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Adaptation to Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change AASHTO SCOH meeting Butch Waidelich, FHWA May 29, 2014 Office of Planning, Environment and Realty.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptation to Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change AASHTO SCOH meeting Butch Waidelich, FHWA May 29, 2014 Office of Planning, Environment and Realty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptation to Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change AASHTO SCOH meeting Butch Waidelich, FHWA May 29, 2014 Office of Planning, Environment and Realty Office of Infrastructure 1

2 Resilience to Extreme Weather and Climate Change FHWA Goal: Transportation system that continues to provide safe mobility upon which the economy and lives depend under current and future climate conditions. Objective: Systematic consideration of climate risk at transportation system and project levels. Approach: Research and Technical Assistance: Develop and share information and tools that State DOTs and MPOs can use to assess risk and improve resilience. Funding Eligibility: Funds can be used for climate adaptation. 2

3 Activities: System & Project level focus Climate Resilience Pilots – round 2 (s,p) Gulf Coast 2 (Mobile) (s,p) Hurricane Sandy Follow-up and Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation Analysis (s,p) Central NM Climate Change Scenario Planning Project (s,p) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEC 25 - Volume 2: Highways in the Coastal Environment: Assessing Extreme Events (p) Hydrology efforts w/NWS, climate engineering analyses on Gulf Coast 2, Post Sandy project, New nationwide engineering case study project (p) 3

4 Technical guidance: HEC-25 Volume 2 Highways in the Coastal Environment: Assessing Extreme Events Technical guidance and methods for incorporating extreme events and climate change into coastal highway designs Focus on sea level rise, storm surge, wave action Coming soon (Summer 2014) 4

5 Home Page Module 2 Identify Climate Stressors Module 2 Identify Climate Stressors Module 3 Select Assets Module 3 Select Assets Module 4 Assess Vulnerabilities Module 4 Assess Vulnerabilities Module 5 Integrate in Decision Making Module 5 Integrate in Decision Making Module 6 Monitor and Revisit Module 6 Monitor and Revisit Module 1 Articulate Objectives Module 1 Articulate Objectives Sensitivity Matrix Criticality Guidance CMIP Climate Data Processing Tool Vulnerability Assessment Scoring Tool Engineering Case Studies Tools Development and Deployment 5

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