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 The main aim of the Japanese was to establish a New Great East Asia government.  Japanese occupied Malaya for only three and a half day (15 February.

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2  The main aim of the Japanese was to establish a New Great East Asia government.  Japanese occupied Malaya for only three and a half day (15 February 1942 – 15 August 1945).  The attack started from two directions, from the East and the West.  On January 1942, the Japanese soldiers entered Kuala Lumpur, and both the Japanese military troops met in Johore Bahru.  On 15 February 1942, Singapore fell to the Japanese army.

3  The British were not prepared for the war. They did not anticipate the Japanese attack from the north.  The Japanese had a comprehensive plan in which they had a network of spies in Malaya.  The Japanese soldiers were in excellent form because of intensive training and were led by capable and experienced leaders (Yamashita and Tsuji).  The Japanese had practical war tactics, such as using the bicycle even in the jungles and villages.  The British military were lacked of the spirit of war.  A large number of the British soldiers consisted of Indians who were still young and inexperienced in warfare.

4 SOCIALECONOMICPOLITICAL Worsened the relationship among the races in the country Much of economic infrastructure was destroyed The slogan “Asia for Asians” stirred them to build their own government. Chinese seek for refuge at the edge of jungles Economic activities were disrupted causing the people life become worse The Chinese established Malayan Peoples’ Anti- Japanese Army (MPAJA) to fight the Japanese Misunderstanding between Chinese and Malays Inflation continued to escalate. The MPAJA terrorized and took revenge on the Malays after the Japanese surrender.


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