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Report of the Chairman of the STC-C/W Contribution of C/W to Research and Development on Climate Change in WCA Prof. Claude C. ADANDEDJAN UAC –FSA, BENIN.

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Presentation on theme: "Report of the Chairman of the STC-C/W Contribution of C/W to Research and Development on Climate Change in WCA Prof. Claude C. ADANDEDJAN UAC –FSA, BENIN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report of the Chairman of the STC-C/W Contribution of C/W to Research and Development on Climate Change in WCA Prof. Claude C. ADANDEDJAN UAC –FSA, BENIN CORAF/WECARD 4th Scientific Week Niamey, 16 - 20 juin, 2014

2 Background work to launch R-D on Climate Change Scoping study report on NRM pointing out Climate Change as a cross cutting issue CORAF/WECARD strategy for Climate Change R&D in WCA developed The theme for the 3rd CORAF/WECARD Science Week based on Climate Change: Strengthening the adaptive capacity of rural poor populations to Climate Change and variability in West and Central Africa

3 B.P.48, Dakar RP, Sénégal Email: Site web: 3 Five Recommendations of the General Assemby at the 3rd Science Week, 2012, CHAD 1.Sensitize policy makers on strategic options for combating Climate Change and variability 2. Promote innovation platforms engaging multi-actors for co-generation of solutions for Adaptation to Climate Change 3.Intensify Research and development on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity 4.Research on the development of production systems with low carbon foot-prints geared towards generation of more Climate Change resilient technologies. 5.Promote integration of livestock issues in the R-D programs on Climate Change and variability.

4 Sensitize policy makers on strategic options for combating Climate Change and variability The book “West African Agriculture and Climate Change” published using strategic studies on vulnerability of agriculture of 11 of the 15 ECOWAS countries with key policy options. Synthesis of research and policy related to Climate Change adaptation in the three key sectors: agriculture, urban and health in 4 regions in Africa including West and Central Africa. Key policy options proposed and gaps identified. Dialogue facilitated through AfricaInteract platform bringing together key stakeholders in climate change adaptation including policy makers, researchers, farmers, civil society, civil society etc. Greatly enhanced informed policy making. Key presentations on CC adaptation to various audiences across the regions like the Congo Basin Forest Partnership held in Ndjamena, Chad 19 – 25 September 2012, High level meeting in Burkina Faso, and several launching meetings

5 Promote innovation platforms with multi-actors for co-generation of solutions for Adaptation to CC A total of 12 multi-actors platforms are collaborating on issues related to Climate Change adaptation under the auspices of 4 competitive grant projects across West Africa. C/W co-funded a conference on Bioagressors,CC and agricultural production which identified fruit flies control as an urgency and envision to create an international center of excellence on Bioagressors and CC. A West African Regional Program on fruit flies supported by ECOWAS has emerged with the involvement of various actors ( C/ W, CNS-FL of Burkina Faso, FSA-UAC of Bénin….)

6 Intensify R-D on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity Two C / W grant competitive projects: Introgression and Cocoa tradeoff are addressing issues related to the conservation of animal & plant biodiversity, respectively. Introgression: seeks to determine the possibility and extent of endangering the trypanotolerant ndama by producing maps about the level and pattern of introgression and hence provide basis for advising on crucial steps to take to preserve the valuable traits of the ndama. Cocoa tradeoff:seeks to promote the production of cocoa within diversified cocoa trees hence ensuring biodiversity while promoting increased productivity of the cocoa plants,

7 Promote dev. of production systems with low carbon- footprints for generation of more CC resiiient technologies. C/W Climate Change strategy advocates for Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and All C/W projects are screened against the following criteria : Adapting and building resilience to Climate Change Reducing and/or removing greenhouse gases emissions and where possible sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes One project is aimed at promoting alternative sources of income from forests other than cutting down timber thereby preventing deforestation Two projects are using integrated aquaculture systems to ensure utilization of waste from one component by the other...

8 Promote integration of livestock issues in the R-D programs on Climate Change and variability Four competitive grant projects in one way or the other have been addressing challenges with feed availability particularly during the dry season. Among the 4 projects is the Sustainable intensification of mixed crops-small ruminant production systems in West Africa project with a particular focus on sheep and goat in realization of an emerging opportunity for agricultural development and empowering women. In addition to addressing water scarcity, this project has identified dual purpose grain legumes that are of high yield and short duration to fit in the dwindling rainy season

9 CORAF /WECARD Publications on Climate Change Au total : 19 3 en 2014 14 en 2013 2 en 2011

10 10 B P 48 Dakar RP Sénégal THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Secrétariat exécutif 7, Avenue Bourguiba BP 48 Dakar-RP Tél (221) 869 96 18 Fax (221) 869 96 31 E-mail: Web:

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