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French & Indian Wars a.k.a. Seven Years’ War In Europe.

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1 French & Indian Wars a.k.a. Seven Years’ War In Europe

2 Conflict in the Colonies French & Indian War 1754-1763 ► Background ► Showdown ► Great Britain vs. France

3 Background  Fight for land in the Ohio Valley  Resources (furs, timber, river navigation…)  Increase the size of their empire

4 Military Conflict in the Ohio Valley ► George Washington on behalf of Britain sent out to tell the French to get out! ► The area was the focus of wealthy land speculators


6 ► British built forts to protect its interests ► Seeds sown for conflict…


8 Great Britain vs. France ► Colonial population 1.5 million ► World’s greatest navy ► Economic $upport ► Iroquois alliance ► Strategic forts along rivers and Great Lakes ► 6,000 well-trained infantry ► Stronger, more diverse alliances with Indian tribes ► French seen as “lesser of two evils”

9 Early Military Tactics ► British – Defensive in early years  Tide turned after capture of French capital of Quebec ► French – Smaller forces on offensive  Savage fighting utilizing ambush and guerilla warfare


11 Key Figures ► Political – British ► King George II and George III, Sec. of State William Pitt, Prime Minister George Grenville ► Political – French Louis VXI Louis VXI ► Military – British Gen. Edward Braddock, Gen. James Wolfe, Col. George Washington ► Military – French Commander Marquis de Montcalm, Ottawa Chief Pontiac




15 Treaty of Paris 1763 ► Effectively ends military conflict on two continents ► British gained all French territory east of Miss. River (except New Orleans)/much of present-day Canada ► British gained control of Florida because Spain aligned with France ► British control the balance of power in North America



18 Proclamation of 1763 ► British decree banning any further British colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mts. ► Divided colonial and Indian lands


20 ► Difficult to enforce; ignored by settlers moving West ► Met by revolt in upper Midwest—Pontiac’s Rebellion

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