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Towards healthy, resilient communities in a changing climate Jim Hodgson Climate Change Advisor 13th July 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards healthy, resilient communities in a changing climate Jim Hodgson Climate Change Advisor 13th July 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards healthy, resilient communities in a changing climate Jim Hodgson Climate Change Advisor 13th July 2015

2 Outline Adaptation and the health impacts of climate change: the rationale Response in the new local health and social care system Making the case for adaptation in your local area

3 Adaptation and the health impacts of climate change: the rationale

4 ‘EXTREME’ WEATHER IN THE UK 2000 – flooding 2001- flooding 2003 – heatwave 2005 - flooding 2006 – drought 2006 - heatwave 2007 – flooding 2008 – flooding 2008 – snow and ice 2009 – snow and ice 2009 – flooding 2010 – flooding 2010 – snow and ice 2011 – warm spring 2011 – warm autumn 2012 - drought 2012 – wet summer 2013 – snow and ice 2013 – heatwave 2014 – flooding

5 Overall relative impact score 5 Pandemic Influenza 4 Coastal Flooding Effusive Volcanic eruption 3 Major industrial accidents Major transport accidents Other infectious diseases Inland Flooding Severe Space Weather Low Temperature /Heavy Snow Heat wave 2 Zoonotic animal disease Drought Volcanic Ash disruption Storms and Gales 1 Public Disorder Severe Industrial Action Non-zoonotic animal disease Greater than 0.005% Greater than 0.05% Greater than 0.5% Greater than 5% Greater than 50% Cabinet Office National Risk Register

6 Why adaptation is necessary

7 The significant seven: effects of climate change on health, wellbeing, and the health and social care system

8 8 Adapting to the health effects of climate change

9 National Adaptation Delivery Group: Healthy and Resilient Communities Obj. 11. Reduce the risk of death & illness associated with severe weather events & CC… increase preparedness & resilience to impacts on public health… Obj. 12. Ensure continuity of services & resilient assets / estates, adapt to expected increased demand from severe weather-related events… Obj 13: To minimize the impacts of climate change on vulnerable groups in society by strengthening their resilience to better prepare for, respond to and recover from future climate risk. Obj14: To promote and strengthen community resilience to severe weather related events linked to climate change and the climate resilience of the emergency services NAP Steering Group – DH, PHE, SDU, NHS England, Defra, EA

10 Climate Ready Support Service Programme first launched in 2012 Part of Government's wider adaptation programme Aim: to help ‘key sectors increase their resilience to climate risks’ by incorporating climate risk management into routine business decision-making:

11 Response in the new local health and social care system


13 Adaptation for Health and Wellbeing Boards: toolkit for effective solutions at the local level Adaptation Toolkit: – Expert panel – Created for practitioners by practitioners – Supports the SDU strategy for the health and social care system

14 Extensive consultation and testing Stakeholder Advisory Panel Technical Advisory Group Developing the toolkit

15 Getting Ready: Understanding the benefits of adaptation Taking action in the new health and social care system Becoming climate ready: Tools and resources for adaptation

16 Making the case for adaptation in your local area


18 Think SD! - Supports growth, saves lives, improves wellbeing Health and social care sector can provide leaders People trust health care professionals 1.3 million workers involved Touches all of our lives Raise awareness and communicate case for action Public engagement, transformational behaviour change Engage with H&WBBs Challenge risk managers Empowering others to adapt

19 1952 London Smog

20 Autumn 1952 "I suggest we form a committee. We cannot do very much, but we can seem to be very busy and that is half the battle nowadays." - Harold MacMillan

21 ‘Salus populi suprema est lex’. Cicero

22 Thank you

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