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Design for Predictability and Efficiency (PREDATOR)

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Presentation on theme: "Design for Predictability and Efficiency (PREDATOR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design for Predictability and Efficiency (PREDATOR)
Reinhard Wilhelm Saarland University Saarbrücken, Germany

2 Outline Objectives of PREDATOR Overall Structure of PREDATOR
The Work Packages Starting Points of our Work Interactions between WPs Milestones and deliverables Expected activities of PREDATOR Project management

3 Motivation Design of Real-Time Systems:
Gap average-case  worst-case behavior increases Static analyses: derive guarantees about worst-case behavior Tightness of guarantees: Product of Uncertainty x Penalties Predictability vs. Efficiency: Past systems were… either predictable, but inefficient (no caches, pipelines, over-provisioning of resources, …), or efficient, but unpredictable (caches, deep pipelines, branch prediction, speculation, …) PREDATOR: Reconcile Predictability and Efficiency

4 Objectives of PREDATOR
Overall Goals of PREDATOR: Reduce Uncertainty by increasing system analyzability Reduce Penalties by influencing system design Objectives: Improve design & development methods for real-time systems Develop tools supporting such development methods Develop architectural concepts supporting timing analysis Approach: Synergetic development of tools with design Predictability vs. efficiency: Multi-objective optimization problem Resource-aware abstraction during system design

5 PREDATOR Partners Saarland University (Coord.): R. Wilhelm
ETH Zürich: L. Thiele TU Dortmund: P. Marwedel Alma Mater Stud.-Università di Bologna: L. Benini Scuola Superiore Sant’ Anna, Pisa: G. Buttazzo AbsInt GmbH, Saarbrücken: C. Ferdinand EADS Airbus, Toulouse: B. Triquet Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart: O. Rogalla

6 Workpackages WP5 – Cross-Layer Design & Analysis
WP4 – Distribution and MPSoC WP0 – Use Cases WP3 – Coordination between Tasks WP6 – Dissemination WP7 – Management WP2 – Single-Task Layer WP1 – Hardware Architecture

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