Explicitly Teach/Model with Persuasive Opening/Minilesson What is the teacher doing?What are the students doing? Giving explanations and directionsUsing LOTS Explicitly teaching and reviewingAnswering questions Discussing expectations for student work Looking at examples on instructional board Reading examples/modelsGiving feedback about student work Asking questions and clarifying information Telling how to move a piece forward (i.e. from Meets Standards to Exceeds) Using LOTS, Essential Questions, etc. Giving the task for the worktime

5 Questions/Concerns  Opening/Minilesson K-5

6 Guided Practice with Persuasive Worktime  Watch Worktime segment.  Make noticings about what the teacher and students are doing.  Write down noticings on the Viewing Organizer (p. 19). Refer to the section for Worktime.  Be prepared to share your noticings with your table group.

7 Random Sharing  Noticings about Worktime

8 Guided Practice with Persuasive Worktime What is the teacher doing?What are the students doing? Conferring with several studentsUsing oral and written language Prompting and questioning the students about elements of the genre and LOTS Reading aloud Writing commentary about what student is doing well--SPECIFIC Revising and editing Integrating content with spelling, grammar, etc. Developing their vocabulary and thinking skills Writing goals/next steps for student-- SPECIFIC Conferencing with the teacher, or working independently, as partners, etc. Focusing on a particular part of the piece (i.e. closing) Writing about topics of their own choice Coaching, reteaching, remediating, monitoring, and accelerating students Including elements of the genre and the LOTS

9 Questions/Concerns  Worktime

10 Guided Practice with Persuasive Closing/Sharing  Watch Closing/Sharing segment.  Make noticings about what the teacher and students are diong.  Write down noticings on the Viewing Organizer (p. 19). Refer to the section for Closing/Sharing.  Be prepared to share your noticings with your table group.

11 Random Sharing  Noticings about Closing/Sharing

12 Guided Practice with Persuasive Closing/Sharing What is the teacher doing?What are the students doing? Giving directions and facilitatingReading aloud and sharing Reinforcing elementsListening with a purpose Asking questionsGiving positive commentary that uses LOTS Prompting students to shareHaving discussion Summarizing lessonReferring to rubric Sharing positive commentary about student work Referring to work samples Referring to rubric and work samplesMaking suggestions for next steps (tied to LOTS)

13 Questions/Concerns  Closing/Sharing

14 Other Video Segments  Classroom Artifacts What will you notice about the artifacts used in the room for writing?  Teacher Interview What did the teacher share with you about how she teaches writing?  Answer these questions on your Viewing Organizer (p. 20).  Be prepared to share your noticings with your table group.

15 Random Sharing  Classroom Artifacts  Teacher Interview

16 Noticings about Classroom Artifacts for Writing  Standards-based instructional board  Samples of student work with teacher commentary  Evidence of writing rubrics  Evidence of GPS Standards/Elements  Charts with information about genres  Charts from writing lessons

17 Noticings about Teacher Interview  Importance of conferencing  Commentary/feedback given by teacher and peers  Lesson reflecting GPS Standards and Elements  Task being referenced  Use of the three-part lesson  Sharing student work samples

18 More Noticings about Teacher Interview  Use of rubrics  Use of elements chart  Use of GPS Standards-based instructional board  Use of graphic organizers  Importance of integrating writing with different content areas

19 Questions/Concerns  Classroom Artifacts  Teacher Interview

20 Implications for Training/Next Steps  Using these video clips in staff development as models for the three- part lesson  Referring to the GaDOE Units/Tasks as examples of best practices and GPS backwards design  Having teachers share ideas and strategies for teaching (planning)  Having teachers create connected reading and writing lessons

21 Essential Question Review  How do I teach the genres using the Three-Part Instructional Framework?

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