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 Ever tried to speak in a foreign language without being understood? Highly personnalized application: mother tongue, age, … Higher interaction thanks.

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Presentation on theme: " Ever tried to speak in a foreign language without being understood? Highly personnalized application: mother tongue, age, … Higher interaction thanks."— Presentation transcript:

1  Ever tried to speak in a foreign language without being understood? Highly personnalized application: mother tongue, age, … Higher interaction thanks to corrective feedback of the spelling (automatic speech recognition, comparison of pitch,…) 3D- modelling to understand and apply the correct spelling 3D modelling classical 2D Have a language coach at home! An interactive software that adapts to… you! Typical mistakes according to the mother tongue

2 Huge potential market (schools, individual learning (young AND old people), death people, dyslexic and other language disorder,…) Few competitors, less developed ( Rosetta stone,… ) putting together separate technology knowledge 3D2D Have a language coach at home! An interactive software that adapts to… you!

3 Problem: Nowadays we have MSN, Skype, ICQ, the mobile phonel, the private phone number, the office number, … How to be sure to reach a businessman, know when he/she is available? Convergence of the fix and mobile network Solution: 1 number for all of them A mobile phone identifying where you are and instantanely switch to the device you will use. Additional info like: « in meeting, occupied » can also be set.

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